* Posts by h4rm0ny

4560 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jul 2008

Windows 10: Happy with Anniversary Update?


>>"They're trying to hit the 'shiny shiny' consumer tablet market, while maintaining support for corporates with legacy applications (or, as it is otherwise known, 'technical debt')."

That's not what "Technical Debt" means. Technical Debt is a software development term referring to the accumulation of future troubles by shortcuts taken today. I.e. you could properly re-code the API to account for the changed requirements but instead you put a nasty little re-write rule into the Apache config so that it works again, knowing full well that at some unspecified future date, this is going to come back and bite you. That is what Technical Debt refers to. It's not referring to legacy support.


Re: Sounds like Chrome needlessly hijacked the 'tel:' URL protocol

No, I think most people have largely woken up to the fact that Google are now a "Bad Guy". The key task that still needs to be accomplished is to get people to realize that this doesn't make anyone else a "Good Guy". People love their vendor vs. vendor arguments... They need to realise - it can be neither.


Re: re: Where's the innovation in promising to provide useful updates.....

The chief difference between offering new versions of the OS and just having continuous evolution in Windows 10, is that in the former case the customer can refuse to update. In the latter, it just happens whether they wish it or not. In a technical sense, there's not much difference between how updates are done.


Re: Web much?

>>"Used to get very long delays with this sort of functionality when Ubuntu Unity had it's web search activated (at least you could always turn this off on Ubuntu)."

You can turn it off in Windows 10 as well. The things you can't turn off are things like sending of telemetry data back to Microsoft (which by default includes things like when you're using the system, what programs you're running and for how long).


Re: Web much?

>>"Thing is: I've read too much "success" stories already about Office 365 users being completely unable to work (at one point this even lasted a whole day) while my old-fashioned-but-still-working Office 2010 just started without any hassle (and without any Internet)."

That doesn't ring true to me. Office 365 is the subscription model. You can still have downloadable versions of the software included in that (and I do). They work fine without an Internet connection just as with Office 2010. You might be confusing Office 365 with the online web-based Office software in which case, yes, they obviously don't work when you're not online.


Re: Well done for trying to find the good points of Win10.

I think there are plenty of good points in Windows 10. It's just that the flaws are critical ones. I.e. the Edge browser you cannot separate from your Windows log in if you're using an MS account. The closest you can get is to enter private mode every time you start it and then it can't remember anything between sessions. Basically MS saying: if you want normal browsing experience with this, you WILL tell us who you are so we can track which websites you visit. Other things are reversible but only against MS's wishes - e.g. the lowest you can switch the "diagnostic" feedback to is "Basic", but you can actually turn it off by hacking around with the registry and disabling standard services. But that's neither reliable nor suitable for most users, so I class it as a critical flaw. I have gone back to GNU/Linux after years of using Windows (switched to it part way through 7 when I found it had actually become a decent OS).

I think Windows 10 is good if you don't care about controlling your own computer or your privacy. But for many of us, those are non-negotiable.

Kaspersky so very sorry after suggesting its antivirus will get you laid


Re: An On-Purpose

You're suggesting that Kapersky did this ad for the exposure resulting from the "controversy". I find it far more likely that to the Russians this was just good natured humour.


Re: I'm mortally offended!

Are you sure? The third back looks definitely Chinese to me and others are not exactly clear-cut.


Re: Small end of the wedge

Seriously, you think a humorous ad suggesting people take a date to the cybersecurity conference has "destroyed their credibility"? This is a company that has consistently scored almost higher than any other anti-malware vendor for percentage of issues caught (Trend Micro matches them) and which exposed the Equation Group's work (NSA) - some of, if not the most, sophisticated malware we've ever seen? You think this ad "destroys their credibility"? I don't know what you're assessing Kapersky on that you think this, but it's certainly not the quality of their researchers or their product.


Re: The Puritans called

I find the Lynx commercials far worse than what Kapersky has done here. Honestly, I didn't have any negative reaction to the picture at all. Yes, it happens to be a guy surrounded by women who want to meet him but I didn't get any impression at all that the message was "women can't fix a computer" and more "women will be impressed if you're smart and go to Cybersecurity conferences". Which honestly, I found amusing. None of the women depicted are swooning damsels spilling their tits everywhere whilst an heroic male swoops in and undeletes their selfies for them. They look pretty smart, various and, well, depicted as people. Not as desperate sex-objects like in a Lynx (Axe to Americans) advert.

Seriously, I'm usually pretty sensitive to how women are depicted and viewed in the IT world, and all this ad says to me is "take a date to the cybersecurity conference - you'll attract smart, capable women". The ad is fine.

Give .gay to the gays, roars exiting ombudsman


Re: I only read this article...

Shame to see you being modded down for what is an accurate comment. Probably about one in a hundred people is homosexual. No one group, no matter how vocal in the media, represents all those people. Or even, quite frankly, a majority of them. As you say, sexual orientation is an arbitrary thing. Why should a small affiliation of advocacy groups get to control who can and cannot register a domain under .gay. If another gay person wants to register a name, why does a group get to declare they represent him or her and decide on that because they happen to share a particular biological quirk together? And what if someone who isn't gay wants to register a domain under such a name, Why again should their not having a particular sexual orientation mean they're subject to another group's policies on that?

You can make cases for restriction of domain selling based on clearly defined groups and meaning and ICANN does in such scenarios. But being Gay, as you point out, is not like being a registered company or a member of a political party. Nobody gets to tell you they represent you because you both fancy the same sex, nor are there absolute hard boundaries to what lets you count as one orientation or another. The only fair way to handle this is to treat .gay like any other open TLD and allow people to register what they want as they want. Not to hand it over to some non-elected group with an agenda and say "you get to decide for everyone now. All yours." I mean ICANN are a non-elected group but at least they have had some reasonable strictures and pressures applied to them during their tenure.

What is being asked here is wrong on principle, and it's a shame to see you get voted down for pointing out that sexual orientation is an arbitrary thing that doesn't define who you are or give others the right to decide things for you.

Ex-Citibank IT bloke wiped bank's core routers, will now spend 21 months in the clink


Re: Pah!

A BOFH wouldn't have got worked up in the first place - they'd just be slacking in the server room and blinding any manager who tried to call them on it with a barrage of technobabble and excuses the manager wasn't qualified to refute.

To do something like this person did, you actually have to care about your job.

Gaming apps, mugging and bad case of bruised Pokéballs


Re: Journalism?

>>"it's a weekly column in which I talk bollocks in order to provoke readers into commenting. It seems to be working."

If the aim is to provoke people into commenting, why did we have to lose Lewis Page? :(


Re: The whole thing

>>"Because you don't understand how people can spend money on a hobby that boggles anyone who doesn't engage in that hobby?"

That's not what the OP said nor what they were getting at. Playing a game - understandable for a variety of reasons, surprise, challenge, humour, story, whatever. Paying money to do so, therefore likewise understandable. What was questioned was where someone pays real money for achievements. You can earn coins or equipment etc. in game but many games will also let you buy those things with real world currencies. That short-circuits the entire process and is basically just a way to fire the synapse in your brain that says "achievement".

Such a game model (often the game itself is free) is basically providing the minimum necessary to define success for the player (I've got X weapon, I own 20 pigs, etc.) and then getting people to pay money to get that success without doing the necessary playing / developing the relevant skill level.

And THAT is what is wrong with it. If the achievement is detached from any entertainment the game itself delivers in getting it, then it is utterly arbitrary. You're paying someone real money to have a message on screen saying "you have 20 pigs". Or again, whatever you collect in that game.

If a purchasable extra to a game delivers additional "game", like a DLC expansion pack for a role-playing game, then that makes sense - it's essentially gradiating the price of the game according to how much you play. But paying to avoid having to play - that's deeply flawed and basically just manipulation of the brain's reward modelling.

Facebook deleted my post and made me confirm pics of my kids weren't sexually explicit


Re: Enough

>>"You forgot to mention that the cop wasn't white, but is a Hispanic officer named Jeronimo Yanez."

Only in the USA are Spanish people not White. :/


Re: Sell your soul and then complain about how it is used?

What we need then, is an Open Source equivalent to Facebook.


Porn is a very subjective thing. A picture of a naked person might not be porn, but another person might view it and think it is. A baby breast-feeding shouldn't be porn, but some people freak out if they see it as some offensive thing. I wouldn't be the slightest surprised if some people viewed food in a sexual manner and created a "porn" website dedicated to sushi or somesuch.

So what determines whether or not something is "pornographic" or "offensive". The person doing it / sharing it, or the person viewing it? Or a third party (Theresa May) deciding that both parties should think it is even if they haven't seen it themself?


Re: I dumped Facebook

>>"Personally I'm waiting for the announcement of the formation of GooFaceMicroTwApple which will then be followed immediately by "The Singularity"."

I think in that eventuality, we might as well just use the more traditional "Black Hole".


Re: Interesting

>>"You do the math, and please don't attempt to excuse black-on-white violence as somehow "justified," because it isn't. Besides nearly all black shooting victims are shot by other blacks, and that rate is far higher than for any other race."

Have you correlated for poverty and education? Because those two (linked) factors seem to be far more significant than race, to me.

Kotkin on who made Trump and Brexit: Look in the mirror, it's you


Re: Much simpler than all that

>>"Labour, pre-Blair, was on a loser."

So it's a bit like that scene in the Lord of the Rings movie where Galadrial has to choose if she should remain herself and fade away. Blair's "New Labour" is basically showing us what would happen if Galadrial chose the ring.


Re: Really?

>>"You do not understand the issue. There is a big difference between a bureaucrat who works for the NHS and a commissioner who works in the EU"

You both shifted my terms and I also addressed the latter in my post as well. Firstly, I referred to appointees. I didn't use anyone who works for the NHS as my example, I used the Chief Executive who is appointed by the Health Secretary (an elected MP). These are the "Unelected Bureaucrats" that we have in both Britain and the EU and it's the only workable system as we can't vote for everybody. Some random manager HIRED by the NHS as an employee is not what is being referred to as an "unelected bureaucrat".

Now if by "unelected bureaucrat" you're trying to refer to EU commissioners as you appear to be, then those are political leaders, no more "bureaucrats" than May, Gove or Corbyn. I covered those in the post you replied so I'll just repeat - the executive body is a second house of the EU parliament much like we have the House of Lords. It exists not to take away power from the member countries, but was created at the insistence of the member countries so that each had the ability to put a direct representative in there for their country, appointed by the elected government of that country. If you like, it's a bulwark to preserve individual national sovereignty rather than throw everything open to pure voting by an undifferentiated European population. That is very far from the impression created by throwing around the phrase "unelected bureaucrats" which implies that the 28 Commissioners are not politicians but faceless bureaucrats and got there without being put there by our own elected governments - one for each country.

And on some remote chance you're trying to refer to the entire commission including its civil service, then I wonder how on Earth you think the UK government functions? Or is it okay for the UK to have a civil service but EU commissioners are supposed to be omniscient and never sleeping?

In short, when you're throwing around Faragisms like "Unelected bureaucrats" you're referring to one of three things:

1. Political appointees - which we have in the UK as well (e.g. Chief Executive of the NHS)

2. The EU commissioners themselves - politicians not bureaucrats and nominated by national government as a measure for sovereignty and have parallels with the two-house system in many countries including our own.

3. The civil service of the EU Commission - which unless you expect the 28 commissioners to do everything themselves is an entirely reasonable and necessary thing.

In short, complaining about "unelected bureaucrats" is at best misinformed, at worst wilful misrepresentation.


Re: "lazy economics ... allow migration to give us economic growth"

"Democracy is a process of trial and error."

Don't worry. With Theresa May as PM, we'll soon be putting a stop to trials in the UK. They wont be needed anymore.


Re: Left-wing ideologues.

>>"I'm not sure that our Commentards personal experiences of debating points amongst both Left and the Right-leaning people is borne out by the UK's more reliable yardsticks of political thought along this single axis: the daily rags."

Well the subject is about methods of debate between people, not newspapers, so you're off-topic. Plus newspapers are primarily read by older people so not the best "yardstick" for active discussion between people today (old people are generally more insular than young people). However, I'll take up your comment and dispute it. The majority of papers sold (The Sun, the Daily Heil) don't construct arguments in the first place - they tell the reader what they should think with the occasional editorial throwing in some soundbite reasons. The standard is extremely low. Of the papers that do attempt to actually argue their points as if to an unconvinced reader, I would pit any of The Times (right-wing), the Telegraph (it's nickname is the Torygraph so...) or the Financial Times (de facto Right-Wing just through correlation of interests) against The Guardian - the pages of which have contained such delightful arguments as how a US judge shouldn't make their decisions based on evidence but on what feels right.

Honestly, I think only the Guardian can pretend to be an intellectual paper on the Left and my impression would be that it is noticeably more likely to descend to label-arguments than The Times or the FT.


Re: Really?

>>"You may be familiar with a phrase from the past... "no taxation without representation"... the very essence of why the EU is a failure; un-elected bureaucrats dictating to people what they can and cannot do."

The rallying cry of the Brexiteer: "Unelected bureaucrats!"

We have those in the UK. Tonnes of them. Did you vote for the director of the NHS? No? How about the chairman of the Bank of England? Or the person who monitors fishing quotas? None of these? It's the same process in the EU. You vote for representatives who appoint these people because direct voting for every "bureaucrat" is neither desirable nor feasible. Of course there is one notable difference with the EU - you have in addition to the elected house, a non-elected house (a bit like the Lords). And they are there because individual nations didn't want to yield total sovereignty and wished to appoint their own national representatives. Which we do.

I'm tired of reading "unelected bureaucrats" from people who think that's some odd, tyrannical system.


Left-wing ideologues.

>>“I can disagree with conservatives. They don’t like it, but they’ll say other things that are interesting. But on the Left, it's almost impossible to disagree. If you don't buy every single part of their agenda, you’re an outcast"

The above is for the most part my experience, too. I argue with people on both the Left and Right (about different things, and occasionally about the same thing ;) ) and as a general rule, the Right-wingers try to refute me based on individual issues. The Left-wingers usually try to refute me by slapping some label on me. The reason being, so far as I can tell, is that they consider the label itself to be the conclusion of the argument. Once you've proven someone is X, they think that this is 'job done'. And if you try to push on whether X is actually wrong, you tend to get a "It's not worth talking to you if you don't understand that X is wrong".

It's not exclusive to the Left Wing but it's a pattern that I recognize in the author's words. I think it's because so much of Left-wing debate is an echo chamber, taking place in particular academic circles or certain forums, that establishing one's intellectual superiority (the primary goal of most in both Academia and online forums), that it becomes this aggressive scramble to who can look down on who and for what. Primarily determined by what labels one can get to stick to the other. When that cyst bursts and those within flood out into the real word, you get this interaction the author speaks of - a refusal to work on an issue by issue basis, but on a camp by camp basis. Right-wing hierarchy is determined mostly by results and turning out to be right. Left-wing hierarchy is determined largely by establishing moral superiority.

A right-winger will usually try to prove you wrong on something. A left-winger will usually try to prove you are a wrong something.

Of course, the more educated they are, the fancier that will be dressed up. ;)

FBI won't jail future US president over private email server


Re: To all defending Clinton

>>"This thread is completely loaded with feminists. Nay, 3rd-wave-female-chauvinists that even feminists disavow. 'Nuff said."

I think you're seeing what you want to see. I'm a feminist (check my posting history here on El Reg if you want to see plenty of evidence) and I'm not defending Hilary's actions.


Re: Interesting downplaying there

Should not the FBI be obliged to prosecute criminal activity in the case of government? Allowing them to just drop charges when it is politically inconvenient (i.e. it's your likely future boss) is just an open invitation to excuse corruption.

Who are the Internal Affairs of government?

Debian founder Ian Murdock killed himself – SF medical examiner


Re: With friends like that ...

>>"From what has been written it sounds like he had a long history of drinking and mental health issues combined with a somewhat fiery temper"

Honestly, based on the experiences of friends, I'd be inclined to extend him some benefit of the doubt. After the police have beaten someone up (and that happens often enough) then any media attention is usually followed by rapid and aggressive character assassination toward the victim. We've seen that many times with numerous citable cases.

Microsoft's cringey 'Hey bae <3' recruiter email translated by El Reg


Re: <3

>>"Surely 'bae' is not a derivative of 'baby' but a truncation thereof? "Contraction" is a less-precise possibility."

Phonetically it is a contraction, but we are in a written forum talking about a term used overwhelmingly in a written form. (I have only ever heard "Bae" used in a real-world conversation once). Therefore neither contraction nor truncation are appropriate, but derivation is correct.

I would add the "</pedant>" closing tags, but to be honest, I never am not in pedant mode.

Also, "waifu" in English means something other than your Japanese definition as it is frequently applied to non-fictional people.


Re: <3

Derivative of "baby" and usually used by male Internet users to refer to women they'd want to date. See also "waifu".

Yeah, having a recruiter call me "their bae" would creep me the Hell out and not end well for said recruiter.


I may just be square and unhip, but the last thing I want with my work environment is to go to an after-party and play beer pong with any of them I have my own circle of friends and I keep my work life professional.

It's my experience of work parties / social that they want you to pretend to be all relaxed and "yourself", but they don't actually want that - the politics carries on. And if you do let yourself be yourself that tends to be remembered in the morning (especially if you're a woman where social and work standards tend to differ even more).

The Internet-phrasing is just silly to be. But the idea that I should be professionally introducing myself to a company I want to work for by playing "beer-pong" is just down-right off-putting.

Microsoft's equality and diversity: Skimpy schoolgirls dancing for nerds at an Xbox party


Re: Sex is a marketing way to sell stuff? What a news!

Some women might not, but it's pretty understandable why others of us don't like this. Turning a tech event into a strip club is not welcoming to women. Strip clubs are about sex and titillation. Not wanting to be forced into such a setting with a group of strange men you don't know and wouldn't necessarily want to be around in a sexual context anyway, that's not good. A few moments thought from a woman's perspective on this should make the reasoning clear as fairly supportable.

Get ready for mandatory porn site age checks, Brits. You read that right


Re: Conspiracy theory?

>>"I'm beginning to believe that, after several Home Secretaries have made the same fundamental error about what can be achieved by legislation w.r.t the Internet, that there must me an underlying reason for this degree of ineptitude."

There are actually four reasons.

Firstly, it gets a slight vote boost from people who are anti-porn and ignorant of technology.

Secondly, it provides the opportunity to funnel cash at mates in business and to lean on ISPs to make them do what you want because you can make things a real hassle for them.

Thirdly and most importantly, it's not about pro-active enforcement, it's about being able to charge people with something when they become inconvenient or annoying. Can't nick them for anything you want to nick them for? That's okay, you can get them for "viewing illegal pornography" and "bypassing the protections that block foreign and often extreme porn". (note the weasel words in there).

Fourth, and not much less important, it's one more backdoor through which intelligence agencies can force through surveillance and tracking of people. One of the (un)holy grails is to ban VPN usage by any non-business. I.e. the public.


Re: Are you 18?

>>"Do you PROMISE on Cameron's grave that you're 18, cross your heart, hope to die."


But show me Blair's grave and I'll promise pretty much anything you want!


Well maybe if this law passes you'll have the "right" to 10Mbps in your village but there's nothing about cost still. So what does that mean? They're forced to offer it but can charge you thousands for a dedicated line? They're not allowed to offer packages less than 10Mbps? Those seem to be the only viable interpretations of this law and neither really makes much sense. Maybe if you're an ISP you're required to offer 10Mbps to anyone who wants it. Which is a great way to keep out new competition as only BT, TalkTalk, et al. could absorb such costs. Again, as a law this makes no sense?

And what the Hell does this have to do with mandatory age checks, too? Another way of putting that is anyone visiting such sites legally must supply personally identifying information. Yes, that's exactly what you should not be putting into a porn site. Nor should the government be snooping on it.

Judge gives Zuck a US$6 million Brazilian


There's metadata. Presumably the company can see who your connections are and when you have sent and received messages from them. They also, as I understand it, gain total access to your address book when you install the app. Neither wholly take away from your point, but both are valuable and sometimes incriminating sets of data.


>>"The sole reason why we are in a position where a service with end-to-end encryption has been provided worldwide is the artificial separation of telecoms and information service providers by the FCC in the USA. USA has allowed the latter to skip a lot of requirements including legal intercept"

There's a difference between how the two are handled, yes. But I don't think it should be resolved in the direction you seem (possibly) to think. With old phone systems, people needed the phone companies to handle the implementation of communication for them. Nobody could whip up a quick communications protocol and implement it independently over the wires. But today data and bandwidth are commoditized. Not only do we not need BT or AT&T controlling how we send messages to each other, they cannot control how we send messages to each other.

Unless Authority declares there shall be no unapproved types of data transfer - that everything must be in pre-approved formats that they can read, then any of us can whip up a communication system in a week which they cannot scan.

So what's the proposal here - companies are to be fined for doing things that members of the public can do for free? Commercial entities are put at a technical disadvantage over free alternatives? Neither seems fair to me.

Along with the other article on El Reg about Facebook being blamed for deaths in Israel because they didn't pro-actively spy on their users enough to satisfy the Israeli authorities, I'm actually, -gasp- finding myself defending Facebook this week! (A bit ;) )

Here's how police arrested Lauri Love – and what happened next


Re: Although the burden of proof lies with Love

>>"I think it's based on the perceived implausibility that someone would take steps to secure something and then forget how to get to it when they wanted"

I've got a dozen old GPG keys, encrypted partitions and what-have-you that I can't remember the passwords for or that I've lost the key for. I could pull any old hard drive out of my filing cabinet and odds are there's something on there I can't access.

This is an unjust law that runs against the principles of innocent until proven guilty and of no self-incrimination.

Israeli cybersecurity boom 'sustainable', argues industry’s father



As long as Israel continues to pursue the foreign policies that it does, I should think sustainable is assured!

Forget Game of Thrones as Android ransomware infects TVs


Re: Killing TVs, a step too far

>>" What could the manufacturer possibly do to protect you from yourself in that scenario?"

In my case, sell me a TV that is a dumb output device. The lack of one available is why I don't currently own a 4K TV.

As far as I'm concerned the words "Smart TV" translate as "something on my network that I can't patch, can't configure and for which proper support will probably be dropped within a year."

Now Google backs everyone's favorite trade pact: The TPP


Re: TPP is BAD and there's only one solution

You think Donald Trump of all people can't be bought?

Voting third party is the only path to really breaking up the entrenched power base.

Tinder bans under-18s: Moral panic averted


Re: Why is 18 improbably old?

And what about those of us who turned eighteen and WANTED an older and more experienced partner? That's pretty common.

Why Oracle will win its Java copyright case – and why you'll be glad when it does


Re: The code is trivial

>>"The whole point was that header files and declarations were always assumed to be 'functional' rather than 'expressive' and hence not covered by the scope of copyright."

I've certainly never assumed that and I don't even think those terms are well-chosen. What does "expressive" mean in terms of programming, anyway? I've done software design work where I've done nothing but create interfaces. Even for my sins had to provide proof of correctness for them. And it was valuable work that others then built upon to fill out method bodies and other parts. It was creative work requiring effort and the fact that I was designing an interface didn't mean anyone could just come along and copy that work and claim fair use.


Re: Author is Dead Wrong

>>>>We can't go after people for copyright infringement for using "Itanic" or "cloudobile". You can't defend a word.

>>You can if you trademark them or argue that they're slander, libel, or similar

I've bolded the relevant words in the comment you were responding to for edification.

Microsoft thinks it's fixed Windows Server mess its last fix 'fixed'


>>Config files arent confusing though and can be backed up easily before tinkering making rolling back easier. [...] For nginx I can just copy /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and my /etc/nginx/vhosts directory then embark on my changes. If I fuck it up I can copy the old configs back. Problem solved. How do I do that with IIS?

You can back up modules and settings in Windows easily too. For example:

Backup-WebConfiguration -Name SharePoint_IIS_Backup

And you can iterate through the above for each module backing up its configuration settings individually as you wish.

It's different from copying a config file but not worse. Having your settings as attributes of configurable objects accessible by different callers is more flexible for programmers than parsing an infinite number of varying config file formats.

>>I have no particular beef with MS products but the registry in Windows is far more obscure and opaque than a config file.

Yes, but there's a flexibility and benefit to having all your configurations be part of a programmatically accessible object structure. It makes control of settings based on ACLs very elegant without having to create and maintain some layer of text file parsing for example.

Plus I've found enterprise level management of Windows to be quite effective these days with Powershell and AD. It's not my area of expertise but comparing it to the nightmares of user management and Puppet spider-webs I've come across, I think Windows has the edge these days in terms of system administration.

Also, you seem to have missed the OP's joke alert.


Re: Dear Microsoft

>>"Try actually TESTING. It works wonders for your reputation. (Or at least it USED TO)."

What a daft statement. MS USED (to borrow your caps) to sell Vista and XP and Windows ME and 2000 and all the previous versions of Windows Server. Do you remember the old MS Exchange? Access and Hotmail? IE/7 / IE8? ActiveX? To say nothing of their security! MS products are staggeringly better tested these days than they ever have been before. Are you really so desperate to attack MS that you're trying to invent some better golden age for them?

Winston Churchill glowers from Blighty's plastic fiver


Re: It is safe in the washing machine - how about the dryer?

Well it already has Churchill on it.

Gillian Anderson: The next James Jane Bond?


>>"Sean Connery was less English than Idris Elba"

But he was playing English. Just very badly!

I meant the character has to be English, not the actor.


There're only two requirements. Firstly, Bond has to be English and posh. (S)he can be gritty and rough as they like but they have to know their way a bottle of wine and be able to pick out the Saville Row suit from the others.

Secondly, they need to be something of a brute. I see this as where the danger with a female bond. I think they will be tempted to make Bond a slinky femme fatale a lá Cameron Diaz in Charlie's Angels or Scarlett Johansen in those Avengers films. They'll want Bond to suddenly be this ninja cat type spy just because he's now female. I would prefer a male bond (I'm female, I like to look Danial Craig - that's half the appeal), but I could stand to see a take on it with a female Bond. But if she doesn't beat someone half to death in a nasty manner and a dollop of sneering contempt for the victim's horribly violent death, it's not Bond.

If they keep the character the same, I might be okay with it. But I suspect they'll want to change it. Bond is a psychopath. That will stand out a lot more to people if he becomes a she and I think most male directors would shy away from that and soften Bond.


Re: " will have to to beat off stiff competition"

Well it's still better than Pierce Brosnan's "I thought Christmas only came once per year". I mean if there's any article where you're going to insert an extra entendre, it's going to be one on Bond.