* Posts by David Nash

1434 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jul 2008

The boss worked in a fishbowl, so office tricks were a treat

David Nash Silver badge

Re: To be

I've never understood the point of sending someone for something that doesn't exist. A long weight is mildly amusing because it's a pun but "ha ha the new kid doesn't know what this item is" -- of course they don't they are a new kid. Aren't you clever?

David Nash Silver badge

It's interesting for those of us who grew up with real rotary dials. It seems obvious how to use it because we know it so well but to someone for whom it's always been push-button or touch-screen the whole concept of a dial is alien and not at all intuitive. I bet most don't know why we use the verb "to dial" a number. Or "hang up" for that matter.

The dial was an ingenious invention though, essentially digital (on-off-on-off etc) via an analogue line in order to send 10 different digits.

No, I will not pay the bill. Why? Because we pay you to fix things, not break them

David Nash Silver badge

Re: I have a problem..

The problem is the staff who might be doing a perfectly good job, get rated from these and lose out if they don't get high marks.

So I tend to either not do the survey or give top marks.

Unless I really have cause for complaint, in which case I tell them.

David Nash Silver badge

I thought this was going to be a story about drilling holes in a water tower and the resulting leak!

David Nash Silver badge

Very true, if someone asks you about your holidays 99% of the time they mean the summer.

Or do we have to say "vacation" now?

David Nash Silver badge

Yes because Guy Fawkes night, Hallowe'en are not holidays.

There are national holidays in the UK specifically because that is when Christmas happens. OK so Hanukkah is at the same time, we have no problem with that but the time of year is still Christmas time in the UK, even for us atheists, because it's become a social thing that happened to have originated in a religious festival (which yes is still celebrated as such by many). Oh and yes I know there was a festival pre-christian times at that time of year too.

Data loss prevention emergency tactic: keep your finger on the power button for the foreseeable future

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Another sign of the migration of El Reg Westwards?

It's also a provider, not an insurer.

To make this computer work, users had to press a button. Why didn't it work? Guess

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Manual is optional,

I am no expert but I have heard that this is actually a myth, and no evidence confirming this has ever been seen. Apparently people just like to think that they learn in a particular way.

Liz Truss ousted as UK prime minister, outlived by online lettuce

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Got the popcorn ready for Question Time

At least she considerately resigned on a Thursday, in time for the recording of both The News Quiz and Have I got News for You which go out tomorrow.

David Nash Silver badge

Re: seeing how things work (or don't) over there...

The problem is, the little people don't get to remove the leaders early. Only the members of parliament, on the same side as the failing leader. And then they only do it if they think it's in their personal interest, of course.

David Nash Silver badge

Amusing comment but that isn't what happens! The committee oversee the election process, which takes place among the party members.

I do think there should be a way for the population at large to demand a general election though.

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Obvious solution

But how could you prevent political parties emerging? you can't really prevent free association with like-minded people.

California to phase out gas furnaces, water heaters by 2030

David Nash Silver badge


Are they talking about domestic water boilers?

Scientists overjoyed after DART smashes into asteroid Dimorphos, contact lost

David Nash Silver badge

Re: There goes the prime directive... Murica Successfully Saves the world AGAIN with a bomb

Who said anything about a bomb?

David Nash Silver badge

Re: There goes the prime directive... Murica Successfully Saves the world AGAIN with a bomb

Speed is a component of velocity, so the velocity did change, right?

Microsoft fixes Windows security hole likely widely exploited by miscreants

David Nash Silver badge

Right on cue, here is how it should be done:


Taiwanese military reports DDoS in wake of Pelosi visit

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Cabinet spokesperson Lo Ping?

to be fair to Clarkson (if someone has to), he's nowhere near the Alex Jones league.

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Cabinet spokesperson Lo Ping?

A Chinese name, you mean?

David Nash Silver badge


I thought it was normal practice to define an abbreviation the first time it's used. Apparently not?

Atari Video Computer System returns in Lego form

David Nash Silver badge


For that price they could have included an RPi emulator and have something that actually worked!

Hi, I'll be your ransomware negotiator today – but don't tell the crooks that

David Nash Silver badge

Re: It's time to end this.

So, blame the victim for trying to minimise the pain.

How about "pay me a ransom for your own life, or I will shoot/knife you".

Should paying that kind of ransom be illegal?

It's not so different from "pay me a ransom or I will do X"

And legal definitions are sometimes notoriously tricky to confine to one intended scenario.

Bad news, older tech workers: Job advert language works against you

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Anon CVs

That's just not true. When you have a large number of applications you need to know what experience someone has in order to match up their likely skills that have come from that experience, against the requirements.

And someone with 15 or 20 years experience is way more "experienced" than someone with 6 and a half years.

David Nash Silver badge

It's barely more a waste of time than applying for a real job that won't employ you because you're too old anyway!

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Examples?

Maybe the researchers are ageist in assuming that oldies would fail any *Physical Requirement* !

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Examples?

"...apparently done as much with their life..." being the appropriate phrase.

In any case how does one quantify "what one has done with one's life"? And why would that be relevant to a job application?

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Examples?

Exactly, there's no need to put age on a CV, you just have to look at dates of education and/or length of service in previous employment.

Charter told to pay $7.3b in damages after cable installer murders grandmother

David Nash Silver badge

But the horrendous consequences in this case didn't arise from the negligence. What did they miss that would have indicated he would go on to murder a customer?

David Nash Silver badge

Re: $7.3b in damages

If that's supposed to be a joke, drop the anonymity and use the corresponding icon. It wasn't funny though.

Meta proposes doing away with leap seconds

David Nash Silver badge

Oh there will still be 60000 ms between those times, it's just that each ms will be longer.

Well, made of longer ns.

Which are made of longer ps.


Browsers could face two regimes in Europe as UK law set to diverge from EU

David Nash Silver badge

If that's the case, why did all the cookie-permission-popups only start appearing after GDPR rather than after 2002?

David Nash Silver badge

I was going to comment but Lars has just clarified...so ignore this.

We've got a photocopier and it can copy anything

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Don't know if it's just that my coffee hasn't kicked in yet...

Why would anyone bother making that up?

Google, Oracle clouds still affected by UK heatwave

David Nash Silver badge

Re: doesn't make sense

And for the rest of the world, so we can compare with the numbers in the article...

91.5F ambient=33.06 C

107-120F=41.7 - 48.9 C

50F hotter = 27 degrees C hotter (I think! more tricky, I have seen youtube FAILs by converting absolute F to C when what they really need is a difference)

Tech professionals pour cold water on UK crypto hub plans

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Oh, and talk about a slapdown

they blame everyone else....the EU, the "remoaners", anyone pointing out the truth.

This is the military – you can't just delete your history like you're 15

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Every single time

Yeah let's click on a link to a jpg when we don't know what it is....

NOBODY PRINT! Selfless hero saves typing pool from carbon catastrophe

David Nash Silver badge

Re: aaargggh! and more aaargggh aaargggh aaargggh

Why would they care? isn't it just a phone number to them?

David Nash Silver badge

Re: aaargggh!

and sign?

Large Hadron Collider experiment reveals three exotic particles

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Ever get the sense...

Current models describe what we see, that doesn't mean they are crap.

My understanding is that the standard model describes what we see, but doesn't explain why. I am sure they'd love for the new experiments to help come up with a model that explains more.

You need to RTFM, but feel free to use your brain too

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Measure twice, cut once

to be fair, it did sound like they had it drilled into them to just do exactly what the instructions say.

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Check you can complete before you start

I had something like this at school. I think I was the only one to do it right. Thinking like a computer even then!

Google engineer suspended for violating confidentiality policies over 'sentient' AI

David Nash Silver badge

Re: According to the engineer...

"is" is a verb.

David Nash Silver badge

Re: A virus doesn't need a goal to spraid itself nor needs to understand biological weaknesses

Exactly, it's about evolution. A virus, or any of the living things we know on Earth, have evolved to the point that they are at now.

The living world is a dangerous place and any of these that didn't have the ability, or the drive, to perpetuate itself, have all died and are no longer here for that very reason.

AIs have not evolved in the same way, their environment is not so dangerous nor have they been around for so long. If we let them evolve with mutation, random or otherwise, and with some kind of selection, natural or otherwise, then the ones that have a "desire" to stay around will be the ones that are still here.

EU makes USB-C common charging port for most electronic devices

David Nash Silver badge

Re: Micro-USB

Unfortunately it's not only non-native-English-speakers who use "less" when they should use "fewer".

David Nash Silver badge

Re: A good day for Intel, I guess...

This affects the charging port on the device and the cable, but not the charger itself, assuming it has a USB A on that end.

So no need to consign them to e-waste.

Spam is back with a vengeance. Luckily we can't read any of it

David Nash Silver badge

"A good rule of thumb is that if you are in business and send out an email to a customer expecting the recipient to read it you should be prepared to read any reply. It's no more than courtesy to your customer, even in the situation you describe."

True, but for those misguided companies that send out "noreply" emails, it's not necessarily appropriate to tar them with the same brush as scammers and other spam.

UK government having hard time complying with its own IR35 tax rules

David Nash Silver badge

UK Government members not following their own rules?

Surely not?!!!

We can bend the laws of physics for your super-yacht, but we can't break them

David Nash Silver badge

Also the owner should have accepted the explanation "we can't break the laws of physics", rather than respond in that way. What did he think, if the guy knew who he was, he would have been able to break the laws of physics?

Your software doesn't work when my PC is in 'O' mode

David Nash Silver badge

But what did the user think 'O' the mode was?

Big Apple Apple Store workers hope to form union

David Nash Silver badge

Re: tenure

Fair enough, thanks. Didn't know what Teamster was. Sounds like something sporty :)

Not sure why I got a downvote for asking a question!

In IT, no good deed ever goes unpunished

David Nash Silver badge

Re: I've told this one before...

Surely if you're using it at work, on a work computer, to help with your job, that is the definition of commercial use.

If not, then what is?