* Posts by Destroy All Monsters

16005 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008

Finally, San Francisco cleans up the crap from its streets – yes, all those fscking scooters

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

It really is the current year

A Pied Data Piper offering amazing-tech pleasure rides with negative externalities in a state in which coffee and WLAN are carcinogenic.

Only some reference to sanctuary cities and the #Resistance with multi billion-dollar payout due to perceived racially-charged microaggressions could top that.

'Moore's Revenge' is upon us and will make the world weird

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Article misses a critical point

How do you lose all that information and 1) no one cares 2) they got away with it???

Because no-one in charge cares as long as they can have the next swimming pool while mumbling inanities while receiving money.

> There has been nonstop war since that 9/11 weirdness, no-one cares. In fact, rolling up to the next with glee.

> There has been money printing to a degree unprecedented in human history, no-one cares.

> More and more money and power goes to two ME countries with very strong political influence, no-one cares.

> Europe is manoeuvered into a confrontation with a very fat trading partner on thge say-so of publicly unwell people, no-one cares.

> Population replacement is foisted on countries that do not need, want or are even able manage it, no-one cares. Actually that will probably put the kibosh on Moore's Revenge before long.

Microsoft commits: We're buying GitHub for $7.5 beeeeeeellion

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Hmm...

LinkedIn after MS: Complete shit, but necessary

Millenials and puffers are annoying.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: Hollywood predicted it, check out "Conspiracy.com" (film)

The story is about a tech-corp slurping source code from free software movement.

But why would one want to do that?

The source code is useless. The skills that come with it is what counts.

Unless the company is manned by Alien Students doing Galactic Anthropology Studies....

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Whiners

"The Microsoft Hasbara Desk is now open!"

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: I'm out

Better stop your "innawoods with GNU-AK47 with a can of Heintz beans" spiel.

"Otherwise Linux is dead in the water in a few years, and we all will move to GNU Hurd or Magenta or BSD."

Does GNU Hurd even exist yet.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Time

It is never too late to investigate ways of becoming a lesbian!

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: In other news

Apparently not everbody is a hater

AI-fueled fast trading algorithms will buy ANYTHING.

The total crash of putrescent death can't come too soon.

We will yet see pigeons roost in the gutted remains of F-35, sheltering from the cold rain as elder people shuffle around on the tarmac, moaning for pension payouts and food packages.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: I'm out

"Eh Eh Eh Eh"

(as heard in the imperial throneroom)

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Walking Dead

1) 5.56 and good old-fashioned AR-15

2) 12-gauge shotgun

3) Katana

4) Flamethrower to bore through all of those SUDDEN MOUNTAINS OF CASH

Uh oh! Here's yet more AI that creates creepy fake talking heads

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Again?

Well, it's not as if this work had the difficulty of a hydrogen bomb program.

On second thought, it actually has, but mainstreamed.

Wait until everyone can buy a gene sequencer, that's gonna be phun. Not talking about nanotech assemblers, because these may or may not be possible but they are definitely far out.

(Now, the real question is - will Poland be spooked into transferring a few more billions to US coffers for a "NATO presence" on its territory by a fake Putin head repeatedly saying "Boo" on TV?)

You have suffered without red-headed emoji for too long. That changes Tuesday

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

So when do these things come to El Reg comment section?

Completely unrelated, Mozilla Firefox "New Tab" tab asks me whether I might be a "web maker" and would I be interest in the basics.

What is a "web maker"? Isn't that a spider?

Fake NIPS slip site scandalizes AI world

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Oh. Noes.

"The real NIPS website is nips.cc. Please do not visit nips2018.org."

Gorillahand Facepalm!!

I would totally trust a website registered in the Cocos Islands, I would. (insert random Monty Python meme here).

But the real question is: does nips.cc deliver? Capitalism in action and all that.

It's like those "inoffical taxi services" that are being cracked down on by authorities .. cruelly delivering customers to the place they want to go.

Experts build AI joke machine that's about as funny as an Adam Sandler movie (that bad)

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

We need the Polymemetic Alloy of T-1000

As in "Babchenko is now a Meme!"

Mirror mirror on sea wall, spot those airships, make Kaiser bawl

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Sound is still useful

Solzhenitsyn wrote about his service in the Soviet Army as operator on an acoustic direction & ranging in an Arty brigade: "At the Jeliabuga hamlet" (Zelâbugskie vyselki) in Deux récits de guerre. I must be about 60km from Orel, it's not the Yeliabuga in Tatarstan ... I didn't find it on Google Maps. Next to Setoukha and Blagodatnoïé. Didn't find those either.

He's talking about a "Fenyuchkine Computer" that corrects for wind speed, temperature & hygrometrics. No idea what that is. Something for the Computer Museum to clarify.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


That concrete sound mirror looks like a cargo-cult version of a phased array radar.

But while we popularly imagine the conflict as confined to the trenches of Flanders

...not forgetting about the trenches and deep manoeuvering on the Eastern Front or the senseless slaughter on the italian front in the imperialist freakshow.

Foolish foodies duped into thinking Greggs salads are posh nosh

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Someone Jimminy Crickket said:

au fait at the moment

To be "au fait" means "to be knowledgeable about". What the faitecky fait??

RIP to two 'naut legends: A moonwalker and a spacewalker

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Only four left

> correlation has a massive effect on causation.

You are mishandling this.

(The idea is that correlation between events may "indicate* causation between events. Correlation does not have an effect on anything. The correlation here would be between death and age. But we do know that the die-off of people is not exponentially distributed, and old people are more likely to die, so there is no problem in any case)

Have you heard about ransomware? Now's the time to ask: Are you covered?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: New terminology for me...

If you are offended by my error I must proffer my complete and utter apathy to you, I really truly and deeply don't care. Thank you.

Ah, I sensed some disturbance in the Safe Space.

"This statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values. This is not who we are."

Storm in a teapot: Anger brews over npm's jokey proxy error messages

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Back to school with you!

"Thanks to the magic of Cloudflare edge workers, we were able to implement this host header check entirely in JavaScript. Unfortunately, our host header parsing had a bug. It failed to account for port numbers appended to the host name."

Modern "development" in a pithy description.

(The other part consist in observing that our "skilled consultant" demaning much buckos for his skills is running Node as root on the Internet-facing server.)

'Incomprehensible failure' – Canada's $1bn Phoenix payroll IT fiasco torched by auditors

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


Looking ahead, the auditor general is recommending a set of new requirements for how the Canadian government should handle major IT projects, including the use of internal audits and oversight groups that would help keep a close eye on how projects are being rolled out.

So you have to have greater, more adult adults to oversee the supposed adults in charge of the project?

Why won't anyone read the classics? Or apply lessons learnt during the last 70 years?

Why, I have a 620-page manual on my desk full off good, classic advice: "Software Engineering

in the Systems Context - Addressing Frontiers, Practice and Education" (Ivar Jacobson, Harold “Bud” Lawson, Eds).

It's frankly required reading, but of course when you put this in front of the PM or The Decider, he/she will immediately ask "Do you expect me to read this?". Upon which the correct comeback is "No, I expect you to fail". "We need to have this done by X" shall be answered with "You won't". "Failure is not an option" will lead to "It is now". "I have an MBA" can only be countered with "LOL".

From said book:

1. The ignorant do not know known good software engineering practice.

2. The neglectful may know known good software engineering practice but lack the respect and discipline to apply it rigorously as intended.

3. Those who intentionally defer work or take expedient shortcuts are arrogant practitioners who believe their superior skills will permit them to dodge the bullet of consequences for their action.

I often hear that PeopleSoft is a hazard zone of well-remunerated dark consultancery that delects to remora onto deep-pocketed, possibly taxpayer-funded organizations that are too big to fail.

IBM was chosen as the contractor to deliver a system based on Oracle's PeopleSoft system.

It could be true.

GCHQ bod tells privacy advocates: Most of our work is making sure we operate within the law

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Duh? Wuh?

> They were all the result of the Snowden revelations.

"HTTPS Everywhere", maybe.

"Privacy Shield and GDPR" I doubt this very much. These are the result of politicians getting a move on because of corporate overreach. I don't believe TLAs are particulary fazed by such initiatives, nor are they targeted.

But these are scant improvements. Improvements would be dropping all unnecessary complexity from the systems, get back to some kind of sanity, implement QubesOS-like compartimentalization, those kind of things. That would be a "next step".

Instead we are being handed more slurping, Management Engines and bugfests, with JavaScript on top.

Sadly, the road to hell is being travelled still.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Duh? Wuh?

The world has changed since former NSA sysadmin Edward Snowden revealed the levels of mass surveillance being done by the world's governments on their citizens, said Levy. The quality and availability of encryption schemes and security engineering have both improved. Agencies such as GCHQ and the NSA have become more open and transparent about their work, he added.

Really? Things have improved a lot since the Summer of Surveillance? Remember that was ... 2013. I don't see any improvement anywhere whatsoever. But maybe I'm just reading Evil Newspapers.

Now going back in time, all through the the War on Stuff, through Echelon, through Gulf War 1, through the time when Clinton ruled the shitheap and pushed Clipper, through moral panics about encryption and Sex On The Internet, through AOL, we arrive at the moment when PGP was released in the wild while pretending that RSA somehow had mumbled their agreement for this over a beer. That was 1991.

Yes, things have improved regarding encryption since 1991. Not so much for regarding TLAs

Cyber-stability wonks add election-ware to ‘civilised nations won’t hack this’ standard

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton


> Bad Vlad won't care

So has election-ware even ever been hacked by Bad Vlad?

Curious minds not hooked into the US propaganda machine want to know etc.

> But this puts voting infrastructure on par with DNS and BGP

I dunno. It's mostly closed source created by lowest-bid programmers and sol dear, possibly running Windows Embedded, and unaudited because "muh trade secrets". So not the same at all.

Game over: Atari cofounder Ted Dabney dies aged 81

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: I'm the genius in this company!

It's the way it works.

Also, that PDF interview is good reading.

GDPRmageddon: They think it's all over! Protip, it has only just begun

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: I think I understand why some US news sites blocked the EU

It just means they are selling readership clicktracks to .... whomever.

Starbucks site slurped, Z-Wave locks clocked, mad Mac Monero mining malware and much more

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Apparently P.U.T.I.N. itself just bent to the wishes of a British Judge and had RT remove the story about Tommy Robinson getting sent to jail (where there is a bounty on his head) because its is illegal to report about that in the UK.

So be grateful.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Implied cat stroking and ominous button pushing

"As Xenotime matures, it is less likely that the group will make this mistake in the future."

Somebody is having a bad time about now.

Overhyping AI doctors, language translation goes open source, and new jobs on the cards

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Fascinating insights about our lives!

“In the coming years, Internet of Things (IoT) devices embedded with AI [what does that even mean] will generate a vast array of data that can provide fascinating insights about our lives, analysing complex usage patterns and seamlessly enabling us to take advantage of intelligent services optimised for our own personal preferences and behaviours,”

Looking forward to the the day when the central heating IoT embedded with AI analyzes complex usage patterns, detects that you just want to kill yourself due to extreme exposure to AI hype, and seamlessly ramps up the carbon monoxide because it just wants to helpoptimize for personal preferences.

America's comms watchdog takes on the internet era's real criminals: Pirate pastors

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

It's America!!

These pirate radios could be emitting mind-altering waves about tasty, buttered Shia Crescents, Deep-Hearted Anti-Semiticism, Austrian Economics or Russian Ties.

It's a menace. One moment you think you are in America, and the next you are in Philip K. Dick's "The Hanging Stranger".

In other new, Michelle Obama has received a cheque for USD 65 million for a book she hasn't even written yet.

It's America.

Uber jams Arizona robo-car project into reverse gear after deadly smash

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Technology is not safe from Simple Human Screwup

> "Ummmm...."


> suicide by truck or train is a known phenomena

Yes but this is not that. Here we have sleepwalking robot event.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: AV's Hindenburg?

Which is why in all those cases the human behind the wheel is still responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle.

Yeah, why have the autonomous thingamabob then?

I think reading just the introductory notices about how human-machine systems work would reveal that this is a pious wish that will never come true. Or a marketing trick to shift blame to the customer.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Autonomous vehicle safety ignored

The video released by Uber was highly misleading.

Woah that software is NOT READY. It's a bit of a witches' brew.

Electron patches patch after security researcher bypassed said patch

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

What is Electron?

Is it like the GNU/Emacs of the JavaScript niche?

Church of England will commune with God for you via Amazon's Echo

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: Animal sacrifices

They ring up abattoirs?

UK's Royal Navy accepts missile-blasting missile as Gulf clouds gather

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Sea Wolf

goes supersonic within its own length

Really? Within 6 feet?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: We're wasting money fighting a previous war - as usual.

As a counter at least one readily available tactic against a hyper-sonic missile is to take out whatever is doing the targeting.

What if the missile is auto-targeting?


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Meanwhile, in the US: After fiscal debt for warcrap, technical debt for warcrap

Fragile: Pentagon report raises alarm that US industry can’t support war for much longer

The Annual Industrial Capabilities report, published by the Pentagon’s Office of Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy, warns that reliance on foreign-sourced materials combined with “twenty years of intermittent conflict,” have put a strain on US manufacturers of weapons, parts and ammunition.

“While US national defense demands for materials are seldom unmet, there exist risks to their supply now and risks are anticipated in the foreseeable future,” the report says, describing the two broad trends as the scarcity of materials used in new technologies and the US’ growing reliance on foreign supply sources.

“We may be too far down the path to resurrect an authentic munitions industrial base,” Mackenzie Eaglen of the American Enterprise Institute told Defense News, commenting on the report. “So then the question becomes: Now what?”

Gee, I dunno. One could just, you know, stop?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Judging by the volcanic cloud on the horizon

What's Russia got to do with any of this?

If you want to do Russia instead of doing a good old "Danzig is ours" show on somewhat sitting-duck Iran with those RN boats, you have got other trouble coming.

A couple of Kalibrs into the side would fix this up good and it's off to the showers.

Mobile app devs have, oh, about 9 hours left to decide whether to stay on Google's ad platform

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Facebook

I think the "users" are the advertisers, not the ones generating data.

AI and robotics legend Joanna Bryson to kick off MCubed

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Just waded through another batch of AI papers. I hope she can manage concise and crisp

Maybe you need to use a Neural Net?

Brit Attorney General: Nation state cyber attack is an act of war

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Imagine a future of the "election interference" bullshit in your face ... forever

Hillary's excuse has become the Emmanuel Goldstein of the politshits unsure about what to dish out this evening. Using the THREAT TO DEMOCRACY "15 seconds of information", they can keep the populace excited and remind them every other day that BAD PEOPLE are influencing THEIR DUHMOCKRACY BUTOON BUSHING and they don't even notice.

And let's face it - when America wants to influence elections, they just make loud proclamations on radio, then have the inconvenient guy beaten to death by local muscle. Definitely beats faffing around with Facebook & Twitter.

Talking about making stuff up, yesterday Pompeo was talking about an Iranian assassination ops in Europe, something that nobody has heard of since the 80s. My bet is on the US delusionally trying a repeat of the Ghaddafi theater on Iran by July. Maybe we will see Nikky talk shit about Ayatollahs distributing Viagra to the Revolutionary Guard to keep it up during mass rape, too. Then a crazed general comes in and holds up vials of white powder as proof of the mushroom cloud.

Finally: Historic Eudora email code goes open source

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Old sourcecode! Such reticence. Much lawyer. Wow!

I can't name a single one that is built on Eudora.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Old sourcecode! Such reticence. Much lawyer. Wow!

I have never seen a company cut its own flesh like that.

Well, it's a good thing I guess. But there are people who still think that ancient source code has worth?

Through many dangers, toils and snares.... SpaceX to send amazing GRACE to spaaaaace

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"Sometimes you gotta turn the hard six" etc.

Capt. Jennifer Haden of the 30th Space Wing

Admiral Adama wants to see you on the bridge now, Captain!

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Spaaaaace trash

Well, it's good breeding ground for underwater critters. Kinda crumpled though, these things are flimsy.

Brit water firms, power plants with crap cyber security will pay up to £17m, peers told

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Can someone activate the A-Ark?

By focusing on skills from computer science and STEM, the government and industry are narrowing their pool for general diversity.

So they want the bizzaredly specific "cyber security geek" (best brown, female, LBQT) but think such peoiple can be had from the near infinite pool of literary types, sportsy jokers and rappers?

Orbital ATK launches another Cygnus without anything blowing up

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Environmental impact of burning tons of space junk in earth's atmosphere?

Less hot air than Trump imposing Serial Sanctions.

Beer now.

Flamin' Nora! Brit firefighters tackle blazing fly-tipped boat

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Get this round my area..

the people that place them may have an accident

That's what comes from having a society with stupid levels of gun control.

How Google's Smart Compose for Gmail works – and did it fake its robo-caller demo?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


AlphaGo Zero tops the list, guzzling more than 1000 petaflops per second per day

That would be an accelerating, possibly driven by Dark Energy.

The actual number is "petaflops per second times days", i.e. "petaflops".

"1000 petaflops per second days" is 1000 petaflops/s for 1 day or 1 petaflops/s for 1000 days. Ergo, 86400 exaflops.