* Posts by Destroy All Monsters

16005 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008

New Wireshark, Nmap releases bring pre-Xmas cheer to infosec types

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Cue bleating politicians....

In about five minutes.

Taxi for NASA! SpaceX to fly astronauts to space station

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Isaac Asimov on the subject of rocket fuel

ITT: LOX is actually dangerous. Who knew?


"Ignition! An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants by John D. Clark."

...freely available on the Interwebs!

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Isaac Asimov on the subject of rocket fuel

Only the original von Braun "Hydrazin und, und... Salpertersäure! SALPETERSÄURE, Herr Müller. HABEN SIE VERSTANDEN, Herr Müller?" have these properties.

LOX/H2 or LOX/KEROSENE are pretty ok.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: Boo, hiss

I find the photo and caption very offensive

Unfortunately there is no right to not be offended.

which means a citizen of a country who has lost more astronauts than any other

"Federation", not country.

Seeing how Stalin-era "do it or gulag" stuff is in the list ....does this mean that American Gear is particularly failure-prone? Maybe "I want something that looks like a Shuttle while pretending to save money while actually blowing money while using very risky technology" is not the way to go.

Why Microsoft's .NET Core is the future of its development platform

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: .NET .. the lame clone of Java

you can't determine the type of a generic at run time.

But is it a real problem? Apparently not. Indeed, it is a solution to a problem:

"It's funny when Java users complain about type erasure, which is the only thing Java got right, while ignoring all the things it got wrong."

Erasing means we've reasoned (so let's erase)

So if we want to reason about our programs, we're strongly advised to not employ language features that strongly threaten our reasoning [i.e. runtime-usable parametrized type information, or indeed any type information]. Once we do that, then why not just drop the types at runtime? They're not needed. We can get some efficiency and simplicity with the satisfaction that no casts will fail or that methods might be missing upon invocation. Erasing encourages reasoning.

Of course, you may want to go crazy-hog self-modifying (which I like to do, too), in which case you do want runtime information and maybe inject a method or two into a class because you feel like it or want to process freshly obtained WSDL in a particularly elegant way , but then compile-time checks are useless, which may be unacceptable depending on the application.

OTOH, if clear reasoning and proving of code is demanded, I would strongly suggest to look into functional languages as well as logic programming languages. Things are pretty good on that front.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: .NET .. the lame clone of Java

> I think he said that JAVA had all kinds of legacy horrors

Not really, except java.lang.Calendar and various web/ORM monstrosities.

It's just a language, and pretty straightforward, too. Though of course once you have tried languages like Groovy you see its annoying verbosity and inflexibility, which can only be said to be due to its "first order" nature (everything you write means exactly what it says, and that's all you get, and the compiler ain't gonna give you a break by inferring anything to help you write code faster).

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

I don't see a problem with this

Of course, will I spend mindshare on it? Probably not (maybe buy the "in Action" book, which will then rot behind a stack of old Avril Lavigne CDs, but I digress) . I'm currently at the state where I begin to retch whenever I hear the "this is the next big thing, invest in this" anthem rise its discordant tones as frankly practically nothing currently "in production" is working particularly well or even at all. But F# is nice.

It is open source though, so it is always possible that the community may come up with GUI frameworks.

How open is this? Is it Open or open?

And would your trust a guy in a GAP hoody? Reeeally???

Now, you will excuse me, I'm trying to compile the XSB compiler here.

Love your IoT gadget but could you keep the noise down?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: Breakout areas!

Arkanoid areas?

Uncle Sam's IT bods find 2,000 data centers they FORGOT about

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: "Lost datacentres"

But it would be more like "Saw" with added underground lair flair.

"Let's play a game... you have to find out which servers have legit Microsoft Licenses before the halon alarm goes off...."

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

The Walking Datacenter

I thought you guys would be prepped to fight zombies?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

That X-Files feeling

When a mundane questionnaire leads to doubt the fabric of reality.

Hillary Clinton: Stop helping terrorists, Silicon Valley – weaken your encryption

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

It's about 60 years too late for THAT. I guess the poisoned chalice has to be drunk now.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"A Post-Paris “Clash of Civilizations”? It’s the Islamic State’s Dream and Marco Rubio Agrees"

Alien because he must be saying "Let's blow the whole site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure"

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: "News"

Unfortunately the Democrats' own Dick Cheney may well end up in the seat where her psychopathology will be able to go full blast. May God help us all!

Inb4 "If everybody weakly encrypted, NSA could STILL not find the needle in the weakly-encrypted haystack"

Remember Windows 1.0? It's been 30 years (and you're officially old)

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: "While arguably less efficient than a command line"

Don't know about Windows, to me Microsoft's real gem is DOS.

This must be the equivalent of a Third Reich WarTech enthusiast telling everyone that the coolest tank out there was the Panzer 1

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Am I splitting hairs

> I mean could you actually run a PC on it without DOS installed?

Of course not.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

> Happy 30th, Windows.

No! To this.

Short weekend break: Skegness or exoplanet HD 189733b?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: "annual orgy of capitalism"

But KEEP CALM AND KEEP SHOPPING has been the daily motto for some time now. Unfortunately I hear there is something bad going down with .... Hey, ... PROMOTIONS!!

France's 3-month state of emergency lets govt censor the web

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

It's just like a bad French remake of the US 2001 bullshit

I still remember the kind of discussion about the "surveillance state" and whether Germany should go down that kind of dark road after the early 80's "Red Army Faction" hits.

Hacking group Strontium dogs NATO and government targets

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Nation state?

Pirates Informatiques sans Frontières!

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

I only there was a script which checked whether a domain was suspiciously similar to one from of a given set of expected & usual domain names and flagged the email with a "SCAM" warning ....

Kids' tech skills go backwards thanks to tablets and smartmobes

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Those tasks are *bullshit*

I would say there is skill there

Indeed. Most people couldn't design a website if their life depended on it, ending up with something like Geocities of the President Clinton Era. Definitely a skill.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: we approach the post-literacy world

We "approach"??

“One of the reasons I’ve said I wouldn’t be talking to Vladimir Putin right now is because we are speaking to him from a position of weakness brought on by this administration, so, I wouldn’t talk to him for a while, but, I would do this. I would start rebuilding the Sixth Fleet right under his nose, rebuilding the military — the missile defense program in Poland right under his nose. I would conduct very aggressive military exercises in the Baltic States so that he understood we would protect our NATO allies…and I might also put in a few more thousand troops into Germany, not to start a war, but to make sure that Putin understand that the United States of America will stand with our allies… We must have a no fly zone in Syria because Russia cannot tell the United States of America where and when to fly our planes. We also have a set of allies in the Arab Middle East that know that ISIS is their fight…but they must see leadership support and resolve from the United States of America…we have the strongest military on the face of the planet, and everyone has to know it.”

Dumb kids on pulpits. Our only hope is that ISIS does a suicide strike on the whole bunch.

Edgy online shoppers face Dyre Christmas as malware mutates

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

new and harder Edge browser

But does it wear a long leather anorak and sport garish earclips?

Want to boost your payslip? Get DevOps on your business card

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Certainly not an increase

CEO level attained?

> multiple CCNPs, MCSEs, VCP, storage experience


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Cool!! I can buy 100 business cards for £5

Not really, just finagle the interview, too.

PHB will be impressed by your KeywordDrop strategy that you will undoubtedly deploy.

Red dwarf superflares batter formerly 'habitable' exoplanet

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Not new news

However, this is not news I was taught this in an astrophysics course nearly thirty years ago.

This is pretty cool, I had to get my astrophysics from scrunged books and "popularizations" (soon abandoned) I barely understood.

Any computer models on this?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Yet another Wolves' hit

We have bigger problems than puny ISIS

Hubble finds lonely 'void galaxy' floating in cosmic nothingness

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: Could this be the "missing mass"?

> we don't really know much about gravity

Thta's just fucking bullshit pulled out of donkey arses. The Einstein Field Equations have not shown a single hole in about a century of application. I strongly suspect this will stay that way until someone comes up with a viable description of quantum gravity.

> So we are supposed to believe in magically invisible stuff?

So we are supposed to have magically different behaviour of gravity under nicely left-unstated conditions?

I don't see what the XKCD strip adds either. Especially as it shows the Newton equation. Feck off.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Could this be the "missing mass"?

The answer you are looking for is a resounding NO.

Dark matter is nearby, indeed in our galactic halo, right here at home. Besides, you are looking for 6 times more dark matter than visible matter. A loner galaxy in a void does not cut it.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Always good to link to Millenium Simulation. Which is pretty old now, however. Or I am old. Or the universe is. Something.

Anyway, is there a richer, more glorious simulation out there?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Not Bussard Ramjetting out of there!

Clearly the "Oubliette" Galaxy.

Hey Cortana, how about you hide my app from the user?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Glue command language with some NLP on top.

And why not.

Coffee fixes the damage booze did to your liver, study finds

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Possible NO!

I guess someone with a skill level above the average commentard would have thought about that.

> blind test/bias

This is not a medication test. "Half the patients will drink real coffee, and half will be given a yet-to-be-invented placebo". I don't think so.

Also, I remember reading about a study giving the exact same result way back when, possibly even before the War On Stuff.

Terrorists seek to commit deadly 'cyber attacks' in UK, says Chancellor Osborne

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: I knew this would happen, because it now happens every time terrorists attack the western world.

Welcome to the discussion squelched 14 years ago.

Also: Mindless terrorists? The truth about Isis is much worse

Biggest trolls EVER.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Chancellor Osborne?

But for some reason he wanted to "kill them immediately". Never found out why.

Reg reader achieves bronze badge, goes directly to jail

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Bronze Badge with Oak Leaves, then...

I will be in the server room, tracing patchcables some ex-popsicle from Pandorum...

California cops pull over Google car for driving too SLOWLY

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Google is clueless

"Creating road rage" sounds like a new, pressing problem that presidental candidates could work on prime time TV and for which emotional solutions could be proposed.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

I you want a guarantee, get a toaster

Some of you might know about the DO-178B/C process. Design Assurance Level 'A' and all that analysis and documentation. Often required for safety-critical software.

Non-applicable in any case of real-world-handling machine.

Even in aircraft/spacecraft, only small elements of the whole software have "A" level design assurance - those where things are basically running on rails (reflex arcs, completely specifiable subsystems). Once it gets interesting, guess what? Downgrade to level "C" or worse and let the error handler make everything go to "safe mode" as needed.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Testing?

A sensible human driver can almost instantly see and discard.accept many option on the best way to get out of the way of emergency vehicles. I'd really like to see what a computer controlled car might do in those many and varied situations.

Pretty sure that the machine can do better and more "360° awareness" planning and evalution than the meatsack. Maybe not yet, but then pretty soon.

Humans tend to overrate their abilities. Some go so far as to credit consciousness with "special sauce" qualities instead of the intermittent stuttering introspective debugging review that it is.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Klingt reichlich erfunden

You're supposed to start reacting when you see two or three cars in your rear-view

I will post a reaction meme over my facebook account accessible via the built-in entertainment facilities...

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

No you!

If two cars (same mass) doing 100 kmh crash head-on, that's basically the same as each hitting a brick wall at the very same, non-summed, 100 kmh.

Not entirely surprisingly, this is not exactly the case in the reference system of the passenger.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

These ain't the 80s anymore

Some people actually believe that practical self driving cars are just around the corner. This implies that Strong AI is here

Pfff.... meatsacks that actually manage to drive and otherwise are just good for pushing buttons that do nothing of consequence in real life clearly belie that kind of statement.

This includes quite a chunk of military personnel btw.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Every driver in LA becomes highly skilled at driving fast without accidents.


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Klingt reichlich erfunden

If you have 5 cars backed up behind you, you are required to get out of the way.

Okay. So how do you count those cars? Unless you have a video feed from the coppercopter on your dashboard?

Doctor Who: Nigel Farage-alike bogey beast terrorises in darkly comic Sleep No More

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

> the terror now enveloping Europe

Embrace the warm blanket of ... no wait. Is that the title of the next Dr. Who?

FTC fells four tech-support operations in scammer crackdown

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: And this action will stop because....?

FedEx to ISIS

Aircraft laser strikes hit new record with 20 incidents in one night

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: "We don't know if the pilots were looking at our wimmin"

Yeah. You see the thumbs down. The keyboarder arsehole brigade is strong again and smelling blood in the water.