* Posts by Destroy All Monsters

16005 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008

Plasma space-drive aces efficiency numbers: Set for ISS in 2014

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


We are stuck here. They cut corners.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Why the concern?

Why would you be concerned about reactors on interplanetary manned craft?

These ships will have LOTS of shielding to keep the interstellar subatomic golfballs / the odd solar flare out and shielding the reactor will be listed under "bugs to fix later". Not even talking about cancerogenic chemicals that will probably accumulate in the closed-cycle systems.

The astronauts they will probably have their reproductive organs pickled away before the trip or something.

I wouldn't even be concerned about a slab of plutonium taped to the outside of an exploding shuttle. It's not going critical, and it's not like anyone is going to inject the debris into his bloodstream. You would probably find it back in one piece; it's just metal.

Police to get greater web censorship powers

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

War is peace, ignorance is strength, copying is a crime. Trust the computer.

"At present, there is no specific obligation under Nominet's terms and conditions for owners to ensure their domain names are not used for crime."

I would say that doesn't need to be in T&C, really.

"Despite this, in December, at the request of the Met's Police Central e-Crime Unit (PCeU), Nominet revoked the domain names of 1,200 websites it said were being used to sell counterfeit designer goods"

That's a _crime_ nowadays?

Xbox modder can't claim fair use, says judge

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Maybe they should read the universal declaration of human rights

1) Do something in your own home with stuff owned by you.

2) State, backed by fatcat lobbyists, arbitrarily decides that it can decide that you cannot do that

3) ???

4) JEW! errr, I mean GUILTY!

Pentagon braces for Wikileaks' diplomatic dump

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

The Fletcher Memorial Home is that way..

"The publication of this classified information by WikiLeaks is an irresponsible attempt to wreak havoc and destabilize global security. It potentially jeopardizes lives."

It's not like bombing and invading random countries or torturing some random dudes to death potentially jeopardizes lives.

Statist riffraff.

Apple I goes for twice the price of an Enigma

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

On collectable clunkers with an application to the Verwertungsproblem

A box that's a bad attempt at commercial-level encryption, some electro-junk from a cultish startup and the infinitely copyable thoughts of young Alan.

Can I have the lot for USD 50?

SAP ordered to pay Oracle $1.3bn

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

1.3 x 10⁹ USD?

Ok, that's one whole MySQL database with 30% markup, then?

That jury must be collectively retarded.

HTC inks patent pact with Myhrvold's Intellectual Ventures

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"so that the number of inventions generated soars"

In other news, free energy generated out of empty beer bottles, gold found in toilet etc.

Why do I have to read such crap from pretend intellectuals (are there any other) in the morning? And the day was beginning so well, with all the servers up.

China-inspired charity aims to sex-down society

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

I want my women objectified and hot!

I also want to have a .50 Browning HBAR fully locked and loaded with 500 antipersonnel rounds to use on these whining "government save me, clamp down on other people" amoral spidery cretins.

US man slips into perv scanner-busting undies

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

That's the point

If the SA, sorry T-SA wants to do obedience training of the whole populace, they should at least work for it.

Of course, you will get arrested for "illegal wearing of rare raw war-relevant elements" or something like this.

'Phantom Ray' robot warjet to ride atop NASA shuttle-carrier 747

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

It's good to hear taxpayer keep paying for such B.S.

It's not like the empire is broke and washed ashore.

Still, I can't wait for the headlines this will make when a fully autonomous attack mistakenly blows up a few hundred rich Pakistani in a well-populated inner city because of an off-by-one error. That's gonna be The Lulz.

Lindsay Lohan dumped from Lovelace movie

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

And here I was hoping for a movie featuring Babbage and the Difference Engine.

Turns out it's just porn.


Man denies charges he hacked Fed Reserve network

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

What does the Federal Reserve have to do with credit cards?

I thought their only job is to blow paper money out of their arse by the truckload if government and Nobel-prize-heavy economists demand it, blowing the economy heavenwards enough to survive till up to the next elections (and damn the consequences)?

IBM uncloaks 20 petaflops BlueGene/Q super

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Dead Vulture

Super-Insertion Force Socket?

I would think that's the effect of the 100 pounds of force that the spring with the thermal sink brings to the target.

Tombstone because dead CPU.

Supercomputers take efficiency up another notch

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"we cannot build exascale systems that require their own nuclear power plant" to juice them up

Err... whyever not?

Because Greens will dump core upon hearing that a few kilograms of enriched uranium are going critical in a downtown office building?

Sod that! It sounds like a perfect market driver for those small-scale nukes on the drawing boards.

Attachmate gobbles up Novell for $2.2bn

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

But then suddenly...

....no-one would give any more of a f*ck than happens currently.

What's the currently claim anyways? Five lines of "illegally copied" comments?

Indonesian smut vid star's arse hauled into court

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Ah, Indonesia.

Such a lovely country.

A little genocide (with the West's complicity, I hasten to add), a little Prison For Porn, a bit of crackdown on sodomy, a little antiterror slash-and-burn...

Tech firms warn Ireland on bailout

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Or maybe fatsos need to slim down, not get more money for food

Hint to the clueless: these "parasites" are providing jobs which are then income taxed. Not good enough, comrade?


"The Irish economy rests on the precipice of devastation. Government interventionism has left Ireland with little room to maneuver in this difficult economic climate. The answer to Ireland's economic woes is not further government intervention in the economy, but a return to economic liberalism, small government, and sound monetary policy. Ireland needs to look closely at Austrian economic theory and take a step back from the dissolving, failed Keynesian model. Ireland needs to return to a firm base: it must eliminate, or at the very least curtail, its leviathan public sector; it must bring inflation under control through responsible monetary and fiscal policy; and it must cut down government economic controls in order to bring lasting stability to its economy. The only sound plan can be to cut public spending, eliminate social-welfare programs, and cease propping up failing sectors of the market. A drastic turn to responsible economics is the only legitimate way to escape the deep rut Ireland finds itself in. If the Celtic Tiger is to sharpen its claws once more, it will need to grind them on the whetstone of the free market."

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Unfair competitive advantage?

"Hey, you are shaking down your marks less than I do? That's UNFAIR! How can I afford all these political handouts and stuff?"

Putting the internet into neutral, or neutering the net?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother


"For years cellular operators have been charging ludicrously high roaming charges for calls in neighboring countries and making excess profits [what the hell are 'excess profits'?] on overseas traffic. It has taken years of legislation from Neelie Kroes and others, to stop this profiteering."

The only legislation I remember that caused international tariffs to go down was the breaking of the state-run telecom monopolies on landline and mobile traffic that hoovered up crazy money from their captive market (these state employees have amazing salaries and perks, ya know). Big corporate customers suddenly able to route all their calls through private switches or mobile customers able to switch their provider were a marvelous wake-up call.

Anti-bullying charity demands more laws on cyber-bullying

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Stand up? Yeah, but there is a problem.

You are not allowed to take a fist to the perp's face to make him stop by liberation of teeth and limbs otherwise your whole social environment will come down hard on you while bemoaning the poor's perp's now fatally compromised future.

You have to stay in the sheep's role. But not really.

So, how to do?

DHS airport spooks stalk star hacker

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

There's more to Kafka than Gregor Samsa.

We have "The Trial"

""t tells the story of a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime never revealed either to him or the reader." [citation needed]

Of course, I am not suggesting, intimating or otherwise inferring, neither in part or in full, that intimidation, perverted (if not military) justice, kangaroo courts, rampant surveillance and out of control three-letter agencies are a staple of Bomborama's presidency.

All glory to the Government!

Christians vs metalheads in FB flame war

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Thumb Up

By a hundred hanging popes!

That X-tian description would make me expect that Lovecraft's body animated by Nyarlatothep would be making guest appearances during episodes of especially deep bass accompanied by the mad piping of blind, ghoulish metal groupies.

Otherwise I would ask for money back.

Sweden to issue international arrest warrant for Assange

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

You better had do some work...

Because the military-industrial clusterfuck needs your tax money. I hear the 3-trillion dollar war ain't going well.

Has CERN made the VATICAN ANTIMATTER BOMB for real?*

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


"Instead it's material made from a bunch of sub-atomic particles that have the reverse electric charge (like the electron/positron particle/antiparticle pair)"

More correctly, opposite quantum numbers.

You need inverse spin, inverse electric charge (+/-), inverse color charge (blue/antiblue), inverse baryon number, inverse hypercharge. Did I forget anything?

Swedish prosecutors seek Assange arrest

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

So I guess...

...the check cleared.

Seriously though, Sweden tops the rape/inhabitant list in the same way as Stalin's Russia topped the spys/inhabitant list.

Microsoft spooks software customers about dangerous pirates

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

What is an "industry official", pray tell?

MS claimed that the respondents offered “resounding support” for government and industry officials to take action against pirates.

Respondents of various questionnaires would certainly offer "resounding support" for any pea-brained scheme coming from any cammarilla of Armani-dressed government/industry officials. They would even happily wear a brassard to show their allegiance.

NY youth makes $130k selling real(-ish) white iPhone 4s

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother


...as every piece of arsepaper is monopolized these days.

And then amurricans are bitching and moaning about nonexistent jobs. It's China who dunnit, you know.

North Carolina to raise army of Microsofties

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Oh well

Can't hurt I guess. These people are not going to tune your automotive board controller anyways.

I guess....

50m-year-old mystery space object doesn't look a day over 30

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Actually, no

It's full of 1 singularity.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

And thus

...the Simpsonian PHP programmer turns back to his blue-collar work.

Missing piece completes Stuxnet jigsaw

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

I second the motion.

Ticks all the boxes under the "how does this make sense" header.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Gates Horns


"A SCADA system always refers to a system that coordinates, but does not control processes in real time"

Yes. It's like the SNMP jazz for op-amp and motor-oriented people. Though it's sometimes based on Microsoft OLE (HURL!)

Calls for US nudie perv scanner 'opt-out day'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother


I though it was "impossible" for these scanners to store and even less print images.

Where do these X-files (naked silvery humanoid with facemask pun!) come from, then?

Apple, Oracle air-kiss their way to OpenJDK deal for Mac OS X

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Just as planned...

...but by whom?

Xbox Kinect costs just £35 to build

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Gates Horns

Yes I see.

Please, *please*, good people, I am in haste! WHO lives in that castle?

Robot wars break out on poker sites

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"I will be back"

I hope there shall be a book about those algorithms. And no patents! (I wish)

Google: Oracle doctored that 'copied Java code'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Pretty novel interpretation of copyright law, if you ask me...

Quite apart from whether actual copyright infringement has occurred, which, given Larry's constant testosterone problems, may quite well not be the case, I have never heard of a plagiarist attempting to shove off the responsibility of his copying to his readers...

Or am I misunderstanding something?

Great and Good honour the designer of world's first laptop

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

And so do people

...so generally one stays way below those belts.

Low Earth Orbit, right?

Fedora bars SQLNinja hack tool

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Fedora does what is has to...

because strutting politicians are stinking things up relentlessly, believing that draconian laws will make the world a happy place full of smiles, candy, fluffy animals and well-ironed uniforms.

This will go on until only criminals and three-letter agencies have dual-use tools and then we are truly owned.

US comms watchdog probes Google Street View Wi-Fi slurp

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Yeah.. he he...

“Whether intentional or not, collecting information sent over Wi-Fi networks clearly infringes on consumer privacy,” said FCC official Joe Gurin earlier this year.

And only the state can do that without restraints. Otherwise, where would we be?

Netezza pays to shut down CIA killer drone lawsuit

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

With the Imperial Stormtroopers on location...

"The drones are used to kill terrorists in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen."

You mean "kill random people".

On the other hand, they got killed, so they must have been terrorists, right?

Red Hat launches Enterprise Linux 6

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

IPv6 is always new...

and new, and new, and new...

Apache threatens Oracle with Java exit

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Learn to spell "server" first

Then go and buy a book on COBOL then consider whether this is an "effective language for servor side business applications"

Also, consider that you may have misunderstood what OO actually is about. "Building abstractions of reality" is what introductory courses say OO is about. Once you work with it, you will find that most of your objects have no relationship to any reality.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

640K should be enough for everyone

Eat my dust, C++ coder.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

You want stuff for your preferred OS?


Falklands hero Marine: Save the Harrier, scrap the Tornado

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Maybe the primary problem is...

...why you want to kill "Tallybin" in the first place?

Because sundry newspapers were hailing that faggotry as a Good Thing to Do in 2001?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"won't do low-altitude precision bombing"

There are macho crazies who do that sort of thing these days? We have JDAMs, you know,

As Jeff Huber says "The Intruder and Strike Eagle were designed for nape-of-the-earth radar-evading missions, and nobody goes in low anymore. It’s too easy to run into a cloud of anti-aircraft BBs. The Navy has abandoned the Intruder. The Strike Eagle is still in the Air Force inventory so old navigators can have a fast combat jet to fly in"

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Maybe we should have another World War?

And maybe your an economically illiterate <expletive deleted>?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Thumb Down


No Hitler was not elected.

Gb2 schoolbooks