* Posts by Destroy All Monsters

16005 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008

Mm, Silverlight, what's that smell? Yes, it's death

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Because a Microsoft marketing rep showed up, bearing presents.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

So what's new?

In the olden times, new predators or agricultural catastrophes jumped at you out of nowhere every fews seasons and you had to relearn to survive until you croaked hungry, forgotten and alone in a cold cave at the age of 40.

In today's times, new stuff from fastcycle development inc. jumps at you out of nowhere every few seasons and you have to bore through another Manning book to survive until your croak hungry, forgotten, alone and pensioneless (your savings having been taxed and inflated away) in front of TV sitcoms at the age of 60.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

But PostScript rocked. Especially in NeWS. So what's your point?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

You want DRM?

Torrent it, then put a post-it note saying "DRM" on your screen.

Enjoy the xperience!

Army to deploy jumping robots in Afghanistan

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Aren't those arseholes packing?

Oh right, it's an Obama war now.

It will go on.

So better throw more robots at it. Yep. That's the ticket.

Clean-up begins after biggest ever botnet takedown

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"chief exec of Rove Digital"

Turd Blossom is alive!

Mars, Moon, solar system could be littered with alien artifacts

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Black Helicopters

You are now being contacted by "Artificial Insanity"

The most powerful pan-galactic spambot. Written by the highly dedicated team of Stellar Haxxters from Spandex IV (a species that manages multiple sex changes during their lifetime), it mercilessly penetrates any and all computer systems built by emerging civilizations - emitting physical level nanoprobes if need be - and fills data storage with alien porn, spiral arm 415 solicitations or galactic cam dross. It drives species not of the insectoid variety to extinction within a short time. Studies show that non-hive-mind hierarchical mammalian civilizations rot totally within less than half the typical lifetime of a representative, beginning with the leadership group.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

By Chromis Pasqueflower Bowerbird's cube!

"NASA's efforts in putting the famous plaques on them may well be wasted"


Hoping that someone finds these plaques is like hoping that this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PIECE OF PAPER ON THE TRUTH ABOUT THE SECRET IRANIAN PROGRAM TO BUILD NUKES AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD that I have in front of me and will now throw into the loo will somehow arrive on the desk of POTUS.

Not gonna happen.

One really has to invest a bit more seriously in local marketing efforts.

Mexican drug runners torture and decapitate blogger

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

It's written "losing", btw...

"Man up"... LIKE THIS?


"The US response to such drug-related violence has been to crackdown and weaponize local armies. But this is counterproductive, as the Zetas gang is tied to US-trained and supported Guatemalan militias notorious for various human rights abuses. Similarly, the Sinaloa Cartel, which US authorities have cooperated with in the past, is involved in the smuggling and distribution of Colombian cocaine, where the US has funded various drug-trafficking militias as well as a corrupt government which has provided protection for such groups."

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Not that different from Belgium, really.

In a country where guns are outlawed, only criminals have guns.

Good ones. Provided free of charge by Uncle Sam.

Why GNOME refugees love Xfce

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


Your are the cancer. Leave the civvies alone.

Russian probe engines crap out on way to Mars

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

No, but I remember hearing that beagle was futzy and underfunded from the get-go. With half-arsed fixes right to last minute and everything.

'Puzzling structures on surface' of YU55 spaceball

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

> How do you "drop" a device on something that is hurtling past at more than 10 km/s?

NERVAs that's how.

Where are they? What are my taxes GOOD FOR?

Lost cities found beneath sands of Sahara by satellites

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Profs in disconnected from political realities shocker

I don't know where the idea comes from that now when the strongman is gone, there will suddenly be safe access.

Get ready for archaelogists moaning about being blown off dunes / gruesomly drilled by freedom fighters, resurgent Wahabbis now in Lybia's govnmt financed by Saudi Arabia, Al Qaeda franchisees, bandits of various couleur, Duty platoons and Xe operatives looking for a good time. And possibly a drone or two controlled by the the US Peace Lovers International Corporation.

Also, in before mention of Abdul Alhazred etc.

The Register Guide on how to stay anonymous (part 2)

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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>It can store files anywhere it's running user context can store them.

No it can't.


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Java: just say no

> Provides 4 links to sites

> One from 2011 basically moaning about people not updating Java

> One from 2007 that is actually about a Quicktime bug

> One by Krebsonsecurity.com, which uses Google Analytics to check the readers' goodies

> One from 2010 where Microsoft complains about Java

> Calls is "unbelievably broken"

My face when.

The best I can get out of this is a citation by Microsoft:

"[Microsoft] said that Oracle, which is now ultimately responsible for Java after its Sun acquisition, should collaborate with competitor Microsoft to automatically distribute Java patches"

Yes, good idea. Please implement.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Your solution

A Virtual Machine.

Work in it.

Then wipe it.


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


>> You’ll be quite surprised how many websites use Java that you didn’t know about,

Yeah, but ultimately, that's the idea of web-browser-side Java, right?

Hackers can spring Death Row crims from cells

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

>all of the cells on death row popped open

>correctional facilities


New pics of giant black sphere hurtling toward Earth

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Yeah, but with the good people of 2011 seriously challenged to understand how gravity works or taking their daily news from News of the World or the Washington Post, we shan't be too picky, right?

Be happy that they are still able to focus on numbers THREE FRACKING DIGITS LONG.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

"And a serious smash on the moon will be far more serious for us"

Because dusty moonface?

Feds warn 'pox party' zealots not to send viruses in post

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Typical bureaucratic stupidity

Leaving aside the frankly bizarre antivaxer panic....

"More to the point, he reminded needle-phobic parents that sending viruses through the mail is against the law, and could result in a federal prosecution."

I wonder how that's supposed to work? Shall I get a Cobalt-60 gamma ray sterilizer for my mail packages??? Oh wait, it's probably against the law to have that either.

The Surgeon General recommends to commit at least three federal felonies against random shit a day!

Compact Disc death foretold for 2012

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Britney Spears


Is the electromagnetic constant a constant?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"he said the observations might need years to gain acceptance"

It's good that alpha is not 1/137.00000000000000012121... measured to 10 decimal places otherwise everyone would be offended that someone would doubt the elegance of "EXACTLY 1/137"

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


>Lubos Motl

>unknown blogger

More like well-known foul-mouthed fanboi of Stringy Theories. Apparently he is ok in Real Life though.

Robbers steal £1m worth of Modern Warfare 3 packs

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

It's easy playing big tough Internet Guy from behind a sea channel.

Doctor Who and the Unsatisfactory Five Hole Tape Punch

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Those uniforms!

That ass!

Common brain parasite 'can affect host's actions'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Not new, actually.

I remember something like this from NewScientist back before Gulf War II.

Too lazy to check and I no longer have a subscription....

Colossal dead black neo-sphere approaching Earth

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Of course it's affected by Earth's gravity.

It will do a hyperbola around Earth, no problem. As opposed to passing in a straight line.

It's actually impossible to see in the app below, because Earth is not super-massive. If there were no Sun, the hyperbola would be really flat:

If oyu haven't uninstalled Java:

http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=2005%20YU55;orb=1 (Select Center on Earth)

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Aha! Certainly an Inhibitor sphere.

The only question is, does it have Earth's name on it?

Eclipse Xtends Java

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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It's like making an AR-15 actually work, but I still like to hear that.

A move in the direction of Groovy without the full uncertainty about what the code will actually do at runtime that comes with it.

Feds back down from legalizing government lies

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


"Embarrassing" this administration is about as hard as embarrassing Fonzi the Keynesian Military Fetishist Clown in SS Leather Gear currently demonstrating his skills at submissive bondage roles with his partner, Crazy Israel.

Groupon snatches a great deal ... on itself

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"the IPO quiet period when bosses aren't supposed to talk about how well or unwell their firm is"

Never understood this kind of stupid.

It doesn't stop people from squirting their money into a deep well. At all.

US, Europe throw their very first joint cyber-war party

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Ha Ha Ha!

The well-groomed brownshirt and his bungling arse-kissing sidekick, sitting at the terminal, doing EX-ER-CI-SES.

Nude lady recreates Star Wars tauntaun scene in dead horse

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


So an "animal lover" took offence?

And he was at the 4-chan watering hole?

Say no more!

Aussie scientists develop radioactivity-trapping nanofibers

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Oh good

Can these guys off to the Middle East and Lybia to hoover up all the Depleted Uranium that the NATO/US/Israel fuckheads have blown all over the place in our name, causing interesting mutations that luckily stay "over there" so we don't have to face a moral problem "over here"?

Oh it doesn't work on Uranium in desert regions?

Is your old hardware made of gold, or just DIRT?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Living in the real universe and taking economics and price signals seriously and not something that is a pure invention of unnamed dirty capitalistic exploiters and can be disregarded at will?

So ... rare ... these days.

No crying_bear.jpg? Thumbs up, then.

Palestine fingers Israel for blasting Gaza off the net

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

It's not just the Prussians who know how to party

"but sometimes slightly more sophisticated tactics are brought into play"

Like, blowing up whole shitloads of civilians with Main Battle Tanks and F-16s sourced for free from the USA?

Bill Gates strangled Microsoft's 'tablet for creatives'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Which is why patents, aka. monopoly armor, should be flushed down the toilet along with all the "Intellectual Property" lawyers.

That's something OWS could actually be for. Instead of clamoring for someone, anyone to pay their phone bills.

Cameron loves net freedom – as long as no one's rioting

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Bad, bad omens.

“These are attacks on our national interest. They are unacceptable. And we will respond to them as robustly as we do any other national security threat,”

The last one who spoke thus got run out of town, bombed by a plane, hit by a drone, pulled out of a sewer pipe, raped with a knife, shot, laughed at by Hillary, called Hitler by the UN moondude, then exposed in a freezer as a tourist attraction.

World heading for massive jobs slump

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Stupid still think they can moneyprint their way out of a recession, eh?

...whereas moneyprinting actually leads the way INTO the recession.

"only one major advanced economy - the United States - has announced a national jobs plan"

Which ain't gonna work. There no longer is any money to inject into the economy. There is only paper to print. More economic bubbles like the stupid "housing boom" or "internet boom" and inflation ain't gonna help. And "taxing" just destroys employment and economic activity somewhere else. Notice that the only "national jobs plan" with serious money behind it is the military? Why isn't it enough? It employs people. It keeps the young ones from taking the jobs of seniors. (It also acts as Viagra for disgusting sh*t like McCain and Liebermann, but that's another discussion). Maybe it's a fat chunk of the causes of the current problems? But noo....


Say no more. More business to destroy and economic blue-sky thinking to write into law? Why, sure. I mean, this universe is actually candyland, didn't you know that?


"For more than a century, American progressives have convinced themselves that they could create a world that could circumvent the long-held laws of economics simply by dismissing these laws as illegitimate creations of human beings. Now that the US economy is locked into high unemployment, massive debt, and utter uncertainty, progressives have decided that what is needed is more of the same activity that put us here in the first place. They define such actions as "pragmatic." I would tend to classify such things as falling into what Einstein labeled as insanity: repeating something over and over and expecting different results. Einstein understood theory, and he also understood that one could not buck theories demonstrated to be true and correctly anticipate results that were apart from what the theory might predict."

Steve Jobs' last words: 'OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

I'd rather see the castle of Anthrax, really.

Anonymous threatens Mexican drug cartel

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Get "fast and furious" Holder on the blower!

"Messing with goverments can end you up in jail."

Except if you are the drone end of a "presidential finding" or a SWAT call gone bad or maybe a entrapment operation in which you are the collateral damage.

Also Mexico - how about liberalizing your gun laws? What's that?? Too many disgruntled campesinos??? Yeah, maybe not then. Real power pyramids don't want to be endangered.

Minecraft upstages Portal 2 in arty game prize

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Is it a cellular automaton? No, it's people burning their time!

Minecraft craft: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxPsrOmm4mQ

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

My face when

"Can a game - any game, for that matter - be a work of artistic merit?"

Really now.

I would imagine this question could only have been asked in a meeting of slightly aged ladies sipping tea and discoursing about the artsyness of Rembrandt, the Royal Marriage and the moral turpitude of the young ones. In the 80s.


Blue Coat owns up to Syrian Web-blocking

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

> Hang these lying bastard CEOs

Your national-socialism is duly noted. Go jump under a train, mmmokay?

Back to :

>> out of a shipment it believed was bound for Iraq.

Please explain me how this is any better? Syria is not considered an "ally" but they torture, control and put down as much as Maliki. Hell, they even torture on demand, if the US needs a quiet cellar free from any FOIA requests. I don't get it.

Ah hold on, they are "against" Israel.

Miley Cyrus cracker: 'I'm too short for the slammer!'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Is that Miley Cyrus on the pic? She looks like the *adorable* Sophie Marceau...

Applied Micro leaps ahead in ARM server race

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Mini-ITX-sized servers?

Being old-school and all I was lately surprised at the (absence of) size of the server mainboards inside of those big 19'' caissons. The biggest thing now are the power supplies (really, a server has no business having power supplies at all, not to mention dual ones, what's with this "industry"?) and the stupid fans. The spinning rust is being seized down to 4 units of 2.5'' + the unfortunately still off-mainboard RAID controller, which is acceptable.

So will I be able to have a few of the standard servers inside a 1-HU box before I ride into the sunset? I hope so.

The biggest problem for this kind of non-x86 thing is going to market and breaking down the deadly embrace of integrator reluctance and customer apathy.

Oh, and you have to recompile your Unix, of course.

(To the esteemed author: It should be "Watt" not "Watts")

We like zombies… because we are zombies

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Better critique...

...here: http://www.antiwar.com/blog/2010/12/14/are-we-not-zombies/

>After nine-years of playing a humiliating game of whack-a-mole with a “rag tag” enemy that was supposedly vanquished after 9/11 but in key areas has seemingly more support from the people we are supposed to be liberating than we ever did, Americans are now indulging in elaborate fantasies, like World War Z, in which they regain all of the pride and strength and virtue that was lost — by fighting an even more ruthless adversary, the ultimate evil – the flesh-eating undead.

Maybe, just maybe, we can win that war, and liberate ourselves!

Sounds “fantastical,” and sure, “The Walking Dead” is nothing but a slick soap opera with lots of blood and guts, but as Vlahos points out:

“…are not zombies our former selves — hence, the most terrifying and relentless enemy of all? Are not their ranks also flush with those who had lost American virtue: The passive, the narcissistic, the cynical, the uncaring? Sacred wars are about purification, revival and redemption. By indirection, Brooks [in his "World War Z"] is making the troubling point as well, that only zombies — or a national challenge equally existential — can renew America now.”

Crypto boffins uncover rogue task risk on Amazon cloud

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

That is THE POINT!