* Posts by Destroy All Monsters

16005 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008

Microsoft spoons news to punters with Facebook, Twitter-slurp

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


#AmericanEnterpriseInstitute: Bombing of Iran has finally started. God Bless! [trending upwards]

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[**Adv**] Today 30% off Modern Warfare 3! Limited "Tehran" Offer! [**Adv**]

--> !Vote Now!: Bombing is [justified] or [no opinion]. This poll brought to you by #AIPAC.


[ ... Oil futures: ↑↑↑ ... QE 12 in discussion ... Whitney Houston Revival Concert booked out ... ]

Linux talent shortage drives up salaries

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Money, money, money

That's the idea.

It is also difficult to compete against point-and-click sysadmins with no mental image what actually happens when they change setting X in window Z and who keel over once SHTF. Because it rarely does nowadays.

Maybe a ... "tax-free" consultancy job would be best.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Just keep on trolling.

> going by the downvotes there are plenty of Linux folks who don't want to believe it

Or maybe they just want to tell you you are writing senseless drivel meant to enrage. t's hard to tell by counting a number of binary flags.

> solid corporate citizens who can keep the lights blinking no matter whether it's Windows, IBM, or RedHat

Plus putting up with permanent "reorganizations" of the IT department. Still, I hope you are not suggesting doing all of the above at once lest your company trade secrets show up on some pastebin.

Cupertino to ban permissionless address book copying

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

There are far better options.


Sony 'fesses to Whitney Houston price hike 'error'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Her output, as well as herself, is a product. Like a toaster. Like a Gucci bag. Comprende? If she had died a successful waitress, then.... well, then, nothing.

Price bump? Why sure.

The only ones that "care" are those trying to push "racism", the "exploitin' by da evil 1% capitalists" and some crying and wailing about the misunderstood downtrodden "creative ones" into the thin 5-minute wedge of opportunity that this here life termination event offers.

Whistleblower: Decade-long Nortel hack 'traced to China'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


Order a big box of less-than-lethal submission gear.

Every 3 months:

1) Unpack gear

2) Enter exec office by force, making use of the above against any opposing personnel

3) Extract disk of any machine for forensic purposes

4) Insert new disk, reinstall everything, destroy all USB keys, break CDs, replace phones, inspect wall plugs etc.

5) Leave

FAIL because I can't manage to do that at our place.

Heartland Institute documents leaked

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

>And now go and cash the cheque by Heartland

That's "discussion" nowadays.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

ThinkProgress IS the liberal media

They are also shocking Obamites who are okay with Bush's policies if Obama does them.

Mars, Europe losers in Obama's 2013 NASA budget

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"cuts to the military"

Those are not the cuts you are looking for.

Those "cuts" are reductions in the projected increase. It's still increasing.

For the military, UP means DOWN. And everyone is looking forward to the "Litte Big War" against Iran with itemized bills.

CERN boffins to lift LHC beam power

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Where's da Higgs at, yo?

> "full design power of 7 TeV per beam in 2015"

Sadly not. CERN seems to have settled for a maxout at 6.5 TeV for safety reasons. They don't want to risk blowing the interconnects, if I understand correctly.

More at:


And in particular, the summary of the Chamonix technical meeting [Not averse to skiing, are we?], here:



Germany stalls over ACTA treaty ratification

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Nah proof of doofosity [or alternatively astroturfing, who knows] is a teachable moment.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

>>end up dying from having been giving a counterfeit medication

>>some unknowingly put a counterfeit part in it

>calls people stupid

Some here haven't the slightest clue about traceability and engineering or how liability works.

Some even thinks random book laws can change the laws of human behavior.

IBM: We do server flash already...

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

That depends on where you feel your are situated in the food chain.

Space: 1999 returning to TV?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

There is some muscle here wants to see you, says he's called Pluto.

Virtual Nazi-code-cracking Colossus in fundraising appeal

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"encrypted messages between Hitler and his generals"

These would not have been very interesting.

"Falling back will be handled as treason. Bomb! bomb! bomb! We are winning! Nein! Nein! Nein!"

etc. etc. etc. Much like any politician's blather today.

What downturn? Lenovo stuffs pockets with 54% extra profit

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

I sad

So basically they are burning off the brand name candle?

Coming to a continent near you: America

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

By then, there will only be a City with a buried starship.

Eolas falls at first hurdle in bid to tax browser apps

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Intellectual Property Claims - Weapons of Mass Destruction

"Google was one of many companies that could have faced massive penalties if the case had been successful"

This is like saying that my neighbor would be one of many people facing massive sunburn if a nuke went off in center town.

Life-size Portal gun to shoot onto shelves soon

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Waiting for Friday

Thus related:

Portal: No Escape (Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg)


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

I'm sure Valve gets its cake from this.

Also, is that cheap plastic I spy? Cave Johnson wouldn't be pleased.

Hackers claim to have penetrated Foxconn backdoor

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Get a load of this then


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Wild speculation? We have it!

"So my best guess at this stage would be that the attackers managed to upload something malicious on the [services.foxconn.com] server and somehow used that to gain access."

They could also have used Psy powers.

Royal astro-boffin to MPs: Stop thinking about headlines

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Stop thinking about headlines? Headlines _are_ all that's left.

So in foreign politics:


"The West’s turnaround [on Syria], its malarial leap from courting to condemning, reveals the lack of any political anchor in Western foreign policy-making today, which leads to a situation where Western foreign policy can become highly suggestible, shaped more by the short-term PR needs of people like Clinton and Hague than by anything so old-fashioned as carefully worked-out national interests."

The West has lost, get over it.

Japan enlists foreign bloggers to revive tsunami-hit tourist biz

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

How about a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. theme park?

"I said come in, don't stand there!"

US Navy preps railgun for tests

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Guess they still seize too much money from the populace.

'App Economy' has created 466,000 US jobs

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

The SQL query economy! The MF3/BF3 economy! The War with Iran Pusher economy.

Really, it just shows what people are doing at the moment and hopefully being paid for.

Hackers spunk 'pcAnywhere source' after negotiation breakdown

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Ethics have been found under this old rug.

"'Symantec' was prepared to offer payment of $50,000 (in instalments) on condition that [someone] made a statement that the hack it claimed against Symantec was a lie."

Was this "WE NEVER WOZ HACXED, S'TRUTH" the Fed's idea?

Also, no "Intellectual Property" was stolen. One could maybe say that trade secrets were divulged.

Oracle wins round in Java patent lawsuit against Google

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

If your wife doesn't want to see beer in the fridge buy orange juice or try another brand.

"If Sun doesn't want to work with us, we have two options: 1) Abandon our work and adopt MSFT CLR VM and C# language – or – 2) Do Java anyway and defend our decision, perhaps making enemies along the way."

This is "incriminating" only to people who have never had to make a business decision. Hell, that kind of "problem if you do, problem that can possibly be finagled if you don't" is made daily.

Upgrade eliminates Atlantis from Google Earth

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Hollywood gathers to pick over Limewire’s corpse

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Clearly the power of Shrek can power the whole economy of the USA.

Indian court grabs back 122 GSM licences from operators

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Uncertainty in markets and stealing from oneself

"Even as the spectrum was awarded, back in 2008, politicians were accused of stitching up the public purse by failing to auction the bands."

Someone hasn't quite understood that the money that goes into the public purse doesn't appear magically out of nowhere. It has to be paid back to the shareholders eventually. From the telecom service fees. So ultimately the public purse is being filled by punters.

European revolt over ACTA treaty gains ground

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

> Europe

> Proclaims that it wants to usher in the "information economy" and "progress".

> Tax-feeding drones sign random intellectual property shit proposed by lobbyists [financed among others by intellectual property reimbursement schemes]

> Making any prospects of the "information economy" go buh-bye.

> But at least proud that it's not being controlled by Big Business like the Ameurricans are.


Anonymous hackers leak Scotland Yard-FBI conference call

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Let me take a guess...

None. They will, however, demand a budget increase.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

If it was a Philips PBX, it MUST have been 0000# because there never was a way to change it.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Ohhh Matty...

> Complete Idiots and skiddiots

> Who have managed a massive security breach

Really, doublethink much?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Was that before or after the Clipper Chip Perversity proposed by President Klingon?

Apple Europe poaches Xbox PR mastermind

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Was he hired out of the door?

How did they manage that? Don't these people have explosive collars or slamhounds keyed to their MHC that mercilessly track them down?

[slamhound n.m.: not the sex fiend meaning, the William Gibson meaning, okay?]

Brit space agency sends up 1st satellite

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Only evil worldtakeover bearded people with an aristocratic bend bedding black amazons can do that!

Btw, has everyone forgotten about The Beagle?

Facebook's Googly IPO delivers on Sun man's vision

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

"Our business is subject to complex and evolving US and foreign laws and regulations regarding privacy, data protection, and other matters."

...not to mention evolving US and foreign laws and regulations regarding secrecy, pervasive surveillance, terrorist hunting and other matters.


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

The FAR side

There is no dark side. The Moon is not the Force.

Final Fantasy XIII-2

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"That’s not to say you’ll do nothing, there’s still the action button to hammer as you hit the auto attack choice – the AI nearly always picking attacks most effective against your current foe."

That would be useful in Afghanistan.

Also, what IS that cactus swastika thing?

Robot rabbits take on Facebook, female orgasms

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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I have to agree with that.

Better get some Linux-on-a-board + software and roll your own.

Cray shrinks XE6m supers down to a rack

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Who wants those?

They are not more powerful than a single general-purpose core of today.

French court lays le smackdown on Google Maps

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

A free product! Oh no the CAPITALISM!

Also, "Amazon kills books", "Ford kills horses" etc.

Meanwhile, you actually have to *pay* for *copyrighted* maps that are made by government outfits.


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Nice app, shame about the content.

These are not the "News" you are looking for.

Drink diet pop all the time? Look forward to VASCULAR DEATH

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Not to mention the alien DNA in the egg yolk using in MILKY WAY CANDY BARS.

"multi-ethnic urban population"

So, blacks and latinos chilling in their respective 'hoods? Safe, I am!

System Shock

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Reverse psychology? Really now. You monster.

RIM's cartoon superheroes inspire caustic Tweet-storm

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Ach so! Das ist die Inphografik!

And here I was wondering whether El Reg had maybe just omitted to include a demographic spreadsheet or something similar ....

Cyberwar report: Israel, Finland best prepared for conflict

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

STALIN stopped by UNPLUGGED RJ-45!

No government was involved. World goes on as before.

Steerable bullet aims for mass army deployment

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

The steerable bullet idea was in a Perry Rhodan novel I picked up in 87 or so about an architect building whole cities on distant planets.

But give this to US kiddies in MARPAT™? Great, now we gonna have dead civvies with 100% accuracy. Yup, great win. Couldn't get any better.