* Posts by Destroy All Monsters

16005 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008

Ever had to register to buy online - and been PELTED with SPAM?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"They don’t have any sense of reason or shame that we can appeal to, and they have no incentive to be accommodating. We’re not their customers. In fact they make their money from selling us, not selling to us, so they have an excellent motive not to help us."

Sounds exactly like that tax thing if you replace "selling" by "serving".

ANOTHER Huawei partner accused of slipping US tech to Iran

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: NOoo? Really!?

"Eeeeevuuuul Jooooooos", huh?

Did I say anything about Jews? No I didn't. And I would hope some non-blinkered people would be able to make a distinction between the ideas of Jewish ancestry/religion and the increasingly ugly apartheid state that sits atop an area formerly inhabited by, among others, a lot of non-Jewish semites.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: I'd export them container ship loads of the latest tech...

Then hired them, while selling the whole of Eastern Europe to a guy even worse.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

NOoo? Really!?

"The US wants to restrict the flow of computing hardware into Iran to hinder the country's nuclear programme"

I think this should read

"The US wants to restrict the flow of computing hardware into Iran to appease Israeli lobbyists"

Since the latest "Hagel is an ANTISEMITE!! LOOK!!11" flap against the guy who had the temerity to say that he is an US senator, not an Israeli senator (implying that he would behave accordingly when in office), I think even the last cavedweller should know what's up.

Anti-virus products are rubbish, says Imperva

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Oh go on, I'll feed em...

> Hard to resist the idiocy of the comments here.

Well, thank you for really adding to it.

2012 in tech: Apple up the Cook without a paddle, ARM, slab wars... and MORE

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: Um, and?

> enemy state


Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Oh, Really?

> Windows 200[0] ran on Alpha until about a dozen years ago

Yep, for all of five minutes and never made it to release either.


On the 23rd of August 1999, a notorious event took place: Compaq announced to discontinue participation in development of Windows NT and stopped to supply this OS with Alpha systems of its own. In fact, it also laid off almost all people (about 120 programmers) from former DEC's Western Research Laboratory (DECwest) who worked on this project. Accordingly to Compaq's statistics, among all preinstalled OSes on newly shipped Alpha machines Tru64 UNIX held a share of 65%, OpenVMS — of 35%, and Windows NT — just about of 5%. So, there was no reason to keep flogging a dead horse. A week later, Microsoft announced in return that there would be no Windows 2000 for Alpha released, even though the RC1 (Release Candidate 1) was ready by that moment. Considering a fact that Microsoft together with Motorola and SGI discontinued any support for the PowerPC and MIPS architectures respectively in 1997, the future of "the universal OS" appeared to rely on a single computer architecture. Of course, if to discount IA-64 which failed on the workstation market soon and never got to desktops or notebooks.

Drobo B1200i: The heavy-duty array even your mum could use

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

This is 2013, manufacturers. Get with the program.

> For me - with my Linux desktop...

I'm starting to not understand the extreme incompetence exhibited by hardware makers [and I'm looking at AEG UPS here, btw] to not ship adequate *nix software, or, if they do, ship it with a JDK attached (possibly an 1.6.18 or something to unlock that ghetto feel). It's not hard to do and one could forgive the missing polish, but it should work.

It's JUST possible, but Apple MIGHT not make an iWatch in 2013

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"It would be rather dull"

For some reason I read "It would be rather Dell"

Rocket 'Grasshopper' leaps higher than tall building in single bound

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Face value is overrated.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: No idle talk

You are thinking all wrong and socialistically.

> Well, if you wanted to and had sufficient funds, you could give away- utterly free- a high-end smartphone to every person in the world.


> The Smartphone industry would then be massively disrupted, but it'd do bugger all to really help anyone.

On the contrary. About a trillion dollar that were magically sitting in your bank [how?] have suddenly been disbursed through your factories to upstream suppliers and their workers. Everyone has suddenly a free smartphone. This liberates money that people wanted to spend for other things.

> SpaceX are just being better and cheaper than everyone else- but sustainably.

How does that make sense? Why would anyone be "better and cheaper than everyone else- but sustainably"? Hell, get everyone as customer RIGHT NOW. That's what drives improvement in the competition, dontcha know.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

What exactly in "Not NASA" do you not understand?

> The DC-X Delta Clipper hover tests did more and better fifteen years ago.

Yeah, I remember. But so what? Typical meatball project. Wakypedia says: "In a post-accident report, NASA's Brand Commission blamed the accident on a burnt-out field crew who had been operating under on-again/off-again funding and constant threats of outright cancellation. The crew, many of them originally from the SDIO program, were also highly critical of NASA's "chilling" effect on the program, and the masses of paperwork NASA demanded as part of the testing regimen."

More and better. Does not fly.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: No idle talk

> provided it's done properly

How exactly is that?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Some deserted rural landscape instead of huge gantries and buildings?

With a rocket so pristine it looks like something out of a Lonnie Zamora UFO sighting?

Leisurly descending on its own flame?

That seriously looks like Hollywood. Good job!

Hm, nice idea that. But somebody's already doing it less well

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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So you fell uncertain? Step this side, please. May I see your tax returns, sir?

I SAY! Let's add this...

Directly from Regime Uncertainty: Some Clarifications by Robert Higgs.

Private investment is the most important driver of economic progress. Entrepreneurs need new structures, equipment, and software to produce new products, to produce existing products at lower cost, and to make use of new technology that requires embodiment in machinery, plant layouts, and other aspects of the existing capital stock. When the rate of private investment declines, the rate of growth of real income per capita slackens, and if private investment drops quickly and substantially, a recession or depression occurs.

Such recession or depression is likely to persist until private investment makes a fairly full recovery. In US history, such recovery usually has occurred within a year or two after the trough. Only twice in the past century has a fairly prompt and full recovery of private investment failed to occur — during the Great Depression and during the past five years.

In a 1997 article in the Independent Review ("Regime Uncertainty: Why the Great Depression Lasted So Long and Why Prosperity Resumed After the War" PDF) I argued that a major reason for the incomplete recovery of private investment during the latter half of the 1930s was "regime uncertainty." By this, I mean a pervasive lack of confidence among investors in their ability to foresee the extent to which future government actions will alter their private-property rights. In the original article and in many follow-up articles, I documented that between 1935 and 1940, many investors feared that the government might transform the very nature of the existing economic order, replacing the primarily market-oriented economy with fascism, socialism, or some other government-controlled arrangement in which private-property rights would be greatly curtailed, if they survived at all. Given such fears, many investors regarded new investment projects as too risky to justify their current costs.

Regime uncertainty pertains to more than the government's laws, regulations, and administrative decisions. For one thing, as the saying goes, "personnel is policy." Two administrations may administer or enforce identical statutes and regulations quite differently. A business-hostile administration such as Franklin D. Roosevelt's or Barack Obama's will provoke more apprehension among investors than a business-friendlier administration such as Dwight D. Eisenhower's or Ronald Reagan's, even if the underlying "rules of the game" are identical on paper. Similar differences between judiciaries create uncertainties about how the courts will rule on contested laws and government actions.

Ten… top tech cock-ups of 2012

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Mozart was a Wunderkind, not a Wuenderkind

Fail? NO U!

"Weunderkind" would lose you points in any exam, as would "Wünderkind".

What exactly is hard to understand in "It's spelled WUNDERKIND".

And certainly not "WEUNDERKIND", for Christ's Sake.

And the "probably" adjective is not to be used here. At all.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Re: Martian conspiracy?

Only in the "invited guests" stand, directly next to Obama.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Why can't they just be honest?

There more so as at long it isn't someone's REGISTERED trade mark and their domain of application is different anyway, they will most certainly prevail in court.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Apple Maps not so bad and at least the trains ran on time, yadda yadda....

Stop talking like this, it sounds like someone explaining the inner torments and global misunderstanding of a (Russian|European|African) dictator's hidden heart of gold.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

And then...

"it's holdings held their value"

No no no no no ... NO!

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Mozart was a Wunderkind, not a Wuenderkind

And "wünderkind" does not take a trema, it's just "Wunderkind" (i.e. "prodigy")

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: "Metro"

> German megaretailer Metro AG

I have never heard of them. They the guys running "Saturn" at el.?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: The *Other* Side

> Right. It is important that the other side is also represented

Andrew sure is posting from holidays.

The year GNOMES, Ubuntu sufferers forked off to Mint Linux

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Ring, Ring is the 90's. It wants its slogans back.

But the network is NOT the computer, and won't be unless some serious security and cognitive problems have been resolved first.

Sure, it's fine to run some software which blurs the lines between local and remote, as long as it is done in a controlled environment. Like a Virtual Machine. Or, barring that, a browser.

> Beyond tradition, is there any reason why an OS search field shouldn't also search the internet?

Yes. If you are not interested in remote results, remote results shouldn't be retrieved or shown.

Why should there be a magic search functionality in the standard UI that throws the kitchen sink at you when you look for yesterday's documents? Beats me.

Motorola pulls out of China, leaves locals behind till of Android shop

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: So, in summary..

In my time, trolling was serious business.

Crushing $1.17bn Marvell patent judgment could set record

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: 1 moment. Marvell is *fabless* semiconductor company.

I suppose Marvell's home will be more likely to be something on the Asian Landmass in the future.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

> "stealing" the idea

Clearly you are unsure about how patents work. It's all about "stealing the idea". You get a monopoly on some arbitrarily chosen "subspace of ideas" (arbitrarily chosen because there is no objective distance measure of similarity measure in that space, it all comes down to random subjective judgement of lawyers, juries and judges) and you get to patrol it with the badges and guns of the state. If someone trespasses (according to the aforementioned arbitrary judgement call) without being aware that the area was zoned, well, tough luck.

If you "steal the code", then copyright law comes into effect.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

End of a story then?

Nicely applied tech, products and jobs go *phut* in an instant?

CMU gets dosh, but what will it do for it? Pay Elsevier Publications? Buy a few Global Hawks for the Uni's robotics department? Free tuition fees forever?

Osborne stumps up £20m of your cash for wiggly wonder stuff graphene

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Oh dear the UK governemnt has backed another "winner"

Hush! You will be downvoted!

Here are your pompoms.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: A winrar is you!

> Without any such protection then nobody is going to invest in it.

I always wonder how humanity survived before Intellectual Property was invented back in the last Ice Age.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Break even


You contribute to the economy by NOT paying taxes.

Do you really want to feed Mr Paper Pusher next door instead of feeding Mr Engineer?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

A winrar is you!

"Backing a winner", eh?

If it's such a clear winner, there should be private money rushing in, especially now with cash sloshing around more fiercely than kerosene in a Saturn V first stage.

So why some neo-liberal intervention?

"the UK had beaten off competition from Singapore and America to keep core graphene research and scientists in the UK since graphene was discovered in Manchester by two Russian scientists in 2005"

Oh, okay, making it difficult for research & investment in the first place, coupled with misplaced nationalism and mercantilism. And probably misperception and cargo-cultism about how a whole "industry" can arise via development of new production processes.

Chill out, biz barons... your new IT system might not look like the old one

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: What the fuck does "overly prescriptive" mean?

Insulting your customers?

That's a formula for success.

> designing IT systems for about 40 years

40 years ago, IT systems were 1 mainframe and 2 terminals. What are you saying here?

Steve Jobs' Apple yacht freed after family settles the bill

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Venus in chains

No link to Wikipedia needed, really.

We know about literature and stuff.

Steve Bong's 3D printing special Xmas showcase

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: Tap, tap... Er hello?

Who knows nowadays?

365 days in SPAAACE: An interstellar glance at 2012

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Orbital manoeuvers!

No mention of the Kerbal Space Program?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: And through all this, nobody consulted the Mayans.

As long as the endtimers stay away from the red button or from fanning global thermonuclear war to usher in the rapture (yes, I am looking at some "Friends of Israel" here), they can drink as much kool aid as they like by me.

Boffins build elastic wires with liquid metal

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Network

Additionally, the kinks in a stretched cable should prove interesting.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: End of an era...

> Did you know 'headphone' is a Greek word though?

No, but then I started analyzing the word "headphone" and the image of God pumping God's Words into the brain of a lunatic over the blower started to appear, unbidden.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: ...don't want to eat... ...may be toxic...

Clever girl!

What Compsci textbooks don't tell you: Real world code sucks

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: So where are all the bad ones

Magic number detected.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Purists doing their purist faps

> "proper top," a system that could be tested and bootstrap the testing of the rest of the functions.

Yeah well, that really sounds like the "bottom" to me.

Redefine the words. Voilà, we are top down? Whatever keeps the project rolling and avoids the waterfall path into immediate obsolescence, I reckon. The goal is success any way you look at it.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

> Drop all the javadoc, and delete all comments in the code whenever you see them

Some people are worse than Taliban nutters. Hand them some code, they want to AK-74 all of it.

Engage catapult through the front door.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: Comments

> Big brother because he's the ultimate code reviewer, and we need him too!

Not according to Charles Stross. From "Big Brother Iron":

I am a systems manager in the abstract realm of the Computer, the great Party-designed, transistorised, thinking machine that lurks in a bomb-proofed bunker in Docklands. It’s my job to keep the behemoth running: to this end I have wheel authority, access all areas. The year is probably 2018, old calendar, but nobody’s very sure about it any more—too many transcription errors crept in during the 1980’s, back when not even MiniLove was preserving truly accurate records. It’s probably safest just to say that officially this is the Year 99, the pre-centenary of our beloved Big Brother’s birth.

It’s been the Year 99 for thirty-three months now, and I’m not sure how much longer we can keep it that way without someone in the Directorate noticing. I’m one of the OverStaffCommanders on the year 100 project; it’s my job to help stop various types of chaos breaking out when the clocks roll round and we need to use an extra digit to store dates entered since the birth of our Leader and Teacher.

Mine is a job which should never have been needed. Unfortunately when the Party infobosses designed the Computer they specified a command language which is a strict semantic subset of core Newspeak—politically meaningless statements will be rejected by the translators that convert them into low-level machinethink commands. This was a nice idea in the cloistered offices of the party theoreticians, but a fat lot of use in the real world—for those of us with real work to do. I mean, if you can’t talk about stock shrinkage and embezzlement how can you balance your central planning books? Even the private ones you don’t drag up in public? It didn’t take long for various people to add a heap of extremely dubious undocumented machinethink archives in order to get things done. And now we’re stuck policing the resulting mess to make sure it doesn’t thoughtsmash because of an errant digit.

That isn’t the worst of it. The Party by definition cannot be wrong. But the party, in all its glorious wisdom announced in 1997 that the supervisor program used by all their Class D computers was Correct. (That was not long after the Mathematicians Purge.) Bugs do not exist in a Correct system; therefore anyone who discovers one is an enemy of the party and must be remotivated. So nothing can be wrong with the Computer, even if those of us who know such things are aware that in about three months from now half the novel writers and voice typers in Oceania will start churning out nonsense.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

User Story #3960(b)-§77

Seriously, could El Reg provide an option for "print article with comments formatted nicely" possibly with tickboxable comments, too.

El Reg man: Too bad, China - I was RIGHT about hoarding rare earths

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: @Shell.user

Inflation also means that you won't get anything when you reach pensionable age. Checkmate.

> If they bought more from us

Alternatively, if "the West" didn't think that going into debt and spewing out paper money from teller machines was A-OK and the way to Superland. Thank you very much Keynesians, Leftists and Central Banksters.

iPhone tops US market, but trounced by Android in world+dog

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: One point the research may have missed

Meaning they are NEETers or what?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: Danger, Will Robinson!

Like moths to the ... smartphone light.

MIT boffins demonstrate NEW form of magnetism

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: Didn't someone once say......

Just don't let a bit of linear algebra faze you.

And stay away from Bohmians!

This just in: Peter Woit has published the notes on his Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians. Hundreds of pages of goodness.