* Posts by Destroy All Monsters

16005 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008

The Reg puts Vulture inside the Large Hadron Collider

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Kinda resembles the intro in Half-Life

As long as I could meet Alyce Vance, it would be worth it.

Boffins: Tireless star spurted deadly jets for half an hour at a time

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: missing a big anomaly

Unfortunately uranium is not likely to be a fungible commodity and so is unlikely to become "money", like gold.

> so we can then store it back underground in vaults.

You now realize that there is value in having a commodity that takes the role of money and that cannot be debased by a ministerial stroke of genius whenever Klown Krugman writes another shitty column in the NYT.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Where did you look that up?

The edge is still just ~15 x 10⁹ away.

Star Wars numbers about fantasy positions that are meant to "take into account expansion" by assuming some magic universal time don't count.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Galactic Greenfagging

"Lethal gamma rays are produced during the deaths of massive stars"

That adjective "lethal", is pretty bizarre in this context.

Fleshbags worry about "lethal gamma rays" if the engineered fission reactor in the neighborhood has a little hiccup or if food is being sterilized by passing it along a fews of cobal 60 or some nasty job in a federal office warns darkly about "dirty bombs".

In this context, better replace "lethal" by "enormous amounts or" or maybe "planetbusting amounts of" or even "starbusting amounts of" or possibly "stargutbusting amounts of".

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Red Shift - red faces

So, what do you think? Did they?

Kepler continues exoplanet bonanza

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: If we can detect these planets...

No, it's a whole other level of difficulty.

Military radar would be most detectable, I reckon. But even the power output of that kind of artifact is puny. AFAIK you would need a few thousand of square kilometers of collecting area to get any signal whatsover. This also means you would need to point it very precisely at the Sun.

Magic mystery malware menaces many UK machines - new claim

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

New claim! Fresh! Washes whiter!

Yeah... These days, keeping a lawya on retainer is as important as keeping a sysop on retainer.

Malware and domain-squatters target Boston Marathon bombing

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: This god fella sure is nasty

Interventionist liberals, actually.

As long as God is Democrat.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"God sent the devastating bombs to the Boston Marathon"

God is now a Drone.

Study: Most projects on GitHub not open source licensed

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Some dude in some company of unspecified sized that might find something useful? Fat Cat. Not "The Community".

How's life in the nasty&ugly collectivist hippie commune today?

Samsung: Posting of fake HTC hate was 'unfortunate'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: Samsung are deceptively putting other manufacturer's sub-par panels in their TV's

"Pretty sly really"

That makes no sense. "Oh yeah, I will totally ruin my brand by passing off bad quality stuff with my name prominently on it".

Not even creating a secondary label? I don't think so.

Google Apps goes TITSUP for millions - users REJOICE on Twitter

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: 0.007% = a Bondth?

Yes, but how much are James Bondth?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

You want to believe? Check the user numbers!

You now realize that Google is being patronized by a host of Venusians, Zeti-Reticulaneans on short business trips and the ever-chtonian Plutonians!

Brit IT biz boss wrongly 'terminated' in red-tape blunder

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

But did the airlock close properly on his arse?

"We will try to bring him back!"

"Uh.... commander?"

Also, who is this "El Chan" and is she kawaii?

Why hacking and platforms are the future of NHS IT

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Do it in house

> Of course, this would never happen under a government that is in thrall to the 'free market'. This is sad, since the fact that it would be cheaper, quicker and more efficient is without doubt.

After that NHS blew 11 x 10⁹ GBP on zilch (how many patients can be treated with that kind of money?), where the only responsibility was MANAGING, having some claim that ADDITONALLY DOING would be cheaper, quicker and more efficient is optimistic at best.

Claiming that the current way of top-down mandates with taxpayer moneysplurge as reward for failure has anything to do with a "free market" is a plain incapacity to comprehend the situation.

Are biofuels Europe's sh*ttiest idea ever?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


No, no!

It can't be. Biofuels are GOOD! The MUST be GOOD!

It must be EVIL SPECULATORS! That's it. The speculators did it. Kill the poor from Wall Street. Yeah. They are trading in FUTURES. That must be BAD.

At LAST, scientists tackle the problems faced by alcoholic rats

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Let a thousand frat parties boom!!

Not exactly the idea that Nietzsche had when talking about the "über-human", but one takes what one gets in this universe. P ≠ NP etc...

Dell tried gobbling doomed Brit IT giant 2e2 for £350m, say insiders

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Contrary to the opi-onions expressed here, greed is not a problem, but...

Misrepresentation is.

"[2e2 CEO] Terry Burt did a good job of advising the VCs that 2e2 was in a good shape and growing."

That sounds dangerously close to an extreme lawsuit.

"We can sell you this Death Star. Guaranteed safe at any attack speed!"

Microsoft: Fine! We'll match Amazon - by hiking cloud prices

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: New ad

...but does it wear velvet pants?

Apple alert as half China's fanbois consider switch to Galaxy S4

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

But it will be asian winds in all cases.

Movie review: Oblivion

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

And the X-wing sounds exactly like the electric locomotives which tear past my house.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Nothing puts me off a film more

Uh....Andy? I ... I need to tell you something.


There, I said it.

I feel better now.

Now, why would "Moon" have been a worse movie with Dual Cruise in the lead role? Discuss. I imagine he could have played GERTY with no ill effect.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Disaster Area

+1 for the "meats", which is more egalitarian than the feministic "porks".

Ancillary question:

How much energy do you need to make a silvery moon explode if you don't have Tetsuo Shima handy?

The Internet says:

"1.2 x 10²⁹ J .... So our minimum amount of energy to blow up the Moon requires all the energy the Sun delivers for about 316 seconds, or 5 minutes and 16 seconds"

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Dream Speak Base Ports of Call which be both Destination and Starting Points in Timed Space.

This definitely is Ship Control. We are fucked.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Slightly off topic

> first version of "Stalker" was simply lost upon completion

Correct, the proletariat-owned development studio fucked up.

After that it was shot next to the proletariat-abandoned hydropowerstation and a few proletariat-run semi-abandoned factories which were dumping all that foamy crap and snow shit into the estonian water system. Good in the movie but it gave the crew and the dog uncurable cancer a bit later.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: Nothing puts me off a film more

> 3 facial expressions

Xenu present, Xenu absent and Unsure about Xenu?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: RSVP in Dream Speak. Always Transparently Clear of Fab Intentions with Great Inventor Engines ..

Is this Ship Control?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

And now for something completely different!

So has anyone read Greg Bear's "Hull Zero-Three". Nothing one hasn't seen elsewhere , but damn fine read in the grimdark interstellar genre anyway.

Oh it's Saturday, time to drive down to the recycling center with tons of karmic accumulation. Work, here I come.

IT salaries: Why you are a clapped-out Ferrari

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Some expansion on supply and demand,..

> What do you think?

I support this. In largish companies you may fall prey to office politics, but then again, employees should leave those kind of outfits anyway I have seen dudes come in and mess things up in about a month. Think these should be kept on-team? Think they should be given "severance pay" when let go? Hell no.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Hits the nail on the head

Pay isn’t just driven by supply and demand but by a general feeling of what a job is worth".

Yah well, that sentence doesn't mean anything.

"The roots of the equation are not only determined by the intersection of the curve with the 0 axis but also by the general shape of the polynomial."

See how that works?

Decision to hire and how to set the specific price level depends on marginal utility (ranking of the utility of the goods that will be bough), on whether you are swimming in cash or not, of whether you see a high risk in adding an expensive guy to the team or not, on whether you can fire later without too much fuss etc.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: Austerity Kills Demand

> Austerity kills demand.

That's so much bullshit that it must come from the Labour anal region.

Unless you mean Austerity = "reduced government spending, higher taxes" instead of "extremely reduced government spending, lower taxes", which is what's happening now.

Netbooks projected to become EXTINCT by 2015

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: IHS?

Possibly something to do with NHS?

Nearly a quarter of all books sold in US in 2012 were ebooks

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: They haven't caught up to real books

Positively puzzling!

The Man Who Fell to Earth: Plane plummet plod probe phone

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Actually, I haven't seen it done once in Hollywood films.

Space elevators, vacuum chutes: What next for big rocket tech?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: Space elevated....

With what? A nuke? And nothing would happen. That's the whole idea.

Besides, Jeru/Salem might like to keep the rubes groundside

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: We need another war

Don't know what total arseholes in need of having their heads sledgehammered for the good of all us us upvoted this.

How's burning down cities wholescale and killing a few 10⁷ people as well as impoverishing whole nations by destroying capital goods and consumer goods IN ANY WAY helpful in building capital-intensive technologies that will get you into space? Fucking cretins pretending that wars "kickstart the economy" (and whom I would glad dropkick and kerbstomp with no moral qualms whatsoever) never provide an explanation about how this magic is supposed to happen either, so I suppose it doesn't.

In the same vein you could argue that Auschwitz was needed because it relieved population pressure. Sure it did, but there were some problems with the whole show, right?

Nope, wars don't help. In fact, without WWI/WWII and the whole Red Revolution / Cold War bullshit we could pobably already book tourist class to Mars.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Fuels

And the electronic computer of the A-4 is also of mucho interest!

Check this (if you understand german):

Helmut Hoelzer’s Fully Electronic Analog Computer used in the German V2 (A4) rockets

A fascinating talk about great ideas meeting full-on retardation of academia and industry (not understanding cybernetics at all) and military (not understanding shit) about the design of the on-board analog computer. Is there an english translation?

"Ich möchte nur erwähnen daß, wenn bei Nyquist von Schwingung gesprochen wird, diese Schwingung nichts unmittelbar mit einer Schwingung zu tun hat, welche die Rakete im Flug ausübt oder nicht ausübt. Ich benutzte daher, abweichend von dem Sprachgebrauch der “klassischen Wurzel-Methode.” das Wort “Phase” und “Phasenschieber.” Einer der Herren der Firma fragte mich, ob ich wüßte, daß das Wort Phase nur Sinn mache, wenn es sich um eine Schwingung handelte. In anderen Worten, “wenn die Rakete keine Schwingung ausübt, kann ja Ihr System gar nicht funktionieren und die Schwingung wollen wir ja gerade vermeiden.” Diejenigen von Ihnen, die sich einmal mit Regelungstechnik befaßt haben, werden jetzt anfangen zu lachen und ich tat das auch bis mir der Ernst der Lage klar wurde. Dies war nämlich für unseren General, der die Sitzung leitete, aber noch weniger davon verstand, so sehr überzeugend, daß er das neue System abdrehte. Die Computersteuerung war kaputt - tot - und die Industrie war beruhigt. Dies blieb so bis Prüfstand Tests zeigten, daß es das einzige System war, das wirklich funktionierte. Es wurde dann das endgültige System für die Rakete. Nicht nur, daß es billiger war, es war auch zuverlässiger und man konnte nun alle Geräte der Steuerung miteinander austauschen und miteinander arbeiten lassen. Z.B. Siemens Richtgeber mit Anschutz Rudermaschine oder stabilisierte Plattform von der Firma Kreiselgeräte mit irgend einer Rudermaschine von einer anderen Firma oder umgekehrt. Ich möchte noch erwähnen, daß auch die Stellungszuortnung der Rudermaschine überflüssig wurde. Wenn Ihnen also jemand ein Steuerungsschaltbild zeigt, welches Wendezeiger enthält, dann war es nicht die V 2 Steuerung sondern der Vorschlag von einem, der es gerne verkauft hätte, wenn es funktioniert hätte."

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: That's what happens when you leave development up to governments

Cars were saved by government?????

Laughing Obama.jpg

And really, the only thing that needs putting down is excessive government (What is excessive? Everything beyond a government managing the receptions of other government's diplomats: select the restaurants and all that) . Hell, we could have done a lot more with a few world wars less, for starters.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Space elevators simply won't work. Never.

Unless you ferry reaction mass to the counterweight and boost it a bit....

But yeah there's basically the point "It's not an elevator, it's a railgun with an additional vertical component, or something. Deal with it, nerd!"

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

That NASA and Amurrican flag on the space elevator fantasy picture ... most ridiculous.

Next: The Imperial Seal of the Holy Roman Empire on the Space Shuttle.

'You can keep it' - Brit's nicked laptop turns up on Iranians' sofa

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Receiving stolen goods is still a crime.

If receiving stolen goods were a crime, the whole state apparatus would be inside.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

White whines: Muh New Overpriced Shiny was a stolen!

"which beams the laptop's location back to its owner along with desktop screenshots and pictures from the built-in camera"

While it travels? Ok, any explanation of how that is supposed to work? Does it sniff out open WiFi? Does it have built-in GSM?

Oh S**T, here comes a robot to take my job

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"This deserves top marks for its optimistic view of the human spirit but it’s still as much a wild fantasy as Sparky dreaming that he can play the piano."

Unfortunately, I have news: Sparky better start playing the piano, even if badly. Have you seen a miner 'round here lately? There are just fuhnancial types and possibly state employees being fed by taxes of I don't know whom where I live. And cleaning ladies. The guys who worked in the housing bubble have all been laid off, too, causing moans about "austerity".

'North Korea Has Launched a Missile' tweet sent by mistake

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Why?

Yea wowfood, you seem ready to upgrade from the 101st keyboarder to a real airborne brigade so that you can put some boots on the ground.

Sign up on this line, son.

> Oh shit they're in belgium, now we HAVE to join in, thanks a fucking lot germany.

No you didn't. No-one gives a hoot about Belgium.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Well that couldn't have gone wrong anyway...

Well, one would hope that in 2013 one would not succumb to the "tyranny of the railroad schedules" and take a little peek at the display of the Aegis system or whatever and, you know, cross-confirm.

Unless non-cross-confirmation suits the powers in charge, as in the Gulf of Tonkin "incident". But there is no indication that anyone wants to go hot at the present time.

... time machine. Iranian Dr Who claims he invented a ...

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Stop this faggotry worthwith

"fellow rogue nation Iran"

Iran is declared "rogue" in "the West"'s"Press Declarations Meant For Useful Idiots because the far-right government of Israel thinks it needs to perpetually play the nation scheduled for holocaustation and buys political influence via brown envelopes from the military superpower one continent away. There are also quite a few oil-related interests as in "who will be the next regional power", Saudi Arabia, Iran or US?

Otherwise it would be about as "rogue" as Pakistan. Quite a lot less actually.

Mars orbiter finds remains of pioneering Soviet Mars 3 probe

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

On a level with the UK's "Beagle" effort.

Come to think of it, the Soviet Union and Blighty also both managed to seriously blow out nuclear reactors.

More in common than one would at first think.

Microsoft Xbox exec quits after ENRAGING the INTERWEBS

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Ubisoft....

Malicious Obedience? Something from the Newspeak dictionary?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

A high-flying Microsoftie?

Clearly a comet-ary descent ....from the Orth Cloud!

Dinosaur embryos FOUND: Resurrection 'out of the question'* - boffin

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Dinosaur resurrection out of the question!

They are all chicken!