* Posts by Destroy All Monsters

16005 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008

Missing matter found by squinting through gravitational lens

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Implications

It doesn't even touch its arsehair.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Re: A slight inaccuracy

It also sounds not like a case of "Missing matter found" but "Hitherto underestimated value more or less where it is observed to be"?

I always hated reading comprehension tests...

TV scraper Aereo pulled off air in six US states after tellyco court injunction victory

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Help! My radio signal is being stolen!!

Uh, oh! The random downvoter strokes again but doesn't stop to give an answer.

Okay, then

Profile: Aereo’s Chet Kanojia Is Bringing Live TV to the Cloud

Aereo’s approach is simple: Pick up free television signals over the airwaves and send them to a cloud-based DVR that can store video and stream it to computers, phones, and tablets—for a fee. The signals are picked up by tiny, tunable copper antennas—each about the size of a postage stamp—which are slotted by the thousands into modular racks. Customers can rent one of those antennas for US $8 a month.

So who is getting shafted?

Because each customer rents his or her own antenna, the company argues, the process does not conflict with laws that regulate rebroadcasting (and which ensure that broadcast networks get hefty fees from cable companies for the right to transmit network programs to cable subscribers).

So it's about bypassing cable companies.

Is Kanojia afraid he’ll be branded as the man who killed the Disney Channel, or other cable- and satellite-only channels? Perhaps not Disney, he says, but “the man who killed the bundle? Sure, I hope.

If that is stealing, I want more of it.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Help! My radio signal is being stolen!!

Citation by Broadcaster: "This injunction will prohibit Aereo from stealing our broadcast signal in Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Montana."

Well, I hope they get it back.

Seriously though, isn't Aereo just providing a service to their punters like renting out an antenna?

Wil those punters now have to pay the broadcasters?

New Flash vuln exploited (again). Adobe posts emergency fix (again)

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"Your technological terror is insignificant..."

Really, it's like an exhaust vent on a battle station.

VMware embiggens VSAN to petabyte scale

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Embiggens?

Better than "largerizes"

Mathematicians spark debate with 13 GB proof for Erdős problem

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: This is the way it's going to go, isn't it?

"easier than trying to derive a proof analytically"

I think you are confused about how this whole proof business actually works. The "analytically" adjective doesn't fit in there either.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Empirical proofs are the best.

I don't think that JPS ever was in doubt about that.

"Existentialism" is not about whether you exist or not.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

I thought we were past all that!

For a writeup of the discussion of "Mathematics by computer!! MY GOODNESS, WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO", see Peter Woit blogpost and pointers therein.

Retiring greybeards force firms to retrain Java, .NET bods as mainframe sysadmins

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: in a free market there's no such thing as a skills shortage


Doomed Cassiopeia star was sloshed just before deadly supernova blast

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Pauli Exclusion principle

Trevor: It's a quirk of mine, especially when it comes to science.

I know the feel.

In furtherance of which, an oldish paper (i.e. 2004) explaining the role of neutrinos in core collapse.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: "Line noise, Mandrake. Internet line noise!"

"Know that for a fact, do you? You know more than any physicist out there then. I believe, however..."

I don't know what to believe anymore.

"Eleventy squillion neutrinos passing through matter that is just this side of violating the pauli exclusion principle will heat the matter in question."

Handwaving does not physics make. I also don't see how the PXP applies here. These neutrinos would definitely all have different states...

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"Line noise, Mandrake. Internet line noise!"

"When Cas A went supernova, the internal temperature of the star rocketed as it began to collapse, while contained in the cooler outer shell of the reaction. As the compressed neutrinos were formed in the heart of the celestial body they heated the surrounding matter"

Hold on, I think a few things are wrong here.

0) "while contained in the cooler outer shell of the reaction" sounds like english at a first glance, but on second sight turns out to be a nasty pan-galactic dialect most often associated with never-do-wells and chestbusters from Zeta Reticuli. Beware!

1) Neutrinos aren't compressible.

2) They do not tend to heat surrounding matter either.

Anyway, anyone remember Cassiopeia from "Battlestar Galactica", the original series? She was some hot bitch. Rewatching this series makes me realize that she's actually a clueless kid. What's wrong with ME? Oh my god.

Facebook gobbles WhatsApp for SIXTEEN BILLION DOLLARS

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Welcome to the current bubble. Which will burst, taking your pension scheme with it.

It's like buying a few Gucci bags while everyone still thinks you actually have a lots a money.

While are you are really just a bum borrowing fine clothes.

Better late than never: Monster 15-core Xeon chips let loose by Intel

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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because the Sparc cores aren't truly simultaneous and will not perform optimally compared to Intel's design

Wow. Much meaningless technobabbly blather. Such sales power.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Wither 'Lockstep'

The City doesn't like undetected errors and corruption.

NOBODY likes competition.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

The Yellen Chip.

Listen man, the whole economy is so swamped in easy cash that it's totally unreal.

Better get in the bids while it's still relevant.

See me after class: Apple scores AAA rating from brand-botherer

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

"Banco di Mesa Verde"

According to Brand Finance's Global 500 list, Apple's brand value in 2014 is $104bn, up 20 per cent from $87bn in 2013. Samsung, meanwhile, was judged to be worth $79bn, up from just $20bn last year.

But what is a brand value? Does the above mean that if I wanted to buy "Apple" off Apple, USD 79'000'000'000 would be regarded as a "fair price"?

Some first-wave big data projects 'written down' says Deloitte

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: The reasons why Big Data projects fail isn't a fault of 'Big Data'

I still think that "Big Data" is a thing for large scientific projects with appropriate funding and the appropriate time & brainpower levels.

Nothing for consultancy firms, pointy-haired ones sniffing out the "next big one" and fly-by-nights looking for a big/quick buck.

Intel's new Xeon: Easy to switch between dual memory modes? Uh, no

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Paris Hilton

So performance mode is unreliable somehow...

So what happens? Random bit errors (hopefully caught by ECC memory, though the designer may have thrown it out for performance in the first place)? Random bus initializations? Random threads dying because of "bus errors"?

And where are the reliability numbers?

HP 'KNEW' about Autonomy's hardware sales BEFORE the whistle blew: report

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Caveat emptor


Link has disappeared.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: HP knew...

Colour me unsurprised...

Out of the following colors: CYAN, MAGENTA.

Please call support for another cartridge.

SPACE VID: Watch JUMBO ASTEROID 2000 EM26 buzzing Earth

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Today? Today where?

Thank you.


That Brutish Empire thing with all its gay trappings was dead around the time Keynes wrote "The Economic Consequences of the Peace".

It just took until Maggie to actually make everyone aware that the empire had been resting for some time and was now pining for the fjords with all the smells that go with this. Understandably, she was blamed for it.

Get over it! Adopt metric units now!! [Revolutionary Music swells]

Google's paid link settlement plan will lead to fresh wave of abuses, claims Euro rival

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Care-o-meter: LOW <-[]----------------> HIGH

"But the move has stirred up criticism among high-ranking EC officials, who question the planned soft treatment of a multinational that commands up to 90 per cent of the search market in Europe."

This is a problem how and why does it need to be "solved"?

The solution would be for some Euroweasel to come up with a good competitor. NOPE! CAN'T DO! That would be real work!

Samsung flings sueball at Dyson for 'intolerable' IP copycat claim

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"The Germans may have tried to conquer Europe and murder my ancestors, but god damn, do they ever make awesome hardware."

Listen mate. British Empire could have stayed out of Belgium back in '14 and continued to exploit India and China for fun and profit, while Wilhelm would have bled out against the French and Russia or managed to build a railway from Paris to St. Petersburg, innit? Messed it all up, did ya?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Doh @underpants

> It also exists so that industry can be brought forward at a faster pace

It clearly does the opposite.

Cartels advancing things! Next: flying pigs.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Thumb Down

"The patent system offers us some protection but not enough"


Dyson! Out!

Make a lovechild with the revolutionary/innovative Apple. Then patent it.

Google, Apple pop a cap in that Flappy Birds crapp app flapp

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

In soviet AppStore....

... your App will be righteously REJECTED by the selected guardians of UTTER ORIGINALITY and GLORIOUS INNOVATION sitting in deep ZEN MEDITATION in the HIGH CASTLE of the FRUITY DO-NAUGHT!

But isssuing "Flappy Jobs at Flapple" will cause a free visit by a LEGAL GOON SQUAD.

Flap on, peasant, and be grateful! (Jobs 25:17)

London calling: Date set for launch of capital's very own domain name

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Utter guff

Gutter stuff!

China shutters Windows ‘rival’ Red Flag Linux

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Seriously

> haul ass

What does the democratic party have to day with it?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


Clearly you are looking for downvotes.

Well reasoned, pretty obvious argumentation vs. drooling hordes of nihilistic windrones. You know what will happen.

HP claims ProLiant server audits to stop 'competitive misuse'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

"Auditing customers", eh?

I wonder who they think they are? TSA goons out for a good fondle? Himmler's Quality Assurance squad? Mao's "rejuvenated revolutionary thinking" inspectors?

Frankly the mind boggles.

Imprisoned Norwegian mass murderer says PlayStation 2 is 'KILLING HIM'

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Totally sadistic

"Your XBox One, sir, as requested"

Apple Mac Pro: It's a death star, not a nappy bin, OK?

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Try getting that past TSA officers.

They will probably identify it as a porta-nuke.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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People are respectfully requested to Google Plinkett's review of JJ's Star Trek reboot.

It's better than watching the movie.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Final Destiny

Not at all. Darth was just the emperor's "dirty jobs" man, sent out to choke the military aristocrats into line, kick some ass on orbital construction sites, supervise planetary bombardment and maybe torture a princess in the dungeon.

He was never at the source of major decisions.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

The would be Artoo Darthtoo, then.

I want SDN and I want it now!

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: SysAdmin daily cycle

Then an SMS arrives that tells you that a sweetheart deal made by bossman caused delivery a 1 m³ box of shrinkwrapped software nobody knows what it does that you have to install "now".

Plan 9 moves out from Lucent licence space

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Reminder that the Limbo language for Inferno has now morphed into Google's Go (or Golang).

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Synchronicity

There were news about strikes in France, though.

No, pesky lawyers, particle colliders WON'T destroy the Earth

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Where is Mah Orlo?

The whole AGN-NYET discussion, stranged up a bit, I see.

Just proof that people with no real jobs tend to specialize in the domain which they have no fucking clue about.

Japanese fanboi first in queue for, er, iPhone 6

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Next: A iPhone to alleviate White Guilt. It should sell.

It's like a Presidential Election where quite a few "people" are spazzing out as the next Big Honcho is acceding to the Throne of Pretense whereby He is supposed to Make Everything Better, then makes is consistently worse.

In other words, no.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: I'll have a go at translation

Chocolate willy - melts in the mouth, not in the hand!

You’re NOT fired: The story of Amstrad’s amazing CPC 464

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: I wrote Maxidos & Procopy

> I was 15 and up until 3am nearly every night for months on end.

My parents would have kicked me down the kerb for not doing my allotted homework and practicing unethical workhours.

I was destined for a staid state employee career, with social benefits, high salary, unfireability and with guaranteed pension scheme, all paid for by unnamed proletarian masses.

Sadly, their design to make me accede to the New Aristocracy went astray...

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
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Re: er..that was me

As someone who has always been hopeless at arithmetic, I found on a computer numbers made much more sense & I finally got to grips with algebra ... the thing I was most proud of was writing a program that displayed a 3D globe (just line drawing) that I could rotate & change the perspective of.

High five, good sir!

That was when I finally discovered what that "matrix arithmetic" our high school prof was dishing out was actually good for (up to that moment I just seemed like a pretext to make one write down overly large parentheses). The 2nd edition (pink colored) ""Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics" by Newman/Sproull was of invaluable help in this.

Did this on a Z80-equipped Sony Hit Bit though. It was SLOW.

Comcast Corp to merge with Time Warner Cable in MONSTER $45bn deal

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Some people regret the lost jobs of horse carriage maintenance.

"And just like the AT&T - T-Mobile deal, this will results in thousands of people losing their jobs."

This being a problem how?

IBM job cuts: Big Blue starts 'slaughter' of Indian and European workforce

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Yet the pitiful...

Right, you keep telling yourself that. Maybe you wanna ask the Yanks?

Either the guys being fired are shit, or they will find other gainful employment. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

People who assume there is some magic entitlement to "lifelong job protection" are just fscking confused about the whole thing works. They generally are also union members and believers in the nanny state.

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: "slaughter house"

Dear doublethink AC: avoiding taxes is GOOD for the workforce and the employees. It is BAD for the state, taxfeeders and their associated fat cats. And who cars about those?

Dell staffers head for exit armed with redundo cheques

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Voluntary outgetters?

Unions must be furious!