* Posts by Khaptain

4041 publicly visible posts • joined 4 May 2008

Swap your keyless key for keyless key-less key. You'll need: a Tesla S and Apple Watch

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: One good feature

"If I strap it to my wrist, can I claim prior art?"

Better yet, keep it in your pocket and call it a "pocket watch key".

And to top it off you probably don't have to charge yours up anymore than once every three years.

'Ruskie' malware pwns iOS 7

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: First Sony now Apple - On the same day

Ok I'll give that to you but it was already 2 days old.. and since El Reg works at the speed of light, that was a long time ago.. :-)

Blackhats 3 - Evil Overlords 0

Khaptain Silver badge

First Sony now Apple - On the same day

The pesky ruskies are busy of late, first Sony now Apple. Blackhats 2 - Evil Overlords 0

[On the same day = the same day that El Reg announced these "theories"]

Get internet access to those POOR country bumpkins, says UK.gov

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Farmers and Bumpkins, paaah @Boltar

I kind of wondered about that too, occasionaly we see a lot bit of Effing and Shoving but seldom of this variety or strength.

The interwebs really have become the outlet for contemporary woes.

'Revenge porn' law to arrive in spring – MoJ

Khaptain Silver badge

Blurry Faces, Rubber masks or Nazi uniforms

What would the law do if the faces were blurred out, a la Google Streetview. How would the defendant prove that he/she were the actuelle victim, especially if they had put on/or lost a bit of weight in between time.

Or if said partner were to be partaking in some rubber fun, full rubbered/latexed up it would be nigh on impossible to prove who was who..

Does dressing up in Nazi uniforms with soft rubber whips class itself as a sexual act... ( I won't FORMULAte any suggestion about anyONE).

The lawyers will probably have a lot of fun with some of these cases. Quick thought, I wonder if a Lawyers darknet exists ?

Death becomes it: Grim Fandango Remastered

Khaptain Silver badge

"No doubt it’s also why the genre died a death too, only to be replaced by the more user-friendly "Telltale Games" style episodic gaming in more recent years."

Yup, I always like to believe that initially computers and the early games were played by people that were capable of thinking rationally ( even though some of the puzzles were a little unrational to say the least).

Unfortunately the masses have to be catered for and the IQ levels appear to be far lower. Now it's either a "visual experience", ie lots of nice graphics but no gameplay or it is fire, fire, fire at anything that moves.

I do follow the 0adventuregamers site from time to time hoping that a new Gabriel Knight, everyones favourite Schattenjäger, will appear. The last game I bought was "The vanishing of Ethan Carter" but it's slowness bored me to death, the 'trudgery' of walking around was painfull....

Dating site PAYS cracker for stealing creds

Khaptain Silver badge

Do they choose the correct solution

"Due to the fact that he (Mastermind) has not passed the data to anyone and has no intention to do so in the future, ... we have paid him an award for finding a vulnerability and agreed on further cooperation in the field of data security," the company said in a statement.

I am surprised that they didn't pay a "double Silverballer wielding code barred sympathiser " to simply eliminate the threat. In the long run it would probably be a better investment.

Does anyone know of any updates on any of the blackhats that were employed by the companies that they hacked ? Would be interesting to know how things faired.

The Pirate Bay clambers back online after cop raid sunk site for 7 weeks

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: And so

Every generation has the music it loves and grows up with, mines was the Doors, Pink Floyd, Bowie, Black Sabbath, Leonard Cohen etc etc etc the list goes on and on....

Unfortunately today's generation got Fubarded by the record industry... Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber.... Do people really want to pirate that...

Smartphones merge into homogeneous mass as 'flagship fatigue' bites

Khaptain Silver badge

Flappy Bird Syndrome

Whether or not you have a 6 inch 32 core i7 in your smartphone or 1/4 core Athlon, Flappy birds doesn't get any easier.

In other words, the smartphones of today far outweigh the requirements that most users have.

The capacity to have a 5 word instant message communication threads and the lining up of some silly fruits is all that is requried for 90% of the users that I see on the tram ride to and from work. They no longer need to spend 700 euros for this...

Bill Gates – I WISH I was like Zuck and spoke Chinese. Yep, I drink poo

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Well...

Le Weekend - Je t'accord

Le Car-park - Jamais, c'est "Le parking"

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: French - Anything but easy.

"Hebrew and Arabic require learning a whole new alphabet, at least with French he's already got a head start with a (mostly) known alphabet."

Learning a new alphabet is no where near as difficult as most people would imagine. There are after all only 22 letters in Hebrew for example. ( not including the nekadots - the vowels). It has been 27 years since I lived in Israel but even to this day I can still read. ( unfortunately I no longer understand very much of what I can read as my vocabulary is gone through lack of use).

Whereas vocabulary is a massive learning curve as it requires a huge amount of memory. I am at a stage in my life whereby I use French words that I do not know/use in English. My memory no longers affords me the advantage of learning new words in both languages. ( French is my daily language, it has been for more than 20 years).

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: French - Anything but easy.

"Also, Hebrew is fugly",

I couldn't disagree more, here's a little well known song that will help explain my thoughts about the above comment.

"People are strange when you're a stranger,

Faces look ugly when you're alone.

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted,

Streets are uneven when you're down."

Krieger, Morrison, 1967

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Don't Forget...

Yes, the pronunciation is very important and just behind it I would put the nuances of the culture. Word for word translations might be almost usefull for technical instructions but real world language is usually very different.

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: French - Anything but easy.


Genau, Ich mochte Deutchse lernen.

I began to learn to learn German on the 20min ride to work in the morning but I gave it up due to lack of requirement to speak it. I would agree that it appears to be closer to English than French but the logic behind phrase construction is intially quite difficult especially the verbs appearing at the end of a phrase and also the difficulty with having 3 genders. Even after 20 years in France I still dont remember whether some words are masculine or feminine.

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: French - Anything but easy.

"Sorry to ruin your rant but Bill didn't say that French is easy - he only thinks it's easier than Chinese or Arabic:"

Sorry to ruin "your" rant but I didn't comment that Bill said that learning French is easy. My comment was along the lines that learning French is actually more difficult than most people realise. Personally I found Hebrew easier than French and once you know some Hebrew you will find that it shares some elements with Arabic. Learn to count in Hebrew then do the same in Arabic and you will see what I mean.

[I lived in Israel for several years so I do know what I am talking about].

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: French - Anything but easy.

It will be interesting to see how will Cortana will fair in Win 10...

Khaptain Silver badge

French - Anything but easy.

Bill, a word of advice, from experience. it is easier to learn modern Hebrew that it is to learn French.

Je vous assure que Hebreu est plus facile que Francais.

אני יודע, אני חייתי בישראל במשך 3 שנים..

Microsoft 'showers gold' on anti-Google Cyanogen and its Android alternative

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Biting the hand the feeds you

"I expect if that ever happens, they'd just fork the last free version."

That is exactly the situation that is the most worrying, the "last free version" will quickly become unusable on newer phones and I can't see how CM will be able to cope with that situation.

[Ok $70 million gives a lot of coping power but MS is then the Sugar Daddy ]

Khaptain Silver badge

Biting the hand the feeds you

It was always my understanding that the codebase for CM was the official "Google" provided code.

Won't this piss Google off to the point where the will stop making code available?

Google Translate MEAT GRINDER turns gay into 'faggot', 'poof', 'queen'

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Oh not not again.

Since it is based on the French word "Gai", voila some etymology, in French of course

I will sum up some of the points in the text below.

Historically it appears to stem back to the 11th century.


That which is funny humour, that which expresses gaiety; that which inspires gaiety, a calm and agreeable moment. Bubbly.

There are a few others less connected meaning which are not worth mentioning unless you need to know that it could express Light Green, Yellowish when speaking about soup....

Étymol. et Hist. 1. 2emoitié du xies. « qui est d'humeur riante (en parlant d'une personne); qui exprime la gaieté (visage, etc.) » (Levy Trésor, p. 121); ca 1155 « id. » (Wace, Brut, éd. I. Arnold, 1564); 2. ca 1225 tens ... gais « qui inspire la gaieté, temps agréable et doux » (Durmart le Gallois, éd. J. Gildea, 924); 3. ca 1300 vert gay « vert clair, jaunâtre (en parlant d'un bouillon) » (Taillevent, Viandier, éd. P. Aebischer, p. 94). Peut-être empr. de l'a. occitan gai « pétulant, gai » (dep. Guillaume IX ds FEW t. 16, p. 9 a; v. aussi Levy (E.) Prov.), lui-même issu du got. *gaheis « impétueux » (cf. a. h. all. gāhi « id. », all. jäh « brusque »), provenance qui serait due à l'infl. des troubadours (FEW, loc. cit.), ou plus vraisemblablement mot issu directement de l'a. h. all. gāhi d'où la forme attendue jai (xiiies., Pastourelles, éd. J. Cl. Rivières, CIX, 8). La prédominance de la forme avec g- s'explique en particulier par les interférences constantes entre gai et gaillard (v. DEAF, col. 35, s.v. gai).

Khaptain Silver badge

Delete the entire dictionary as a solution (except for 16 words)

Is it even possible nowadays to "not" offend someone, or some group, or some subset of and subset of a tiny proportion of infinitesimally minor range of people.

When we have reduced the language to 16 words and the human brain to nothing more than a slot machine will we then have achieved satisfaction for the Nanny State and it's members.

Humanity can defeat SkyNet with BOOKS, says IT think tank

Khaptain Silver badge

Reading books - wats dat ?

There might be soemthing in this although not from an AI perspective.

Society is manifesting it's true colours via the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. Conversations are boiled down to 140 or so characters, tiny snippets of miselading information and images of cats...

If society is to be saved then it has to re-start educating itself on something other than the constant stream of drivel upon which it currently feeds.

Nexus 6 would have had a fingerprint reader, but Apple RUINED IT ALL

Khaptain Silver badge

Microsoft, Google and Apple - all guilty megaopolies

The phenomenal sums of money available to both of these companies has reached scary levels of everything.

How many companies/startups today have the sole goal of actually bering bought by one of these three giants.

The sums of these three companies is probably larger than the annual GDP of most of the worlds countries.

Something bad is definately going to happen, I just hope that it won't be before I retire and have had a least a few years outside of paying, directly or indirectly, to one or all of these megaopolies.. [Megaopoly is probably not a word but it sounds about right.]

Panicked teen hanged himself after receiving ransomware scam email

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Devils advocate

"With this understanding, can you can see why someone with autism who receives an email saying his sexual predilections are going to be publicly announced might respond in the way he did?"

Yes, I can easilly understand the predicament but I would suggest that the email was merely the heat at the end of a very short fuse, sooner or later the bomb was going to go off.

What I think many people fail to see is that the email in question was never intended to cause anything other than personal embarassment, and like most spam messages, was decided to catch maybe 1 in 1000000 people.

In my personal opinion, this guy was one of those "extremely" out on the edge, extreme cases that no amount of protection will ever cover. If it wasn't this email, or an image, or a particular sound then it could have been any of a thousand other reasons that would have pushed him over the edge. We here about teenage suicide for far less serious issues than this.

Like most people, I too have days when certain things get me down, upset or damned angry and I am incapable of predicting the how, why or when they will happen. I will never be able to fully protect myself from all and any future threats, unfortunately this guy's limits were a lot lower than most of us and we will never be able to detect or protect fully for such cases.

If we lived in a world where we understood more about these things and took action against them then we would probably inadventantly create people with even lower levels of tolerence.. Nature has an almost uncanny capacity for adjusting /re-adjusting to our contexts.

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Devils advocate

"I can only presume... his autism was sufficiently severe that he was a very fragile person."

Yet managed to go to a mainstream school. Unlikely to be "very fragile".

If the Autusim was not severe, then why bother mentioning it in the article.

If this person was not 'fragile', as you infer, then I do not understand how the email/ransomware email had such a devastating effect. Many people receive these damned emails but most people will not commit suicide because of it.

Khaptain Silver badge

Devils advocate

Ok, I will play the devils advocate after being appaulled at some of the comments.

This guy had autism problems, the article does not state how serious those problems were. I can only presume from the poorly reported article that his autism was sufficiently severe that he was a very fragile person.

I personally think that many of the above comments are nothing more than Daily mail readers comments. A psychologist would be forced to admit that a severe autism sufferer is someone in an extremly delicate position and as such requires only the slightest of reasons in order to be pushed over the edge.

By reading the above comments, most notably the one that states that this should be treated as murder, I am forced to realise how many people have succumbed to the principals of the 'Nanny State".

I wonder how many hyprocrits there are in the above El Reg tards, how many of you are happy to support the "Je Suis Charlie" meme and at the same time are capable of condemning these spammers/malware authors as murderes.. Seriously to demand that someone be condemned for murder because of a pathetic email/ransomware email is far more pathetic.

Yes, I agree that malware authors should be punished for the crap that they make people endure but to go the point of putting them on trial for murder is like going back to the "Hunt the Witch" years.

The honest truth of the matter is that this was someone that was already on the edge, was extremely fragile and unfortunately not in a position to handle a given situation.

El Reg has pushed out an 'extremely poor' article using the lame excuse of cause and effect in order to rattle the 'sympathy' vote rather than treating the far more serious issue of autism.

I couldn't give a shit about the downvotes as anyone that does is merely showing his complete lack of desire to understand a problem and providing possible solutions but whi i happy to instead add themselves to the Daily Fail consensus.

Very few if any of the comments actually mentioned this guys illness, instead they chose to play the "I am deeply astounded card"...

This is one of those days when I realise that is actually possible to sink lower than Rupert Murdoch.

ICANN orders re-evaluation of dot-gay

Khaptain Silver badge

Not gay enough

How does one determine the correct level gayness of a domain ?

What are the criteria: is it a sexual concept, hardcore concept, rainbow coloured tshirts concept:

The two gays that used to work in my office could not agree amongst themselves what being gay actually meant, so I can't even begin to imagine how the ICANN are making their decisions.

Would be interesting to see what the decisions for the gonzoness of a dot.gonzo would be.

FIVE Things (NOT 10: these are REAL) from the WINDOWS 10 event

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Pricing Confusion

"Free for a year..."

If Wp7Mango is correct in his interpretation then I consider the choice of words "Free for a year" to be a bad choice of words, to say the least it is a very vague statement given the context.

If they had said "Free to install during the first year of launch if you update from a previous version" then it would have been obvious.

"Free for a year" to me sounds like you get to try it free for the 1st year and then you have to pay if you want to keep it.

I can't believe for an instant that MS are willing to give an OS away for free... Something doesn't quite colate here. If everyone with 7 or 8 migrates within the 1st year of launch what revenue can MS expect for the next 5 years ? Will the Service Packs become that catch, will they release a 10.1 vesion that has to be paid for that includes 'extra' features..... I smell fish

Khaptain Silver badge


What will be the pricing structure once the initial "free" year reaches it's conclusion ?

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: I don't get Cortana either!

" Cortana will need to know the person talking to her/it is"

Henece the reason for MS pushing the need for an MS Live account when logging in to your machine.

SCREW you, GLASSHOLES! Microsoft unveils HoloLens

Khaptain Silver badge

Hope they truly work

Occulus etc have a major downpoint, they obstruct your normal vision, ie you no longer see the world around you.

These on the other hand will probably remove the 'claustrophobic' feeling and actually add to realism.

I really hope that they truly work and that this is not just a marketing toy..

Looks cool, if MS really did engineer them then they deserve some kudos for this.. [ almost seems to good to be true]

Google reveals bug Microsoft says is mere gnat

Khaptain Silver badge

Pissing game or business tactics ?

Did Bill Gates piss on Eric's yacht by mistake or is this an elaborate business strategy designed to discredit MS. Please do not let me believe that this is a ploy to encourage Chrome adoption.

That exploit certainely does not appear to be ScriptKiddie material, at least not for the moment.

Pull up the Windows 10 duvet and pretend Win8 and Vista were BAD DREAMS

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Hellooooo UBUNTU...

"By strange coincidence, the number one Linux distribution is Mint, which is just Ubuntu with a normal desktop interface. Funny, that."

Especially the XFCE version.

Latest menace to internet economy: Gators EATING all the PUSSIES

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: "alligator had been living illegally in the home since the 1970s"

"<pedant mode> Surely keeping the alligator there was the offence; the alligator is not a person that can be prosecuted."

What you mean that Alligator is not a recognized gender in L.A.

Won't anyone think of the Alligatoridae.

'It's NOT FAIR!' yell RICH KIDS ... and that's a GOOD THING

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: The people who really matter...

"This comes from their totally focussed sense of self-importance to the exclusion of everything else."

This phrase says it all.

Scary code of the week: Valve Steam CLEANS Linux PCs (if you're not careful)

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: I feel the need...

Forget the hairdryer and borrow his hammer..

German iron meets Monaco's highlands: Audi A1 review

Khaptain Silver badge


Just like the BMW Series 1, these small Audis just don't have that 'chic' 'panache' that is associated with their larger siblings.. I would agree that they both possess some of their associated families technological advantages but they severly lack the prestige...

‘Whatever happened to Vladimir Putin?’ and other crap New Year prophesies

Khaptain Silver badge


All the power's in the hands

Of people rich enough to buy it

While we walk the street

Too chicken to even try it

Everybody's doing

Just what they're told to

Nobody wants

To go to jail!

White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

White riot - I wanna riot

White riot - a riot of my own

:The Clash 1977

Young CHAP CUFFED in Blighty over Xmas Sony and XBOX hacks

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Guilty before trial

I have seen a lot of '</sarcasm>' end tags being used on El Reg which is reasonable as reasonable goes. '/s' on the other hand is a lit bit vague, let's call it abstract in the abstract sense.

/t /f /z /k /j

Khaptain Silver badge

Today's tautogram

Childish crestfallen crim caused christmas cyber chaos catastrophy, coppers cuffed cracking chap.

Go Canada: Now ILLEGAL to auto-update software without 'consent'

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: No, you can't

It's not just the miscreants doing this. Have you tried to donwload anything from CNET or some of the other larger providers. It's a visual jungle trying to determine which "Download Now" button to click in order to to get the software that you want instead of some POS software installer/publicity laden/registry fixing nightmare.

Jammin', we know you hate jammin' too: Marriott U-turns on guest Wi-Fi ban

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Seurity-minded!

"unclear how another wifi network "interferes" with the hotel's network...plenty of channels for all."

The interference lies within the realm of ROI rather than TCP, it was something they learned on the back of a "fearmonger" card.

Google UK doubles London Kings X mega-office sprawl

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: (cough) Tax (cough)

Of course they do business but unfortunately they didn't make any 'UK taxable' profit from the $6 Billion in British revenue! Shucks...

Quick pass me another bottle of that Codeine cough syrup....

DANGER: Is that 'hot babe' on Skype a sextortionist?

Khaptain Silver badge

Why are they surprised

Some stranger contacts you and asks you to have a wank in front of your wephone, webcam to which you agree, and then you are surprised to find out that you've just been stung...

I can understand that old people, unaware people are getting stung by the fake Microsoft Call Center scams but this is on a whole other level.

Windows 7 MARKED for DEATH by Microsoft as of NOW

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: I must be old

"Come back Lotus Symphony all is forgiven"

Et voila Lotus Symphony up to date and Free

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Interestingly for once...

Worst of all is that you will probably be keeping that system for the next 5 years, at least....

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: WTF?

Can I hazard a guess that you work for a Bank, the Government or an Insurer ?

Khaptain Silver badge


Now that would be an intersting move, from 7 to 11, are they thinking about bringing back Bob and dressing him in a green grocer's jacket.

[MS Please stop fucking about radically with the interface and everything will be hunky dory, Desktops are desktops, tablets are tablets, phones are phones... My car dashboard does not use the same UX as my microwave, which is different from my radiator controller and I am happy that way .]

Bloke in Belgium tries to trademark Je Suis Charlie slogan

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Interesting graphic

The Ayatollah Khomeini has been dead since 1989, I am not sure that Charlie Hebdo ever covered the subject. Salman Rushdie might have been a little bit more appropriate.

Hawking and friends: Artificial Intelligence 'must do what we want it to do'

Khaptain Silver badge

Re: Kill Robot Kill.

<sarcasm mode on>

In my initial comment my instruction to my pet android was to "destroy the non-sentient being who is known by the name of 'Robot Kill' ".

See what I did there.