* Posts by Shagbag

832 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Mar 2008


Apple loses UK 'Samsung copied us' appeal: Must publicly GROVEL


Re: Appleology

"... like our iMaps product."


That would be bad grammar. The adverb is 'differently'.

Miniature Baumgartner jumps from 128,000ft


Re: Awesome

Das ist gut yah, fantastisch!

Skydiver Baumgartner in 128,000ft plunge from brink of space


the FT index broke the 6000 "barrier"

This is no criticism of the OP but the analogy is inappropriate.

Having working in finance for 20+ years I can safely say that psychological support/resistance levels/barriers are confined to the realms of the imagination and the financial press. They are not taken seriously by practitioners in the financial markets and those who speak of them show their lack of understanding about financial markets work.

Woz labels Apple 'arrogant' over iPhone size inadequacy


Fat land monster should STFU

He may be technically brilliant, but it was Steve Jobs that made Apple what it is today. SW is an attention seeking Asperger.

Galaxy Nexus cleared for sale by US court



This highlights the pointlessness of Apple and Microsoft's War on Android.

Samsung has such a rapid delivery channel that it can re-design/push updates that obviates any claims filed by Apple/Microsoft.

The key is giving consumers what they want. And they want Android.

Western Australia powers up 10 MW solar farm


Well Done Those People - WTF??

"...supported with AUD$20 million of Western Australian government funding.... the organisations are reportedly considering expansion of the plant up to as much as 40 megawatts."

I'm not surprised given the WA Taxpayer is footing the bill for it.

ZTE slams Congress spying claims, doubles down on sales ban


Re: Having your cake and eating it.

I was in Australia around a year ago, just after they'd had the worst flooding on record. It devastated their agricultural crops and resulting in the price of bananas rocketing to £15 per kilo. After a cursory analysis it was apparent the high price had very little to do with the floods and very much to do their their backwards protectionist policies dressed up under the guise of 'quarantine' policy.

£15 a kilo for bananas that I could get in Tesco for less than £1 a kilo imported from Costa Rica. But no matter where you went the Aussies wouldn't have a bar of it and kept on blaming the floods for the high prices.

LMAO? I wet my pants at their stupidity.

iPad Mini pics spied on Twitter


I am, like all other fruity fanbois...

...creaming in my jeans.

I've drained my spuds many times over the prospect of being able to spend £££s on yet another brushed aluminium (aluminum?) product to rub against my bell-end.

HTC profits lobbed off a cliff by rivals Samsung and Apple


Re: Lesson learned perhaps too late

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sollicitudin convallis porta. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec laoreet tellus. Proin quis suscipit diam. Quisque pellentesque, dolor sit amet eleifend sollicitudin, libero turpis fringilla orci, laoreet porttitor augue libero eget nibh. Aliquam commodo nibh at nisl ultrices pulvinar. Etiam eget metus id odio eleifend condimentum sed eu dui. Maecenas vitae tempor lacus. Donec sollicitudin molestie felis, ut tempus tortor faucibus vel. Cras blandit venenatis pharetra. Nulla dapibus eros eu sem egestas congue. Phasellus sed turpis diam, mollis tincidunt dui.

Vivamus ultricies hendrerit tellus, vel ornare ante condimentum non. Curabitur quis velit sem, id viverra orci. Nullam imperdiet cursus eros, quis laoreet neque bibendum eget. Pellentesque viverra tincidunt erat id pellentesque. Aliquam ac justo odio, sit amet euismod massa. Sed porttitor suscipit ligula ut consequat. Vestibulum et sapien sed augue condimentum interdum. Donec condimentum risus et velit bibendum sed bibendum magna pulvinar.

Cras posuere porta odio, a semper felis cursus sit amet. Cras tellus turpis, iaculis ut semper nec, lobortis non sapien. Ut ante tortor, elementum sed imperdiet euismod, iaculis et tellus. Donec vulputate rhoncus turpis sed eleifend. Donec dictum sem non neque mattis suscipit. Pellentesque mi dolor, sollicitudin in tempor ut, ultrices sit amet tortor. Ut viverra suscipit interdum. Aliquam id urna scelerisque augue rutrum eleifend ac ac purus. Pellentesque rutrum aliquam enim vitae tristique. Praesent a nibh tellus. Suspendisse bibendum iaculis lacus quis sagittis. Duis vestibulum felis vitae urna vulputate rhoncus. Aliquam vitae placerat sem. Nulla lacus orci, fringilla eget tempor sed, porta et purus.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque nec purus a augue imperdiet venenatis in ut diam. Vivamus ac arcu eu justo vehicula elementum at et mi. Suspendisse commodo, massa sit amet viverra convallis, nisl ligula fermentum dolor, eu elementum libero nunc et enim. Pellentesque varius nibh sed nunc hendrerit dapibus. Nunc euismod tellus et nisi mattis feugiat. In nec lorem non sapien condimentum blandit. Fusce vitae dolor felis, ut ultrices massa. Cras sed lectus tellus. Sed ipsum dolor, pellentesque sit amet aliquet non, cursus sit amet tortor. Curabitur nisl diam, eleifend vel vestibulum sit amet, luctus quis enim.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque et nunc metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed vel quam ligula, aliquet faucibus neque. Nam condimentum vulputate leo, nec aliquam sem aliquet eu. Pellentesque fermentum auctor interdum. Fusce a orci quis dui viverra malesuada sodales vitae risus. Integer eget purus eu velit bibendum egestas. Curabitur pellentesque euismod magna. Vivamus tincidunt risus vel sapien elementum in adipiscing libero adipiscing. Praesent hendrerit sodales mollis. Fusce aliquam nulla eget nisi blandit et viverra nulla consequat. Nam auctor pharetra vestibulum. Duis interdum scelerisque diam, et eleifend nunc semper eu.


Re: Lesson learned perhaps too late

I took one look at the length of your post and said to myself: BORING.

That horrendous iPhone empurplement - you're holding it wrong


Re: Wise advice from my gran

She was talking about your bell-end.


Re: except

I've got an iPhone 5. I'm such a cool guy. Look, see how my Maps don't work and my Photos are crap.

SpaceX Falcon 9 flameout leaves commercial satellite in wrong orbit



Is insurance available for this type of thing?

40,000 sign petition to oust Rep. Paul 'pit of hell' Broun


they need a savior

Apart from the fact that he spelt the word wrongly, who is this guy to tell me what I "need" and don't "need"? What an arrogant seman stain. And that goes for all happy-clappy Christians. Practice your religion but keep your views to yourself. As to the Catholics: you've forgone any right to the debate since you harboured all of those Paedos and put a Nazi in charge.

This guy needs to go. The next thing you know he'll be preaching hate against all non-believers. Just like Abu Hamza but with both hands.

10 million iPad minis to 'outshine' their big brother this quarter


Re: with Availability on the 25th

I dare say only MS Marketing Execs, Press 'Freeloaders' and Florian Mueller will be at that party.


Re: "LOL"? Seriously?

Yeah, but he has a point.


Re: Not buying it

With the likes of Google's Nexus 7 and Amazon's Kindle Fire already in this market segment, Apple cannot afford to alienate themselves with too big a premium for their product. The result is, as you point out, the iPad Mini will cannibalise sales of the iPad 3 and potentially reduce overall margin. The problem is that Apple are in desperate need of a 'new' product. The iPhone and iPad are no longer the cash cows they once were and the market has finally caught up with them. With the Board's attention seemingly being averted from innovation and focussed towards monetising their patent portfolio, a low(er) margin iPad Mini has the potential to further dampen Apple's share price and will be seen as a risky move by anal-ists.

Amazon to buy its Seattle HQ from Paul Allen for over $1bn


Amazon will be forking out... more than double the average rate... in the city

That suggests to me there's a tax-arbitrage in the deal somewhere. With Amazon supposedly paying considerably "over the odds" for this real estate, I suspect the IRS is getting the shaft. With no mercy.

Perth porkfest crowned ULTIMATE BACON SARNIE

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Vertical Bacon Sandwich

Rotate it 90 degrees and the A90 Behemoth looks very much like a VBS (Vertical Bacon Sandwich).

But "the Classic Jumbo" really takes the cake as the one that resembles most a VBS. At least the ones you see on the internet.

Google-Moto slips out of Microsoft's grapple in German court wrestle


"Motorola won a ban on Xboxes that ended up blocked by a US court"

This FUD.

A US Court has no jurisdiction in Germany. Just like a German Court cannot impose an "EU-Wide" ban.

I don't know where these "journalists" went to school but it wouldn't surprise me if their lecturer was #1 irrelevance Florian Mueller.

Samsung expects whopping $7.3bn profit from mobes


"in order to secure a win against Apple's new iPhone"

WTF is the author drinking?

The new iPhone in pants and "the fruity firm"'s (geez I'm beginning to hate that) next quarterly turnover figures will bare that out.

Mozilla floats fondleslab-ready Firefox for Win 8


"Mozilla says Microsoft won't give it access to the APIs it needs on the ARM-based OS. As such, it says it has no plans to build a browser for that platform."

Microsoft needs to be very careful about this. They're already bracing themselves for what the EU Commission is going to do to them over their recent failure to honour their agreement on Browser Choice. If what Mozilla says is true, then I can imagine the EU Commission will come down on them like a shower of shit. It will be the biggest dump they've ever taken on Microsoft. Even bigger than the one Apple did to its userbase when it shat on them with iMaps.

Apple files 'Shake to Print' iOS patent application



There was an app in Andoird Marketplace called 'ShootMe' that used to take a screenshot of your mobile device when you shook it. I can't remember when 'Marketplace' switched over to 'Google Play' but I remember using ShootMe on a rooted HTC Wildfire/Buzz.

Microsoft sets date for Windows Phone 8 unveiling


"although Microsoft will release an upgrade to make Phone 7 handsets look like Phone 8 system"

Lipstick on a pig.

Scottish brainiacs erect wee super-antenna


Re: Too Late...

Apple already had this technology in the iPhone 4 and they used it to point the antenna towards the palm of your hand.

Samsung adds iPhone 5 to patent battle v Apple


Nokia is where it's at?

Where's that? Wait. Let me just fire up my iOS6 iMaps....

...it's pointing me to the shitter. Should I be concerned?


You bought an iPhone 5?

Wait. Did you stand in the queue with the rest of them?

US court lifts ban on Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1


Walled Garden

I'd be out of a job if everyone lived in Apple's walled garden.

Besides, with iMaps, someone just took a huge shit in that garden.


Who edited this?

A total and complete fuckwit.


I'd argue that the iPhone 5 is irrelevant today.

While it's 'new' to the Apple faithful, technology-wise it's competing with last year's handsets. 'Incremental release' is the euphamism used by the media for 'lack-lustre'. This is the second such 'incremental release' for the iPhone (4 => 4GS then 4GS => 5) and I expect those who 'upgraded' to the 4GS will be asking why they want to spend £s on just another 'incremental release'.

iOS6 may have some technical 'improvements' but these have been struggling to get any press having been overshadowed by Apple's absurd Maps App. What were they thinking? Someone just took a massive dump in the walled garden.

Conroy wants telcos to wear undies on heads


Re: What a coc.

Arrogance is ugly and this guy oozes arrogance. I have no doubt he will lose his seat at the next general election.

Apple slapped with patent lawsuit over iOS 6 Passbook app


Re: US Tech Industry ..

Agreed, but at least it shows the rest of the world that software patents should be bannished, exiled and excommunicated from society.

Nokia lops UK Lumia prices ahead of Win 8 phones


Re: Interesting

Your post is too long. I didn't read it. You have wasted your time.



That last post was too long. I couldn't be bothered reading it. I hope the author re-visits this page and sees what effect his post has had, ie. zero.

Vote now for the ultimate bacon sandwich

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Where's the picture of the Vertical one?

C'mon, let's see some awesome NSFW vertical bacon sandwiches!

New Zealand Prime Minister apologizes for Dotcom spying


Re: Bravo the NZ PM!

Words are cheap.


courageous man?

Complete fuckwit more like.

The facts are:

1. he's the Prime Minister;

2. he should have ensured this never happened in the first place;

3. he should now allow a public, independent investigation into EXACTLY how this happened and ensure it can never happen again.

Accept anything less and you get the politician(s) you deserve.

RIM shares bounce on BlackBerry 10 optimism

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Re: Argh

How about: go and fuck yourself?

Competition is a good thing - it leads to innovation and increased consumer satisfaction. Two things Apple seem to have forgotten.

Allahu akbar.

Last remaining reason to order an iPhone 5 disappears


a load of shite

A particularly offensive, steaming pile of shite.

iPhone 5 Lightning cables sticking in USB ports



Ordinarily, I'd say "stop being so damn picky" but as Apple charges a HUGE margin on ANY of its products I feel consumers are right to moan about even the smallest problems with Apple products.

Crooks can milk '$100k a day' from 1-million-zombie ZeroAccess army


Re: Who's supposed to be paying for this?!

Or the Communist Chinese looking to screw the "Immoral" West.

Motorola, Samsung smash Apple's touchscreen patent claim


Re: No Comment...

This is the coming of The Apocalypse for Apple. They've started the Android "Jihad" and now it's coming back to haunt them my friends. I am finding it difficult not to go to the toilet these days as I patiently await the successful Appeal of Samsung in Apple v Samsung "II". That's "2" for our American brothers. Allah Akbah. I am so excited by this prospect I have taken to wearing incontinence pads underneath my high explosive vest and underpants. I am looking forward to the day when the Apple Infidel will be cut down by this weapon of its own making and I will will have 72 virgins.

Apple begs ex-Google bods to fix crap maps app



"One guy looked around for other GIS work and ended up at Apple when a recruiter contacted him...Still, despite the insider's account of lukewarm salary offers of $85,000 (£52k) plus moving expenses"

Fuck me. At those rates hee must've been an intern.

Apple weekend iPhone 5 sales miss forecasts

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iHaters, just had to post this on el Reg where Apple haters love to congregate

I resent that remark.

You can call me a hater, but I have no favourites. I hate them all.

Christian footie match ends in almighty brawl


Re: To the fighting 'non-christians'

Now I'm going to blow myself up.


To the fighting 'non-christians'

Allah Akbah my friends!

NZ spooks acted unlawfully in Megaupload wiretap


Keystone Cops

"the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) 'acted unlawfully'"

OMG. MEGA fuck up. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

Apple demands $707m more from Samsung


"the wound it inflicted on Samsung"

I'm sick to death of the media's use of hyperbolae. It's beginning to have the opposite effect on me, ie. a sensational head/byline - to me - is a mask for a crap story. And this is just that - a crap story. There is no "wound" - the damages are less that 1.5% of Samsung's global revenue and relate to phones which Samsung is no longer marketing and are at least a generation old.

Furthermore, Samsung is appealing the jury verdict and the overwhelming majority in the educated press (not the mainstream media) have been heavily critical of the jury decision even suggesting it will be reversed.

Hapless Kate topless, toothless law useless


Great Ass

She's got a great ass, but I've seen better spaniels' ears at Crufts.
