* Posts by Jamie

381 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Feb 2008


Air force pounds Philippine MILF lairs


What are the odds?

Honestly what are the odds of getting a story where you can use the word MILF and Ponce and it is not done as sensationalism or degrading as they are the actual names.

Got to love this small world we live in.

Level 3 wilts in London sunshine (again)


Sod's (Murphy's) Law

Never make a statement such as we have not had any downtime in the past ..... years/months/weeks. Doing so is guaranteed to make something bad happen.

Fans decry tennis gal's breast-slash plan


That is good quality journalism

See, it is not that hard to take the time to properly investigate the story and to get some media to help bring the story home.

Tory who claimed brother's tech gear on expenses quits


56 Million counts of fraud

They should be chraged with 56 Million counts of fraud for defrauding each citizen of this country.

They should also be forced to pay back the amount defrauded including interest, not just the base amount.

If we had done this then HM Inland Revenue would be chasing us for the full payment including interest, why not them.

Cobol hits fifty



I had to learn it in school and have to admit it is one of the easiest languages to learn to program with.

Sims 3 leaked two weeks before release


Legal and Illegal games

I have both in my collection, such as Divine Divinity the entire set in downloaded copies and Originals purchased once they hit shelves.

If I liked the game I always bought the original as I would like to keep my collection complete without holes.

This changed when Might and Magic came out with some security that required online activation and other shit which was way to annoying for me to play a damn game.

Got Oblivion home, both illegal and legal copy of the original and legal versions of every add-on, love the game and don't mind supporting the developers. But if you treat me like shit with over zealous security I will walk away from a franchise.

Yorkshire boozer establishes 'smoking research centre'


The smoking ban was done wrong.

If politicians actually had any brains they would have come out with the idea that they add a tax for pubs/bars that want to have a smoking section. Then if the owner would like a smoke free pub they would do nothing and it would be smoke free. If however they wished to be allowed to have patrons smoke they pay an extra tax to have a section setup for smoking.

Judges rap police over raid on paedo expert


How was he vindecated?

Whether or not he has lied or anything has no bearing in this case. What does have bearing is that his ability to perform any duties in relation to his past experience has been destroyed as most people truly believe in the idea of "where there is smoke, there is fire".

Police want new remote hard drive search powers


Maybe I read it wrong but,

From my understanding they are looking for a way to outsource the work. This will mean that some little knob-jockey will have the information to look over. Find evidence and then due to over work, lack or pay, in ability to understand basic commands, files the evidence against the wrong person.

T-Mobile lays ground for embedded SIMs


Embedded SIM, tied to a network.

If the operators are going to start giving big discounts on phones then I don't see a problem with this. Other than the fact that they are not going to start giving big discounts on phones, and no need to say that they do.

I paid 200£ for my current phone with an 18 month 35£ contract. Then to state that after the contract is over I cannot move networks with this phone will only cause more garbage to a landfill.

Sheep ad not cruel, bleats Samsung


yadda yadda yadda

Only thing worst than PETA is GreenPeace or IFAW.

GeoCities demolished


Those were the days.

I remember when I signed up for my first GeoCities account way back in 96 or 97 I believe. It was mostly used as a quick and easy way to post files for sharing. Create a tiny webpage and use the rest of the space to host files.

MS opens kimono on Windows 7 security features


Sounds like the Vista PR

When MS were first prepping up the masses for the big influx to Vista they release the same sort of PR.

They even had commercials where people would sit at thier desks and turning on Windows based boxes would make the desk take off like a car. Now anyone who uses Vista will have to agree that this is not the case.

Why should this OS be any different?

Pirate Bay co-founder claims 'we lost'


Did you expect less

Come on, you had to know that they would be found guilty.

It is the way the world works.

Just like all those that were tortured in Gitmo will get nothing, and those that allowed and authorized the torture will walk with total immunity.

German police boot down doors of Wikileaks offices


"I'm all for freedom of speech, but..." - isn't.

I have had this type of arguement with my mother in-law. She keeps harping on about the idea that it is about protecting people.

If we were back in Shakespeare times she would have been one of those looking to have his plays burnt, while today they are classified as masterpieces.


Why did we fight in WWII

Honestly, I thought the reason for fighting in WWII and during the Cold War was ot preserve our freedoms from the cold hands of the Communists and Facists.

Would it not have been better to have surrendered back then, as the gov't is slowly bringing in the laws required to put it to the form of gov't those people died for back then.

There will be no freedom as long as the structures that supposedly represent freedom are burnt, as they are currently infected with a cancer that can only be removed through force.

Kiwis scrap 'three strikes' P2P policy


To all those who came before us

I would like to see a rememberance section setup to all those that came before us and fought in the Great Wars to maintain our freedoms.

I have no problem with the law other than the fact that there is a little portion which you have stated that you only have to be accused 3 times to be booted. There is no need to prove this.

I always thought that one fo the things which those in the Western World held so dear is the idea of innocent until proven guilty, not guilty unless you can prove you are innocent.

Sony-Ericsson warns of handset slump


Any wonder.

If they actually had any customer service and thier phones were any good then there would be no issues.

I purchased an Xperia X1 in November last year. Since then my phone has had the battery life cut in about half, needs to be charged on a daily basis to avoid dying even when not in use. The interface will freeze on a regular basis. And the update software is useless, will not function and if you contact the technical support you do not get any response.

One thing this purchase has done for me is to make sure that I never buy another Sony/Sony Ericsson product again.

NYC 'Top Model' stampede: The truth revealed


Best news article I have seen all week

Keep up the good work, and give the photog a raise, he deserves it putting his life on the line to get these exclusive pictures.

Juror tweets could force retrial


Better course of action

Hold the nitwit in question liable for all court costs for the original trial, including liars (oops lawyers fees), judges, and cost of food for the jury during the trial.

Sex offender email monitoring plan mothballed


As it should be.

They have served thier time and have been released, so no there should be no restrictions.

If the government believes that they still pose a risk, which most predators do and always will, then they should be locked up for good.

The idea of a possible stretch in prison should scare no one as anyone in the public will realise that the cops cannot catch you, and if they manage to then the government has informed judges not to sentence people to prison time.

BBC botnet investigation turns hacks into hackers


Got to love how taxpayers money is spent

With thier form of logic, if I comit a crime I can say it was to show the negative effects and otherwise would be breaking the law.

Tiscali shares suspended on titsup fears



I was with Pipex but got rid of them as I was having major issues with my connection, dropping off on a regular basis.

Real glad I moved on, could see where they were headed 3 years ago when I dropped them, their customer service went from good to complete shite in a matter of months.

One-eyed man creates prosthetic 'surveillance' eye


I can see the headlines now

Movie and Music corporations will start putting up scanners in doorways to movie theatres and music concerts to stop possible pirates.

Everyone will need to thier eyes scanned to allow the production of the arts to continue while keeping a record of everyones retina scan in a database to help fight terrorists.

BlackBerry Bold sales suspended in Japan


No Bold here but....

I do have a Sony Ericsson X1 and when that is charging it does get really hot. To make matters worse as the entire fram is metal it keeps the heat quite good as well. Maybe I should look at the idea of a class action suit and sue the pants off so I can get a new mobi.

Brit nuke subs exposed on Google Earth


Stop the terrorists

OK so the maps and pictures are posted online.

Then to sell a 35p rag the editors at the SUN decide to publish it and talk about how terrorist could use this information to base attacks. And just to make sure in case they did not get the pictures off the website, and to add to the hysteria they also publish the actual location in latitude and longtitude.

Dominican lad suffers six-day stiffy


@Barely amusing and what the frak has this go to do with IT?

Well lets see what this could have to do with IT.

He cannot get access to porn on the internet as he cannot get his chair in close enough to the desktop due to his unlucky situation.

Now think about all the poor old IT admins who were thinking about taking some blue pills before a pint at the local this Friday will now get to think twice.

There I have tied it in two seperate ways to an IT angle.

Microsoft U-turns on overpaid redundo packages


small snowstorm of bad publicity

Com'on this is Redmond, when was the last time they actually had good publicity in any manner.

When the do actually perform something that may look like a good deed there is an underhanded motive involved.

Pro-Heathrow demo challenges Carbon Cult killjoys


CO2 credits

What we need is the gov't to give each person a certian number of CO2 credits each year that we can either use, sell on to other people, or sell back to the gov't.

Then if these enviro nutjobs are so in favour of cutting CO2 emissions they would just let their credits go to waste thus helping to save the plant. Lets see how long before they join the line to sell thier credits.

US teen cuffed for disorderly classroom texting


@All those Falming Gerry

Does anyone honestly think that calling the parents would have been any better?

Most of the parents would have come to the school all pissed about having to miss Jerry Springer or some other wasteful show.

As for the headmaster option this was in the US, they do not have headmasteres/headmistresses. It would have meant sending the student to the principle who would have thier hands tied behind thier back on what they can do.

The principle could suspend the student: this would mean a short vacation.

The principle could give the student detention: if the student then decides to leave there is nothing the teachers can do as touching the student would be means for dismissal.

Only option left is to call the cops.


was finally extracted "from the buttocks area"

So I take it the phone will be destroyed after the court case as insurance does not cover this sort of damage.

Vatican endorses Darwin, slights intelligent design



thanx for the discussion.




First of all you apparently cannot spell or grasp the basic aspects of grammar.

Second, it is a true sign of low intelligence when you attack the person rather than the argument.

As for the things you are stating as fact if you read my post you would notice that I have stated that they are all theories. So throwing more theories into the pot and stating they are fact does not help shore up your arguments.

With our current limits of knowledge on the Universe and our surroundings you cannot state what we currently know as fact. This is why all scientists class these options as theories, as they do understand the findings are based on our current limitations.

One last point to remember is that the purpose of higher education is not to let you read books and regurgitate the subject but to understand and think for yourself.


@Mac Phreak

Definition of Theory as seen on Dictionary.com website.



/ˈθiəri, ˈθɪəri/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [thee-uh-ree, theer-ee] Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun, plural -ries.

1. a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.

2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

3. Mathematics. a body of principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory.

4. the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.

5. a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles.

6. contemplation or speculation.

7. guess or conjecture.


the·o·ry (thē'ə-rē, thîr'ē) Pronunciation Key

n. pl. the·o·ries

1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

2. The branch of a science or art consisting of its explanatory statements, accepted principles, and methods of analysis, as opposed to practice: a fine musician who had never studied theory.

3. A set of theorems that constitute a systematic view of a branch of mathematics.

4. Abstract reasoning; speculation: a decision based on experience rather than theory.

5. A belief or principle that guides action or assists comprehension or judgment: staked out the house on the theory that criminals usually return to the scene of the crime.

6. An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.



The"o*ry\, n.; pl. Theories. [F. th['e]orie, L. theoria, Gr. ? a beholding, spectacle, contemplation, speculation, fr. ? a spectator, ? to see, view. See Theater.]

1. A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice; hypothesis; speculation.

Note: "This word is employed by English writers in a very loose and improper sense. It is with them usually convertible into hypothesis, and hypothesis is commonly used as another term for conjecture. The terms theory and theoretical are properly used in opposition to the terms practice and practical. In this sense, they were exclusively employed by the ancients; and in this sense, they are almost exclusively employed by the Continental philosophers." --Sir W. Hamilton.

2. An exposition of the general or abstract principles of any science; as, the theory of music.

3. The science, as distinguished from the art; as, the theory and practice of medicine.

4. The philosophical explanation of phenomena, either physical or moral; as, Lavoisier's theory of combustion; Adam Smith's theory of moral sentiments.

Atomic theory, Binary theory, etc. See under Atomic, Binary, etc.

Syn: Hypothesis, speculation.

Usage: Theory, Hypothesis. A theory is a scheme of the relations subsisting between the parts of a systematic whole; an hypothesis is a tentative conjecture respecting a cause of phenomena.


@Adrian Barnet

I stated it is a Theory, which it is.

It was classified as fact a little while ago in the history of the planet that the heavenly bodies revolved around us.

In even less time it was stated as fact that the earth was flat.

It has also been stated that atoms are the smallest particles.

These have all been proven wrong with what we know now.

So why don't you read a book and do the intelligent thing and use it to base an opinion on rather than take what you read as absolute fact.

No scientist worth anything would state something is fact because unlike you they are educated enough to know that the theory only currently stands due to our limited knowledge.


One last point

It is called the Theory of Evolution, not the Evolution or the Fact of Evolution.


Funny discussions

I get a kick out of people when they argue about evolution vs. creationism.

The pro evolution groups argue that creationism cannot exist because it is fact that the world is more than a couple of thousand years old.

The creationists argue that the idea of dinosaurs and evolution are ideas planted by people trying to destroy the church.

Thing is they are both right and wrong in ways. There is no reason you cannot believe in creationism and evolution.

First TIME is a constant that was created by man, thus only has any basis in fact on this little planet in our terms. The Bible states that God created the heavens and earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. As God first of all would be Omni-potent and Omni-present why would our limited knowledge of the Universe act as a restriction on this being.

Second lets think about the current timeline as stated by our limited knowledge of the universe. Earth has been around for about 6 billion and some odd years. So who is to say that each billions years is not represented by 1Billion years.

Third option to think about is that our current view of time is based on how long it takes for the earth to revolve and rotate aournd the sun. Thus these ideas are not contants as not all heavenly bodies revolve at the same speed or rotate around thier respective suns at the same speeds.

Pirate Bay prosecutor tosses infringement charges overboard


@Duncan Lundie

They would never change the law as you suggested or go after the companies doing such as it would mean hitting at MSN, YAHOO, and GOOGLE, just to name a few.

Colonel: US Army has working electropulse grenades


Endless cycles of money wasting

We have created an EMP grenade.

Now we have to create EMP proof electronics.

Now we are back at square one ready to start over again.

El Reg pays tribute to father of Playmobil



That is the type of high level journalism I expect from such a trusted news source as Reg.

Police pursue crime suspect by Wii avatar



Com'on Reg you are making a fortune with all the advertising so you should be able to get a reporter to the far off distant land of the Rising Sun and have some pictures to go with this article.

Toshiba wows crowds with sexy touch smartphone


About time

Now if there is some way to get a good GPS style program to run with it then according to the article and the photos it is a phone I would like to have.

Boffin dubs global warming 'irreversible'


Ogden is a genius.

Lets believe the scientist. and forget about the fossil fuel lobbyists.

Who do you think these scientist work for, Environmental lobbyists.

So no difference in that both are biased.

Ever think about the idea that the reason it will take a 1000 years might be due to the fact that this is a part of the regular cycle of weather trends on this planet which is approximately 6 billion years old.

Microsoft IE8 rolls out the astroturf


Actual Standards

I would be more willing to use MS products if they actually used and adhered to international standards rahter than trying to reinvent the wheel everytime they do something.

UK cops' road accident reporting going paperless


Perfect Name

Perfect name for another gov't IT project.

Complete Rubbish And SHit.

Conficker seizes city's hospital network


Can't believe it

Why would you use Windows in a Situation Critical Environment like a Surgery Room?

Honestly, you pick the best product for the scenario. Even MS know this as their Graphics Departmet (at least use to) are setup with Mac for graphic development.

HTC Touch Viva budget Windows Mobile smartphone


One of the things they left out

is the most important for me to have in a mobile, GPS.

But then again that is the reason why I pay money to get what I want. Still though I think 240£ may be a bit too steep for the current market. And things are going to get a lot worst.

UK.gov prepares for filesharing fracas


Let the fires burn

One of the big things with regards to the internet is equal access for all users. If you start doing this how do you decide what is legal and what is illegal. Start throttling P2P traffic, but not all P2P traffic is illegal. I get all my Linux dlds through BitTorrent

I suppose they could check as this country seems to be quite docile to letting the gov't look into everything.

I figure if I let it go it will get to the point that gov't as we know it will implode like it did with Kings and Queens, only difference is it won't be as peacful.

Long may the fires burn in the hearts of every man woman and child. the fires of freedom, and equality. And may these fires set light to those in the elite class who look down on those that keep the world working.

Jail for Oz drug-running onanist speed merchant


Judges are stupid

Driving with no license so they ban him from driving for 6 months.

EA punts SecuROM-less games on Steam


Loved the Grinch style story

I use to love games by EA, especiallly the racing games, but have gone off and will not buy anything that involves STEAM.

Is it cause I pirate the game, no. I won't play the games whether they are console or pc due to the way they treat people.
