* Posts by Doug Glass

1445 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Feb 2008

D-Link Boxee Box DSM-380 media streamer

Doug Glass

Damn am I glad ...

... I bought a Roku at $49.95. Great little box.

AdBlock Plus: Open source for fun (not funds)

Doug Glass

Most working folk who love their job ...

... will lose that love when the paycheck stops.

Mozilla: 'Internet Explorer 9 is not a modern browser'

Doug Glass

Sounds like ....

... job security.

Doug Glass

Ahhhhh ...

Quality, not quantity.

Malware endemic even on protected PCs

Doug Glass


I have to scan? I have to update what? Aren't computers smart enough to do this all this themselves? What do you mean my virus definitions are two years out dated? I paid good money for these programs and now they want more? No, absolutely not, I don't want anything free, I want the best you can buy. Yeah, I saw the warning, it kept interfering with my chat session so I nixed it.

That will be $70 thank you. See you soon; have a nice day.

Wii Countdown conundrum brands family 'SH*THEADS'

Doug Glass

Mum should be glad it wasn't ...


Microsoft finally says adios to Autorun

Doug Glass

Never Fails

I've always disabled autorun on every installation I've ever done. It never fails to amuse me when people call to say I broke their computer or Windows is broken or some such nonsense. Once I explain why autorun is a security risk I always get positive comments back. When I tell then what to do (for the second time) to run a program or installer on the CD/DVD I get, "I have to do all that just to make it work? How do I make it work the way it used to?", almost every time. I guide them through finding and running the .reg file that will undo the fix (always provide an undo) and they're happy. That is until, once again, their brother-in-law gave then the coolest game that just messed up their computer. I then refer them to several shops that will gladly take their money to fix it for them. "You won't fix it for me?" I just tell them no, I can't help. They never learn and they never fail to ask for help again. I just got too many dumb friends.

Texting teenager plunges to his death

Doug Glass

If you're going to be dumb ...

... you'd better be tough. Tragic for sure, but when it becomes more important to play with the latest toy than pay attention to what you're doing these events will continue to happen.

Man stabbed to death by chicken

Doug Glass

Wrong Leg

Too bad he didn't get mortally wounded on the right leg ... "right" as in "correct". Poor bird just didn't kick high enough.

Doug Glass
Jobs Halo

Already ...

.... have a Jobs icon. I'd think one prick was enough.

Microsoft set to reshuffle management pack

Doug Glass

The Corporate Way

When things are going badly, the solution is always to increase the number of managers and executives. What a load of crap ... MS is truly a shining example of the Peter Principle with bottlenecks always forming at the top.

Mozilla plans four Firefoxes in 2011

Doug Glass

Just what I need

Broken add-ons every three months. Moronazilla needs to get a clue and understand quantity does not equate to quality necessarily.

Flickr thinks again about 4,000 pix loss

Doug Glass

Trustworthy Services

So their initial frame of mind was to pi$$ on the poor user and remain silent on their ability to make him whole again. Must have been their lunch hour when they made their first statement ... more interested in filling their belly. And now, only since they been made to look like fools and worthless money grubbers have they decided to take some of their precious time and restore his data.

And there are people out there who still think these moronic gutless wonders should be trusted with their data? Oh, this disaster in the making is really going to be fun to watch. Not to mention the hapless users who go down in flames and then display their stupidity to the world.

Doug Glass

Didn't one of you Britishers once say ...

... "Much ado about nothing" or words to that effect? Seems to fit here.

Punters 'pooh-pooh video on demand'

Doug Glass


When the woman said she was about to panic because she wasn't sure she was going to be able to watch her shows that wrapped it all up into one bundle. If you ever try and give someone a 100% new product with no link to the past, you're often doomed to failure. As hard as it may be to believe, people are human and most get programmed by outside influences. To me, commercial TV as it now exists, all forms of it, just simply suck. I hate the condescending, idiot based commercials, and would dearly love to have the choices presented here. The reason there are so many TV commercials is because it works in selling the sheep what they've been told they need. If it's advertised on TV, I generally am suspect of it, but that attitude is rare. I know many people who get their buying habits handed to them via the TV. Even though they have an internet connection, they depend on commercials to tell them what particular item they should buy. Pathetic. They're addicted to the whims of others and laugh when I tell them that. But you let the TV go down and they panic. And when I bring that to their attention, they get angry with me. Of course I just chuckle, and they keep working a non functioning remote. The very best of that sort of entertainment for me are the TV sports fanatics.

Toshiba trounces Seagate on mobile drives

Doug Glass

Oh well ...

... I guess too many drive failures just pushed buyers to other brands. Maybe Seagate should read the customer reviews and ratings on a few internet seller sites. Bigger may be better, but if your enormous thingy can't finish what you start you may as well not even enter the game.

Microsoft discovers disposable email

Doug Glass

Or ...

... you could just set up an email account specifically for such things as car quotes. And then ever so often delete all accumulated emails at once since they're just crap after a time anyway. And you could have even done it years ago and you could even set up more than one.

Yet another delay hangs over release of Firefox 4

Doug Glass

You noticed that too huh?

An endless supply of chuckles and of course the occasional belly laugh.

Paris because she has a belly and she laughs too.

Mexico demands apology for Top Gear outrage

Doug Glass

I saw that!

The rotten brown-tooth dissing the greasy beaner. Colonial trash just looooove it.

Photo loss blogger to Flickr: You're f*cking kidding

Doug Glass
Paris Hilton

I'm Just Soooooo Glad ...

... I haven't felt the need to plaster my name all over the internet for something so stupid as this.

Paris because Paris gets plastered all over.

Doug Glass


And it's therefore left to us who know it all to be sure the rest of the world understands.

Doug Glass


yadda, yadda, yadda

Doug Glass

Now Mark ...

... was that really necessary? :+)

Doug Glass

Morons R Us

Oh yeah, trust the cloud. I guess he never heard of backing up or data security in general. Oh well, he knows now.

Doug Glass

Exactly !

Such as run your backup routine.

Malawi poised to outlaw farting

Doug Glass

Banning Farting?

Should be captured and used as fuel to make electricity. I can envision receptacles all over, maybe right next to water fountains and fast food places. Imagine the money to be made by mass producing the first commercially viable fart universal capture and kompressions system: FUCKS.

Google and Apple locked horns over iPhone location data

Doug Glass
Paris Hilton


"I could care less" = "I do care some, but I could care even less ... but there is a measure of caring"

"I couldn't care less" = "I could not care any less than I do now, i.e. I'm at zero caring and since zero is the absolute bottom, I simply can't go any lower in my lack of caring".

So there.

Paris because Paris cares ... at least about herself and her dog.

Google disappears torrent terms from autocomplete search results

Doug Glass

If You Failet 3rd Grade Speelling ...

... this cud be a prolem 4 sur.

Italy sues Microsoft for box-bundling bungling

Doug Glass

The EULA ...

... states the buyer can get a refund if they don't agree to it and don't run the software. That being the case, I assume you're either on Microsoft's payroll or are just ignorant of what MS says they will do. Get it ? it's a Microsoft offer, not a user demand that MS is bragging their feet on.

The cost of beating Apple's shrewd screws? £2

Doug Glass


You meant to say... "Don't proff whut they right". Old people, the curse of the cybre-wurld. Yeah right. Moron

Doug Glass


At our Local Harbor Freight store, the tool is about $2. Funny, while using a wall urinal at a local mall yesterday I noticed the privacy panels were wall-mounted with brackets using "tamper proof" lag screws. I laughed. I guess it really is true, the beautiful people hang out in the same places the rest of use do.

Inspiration comes from all over.

Halfords.com crashes off the internet

Doug Glass

Some moron ...

... forgot to pay the bill.

Bot attacks Linux and Mac but can't lock down its booty

Doug Glass

Oh Yeah!

You expect Grandma to do that?

Doug Glass

And ...

.. they call privacy old fashioned. But once their checking account is cleaned out because they can't resist using their debit card ("it's so easy and convenient") they sing a different tune. And also ask for help. Pathetic. I have no sympathy for them and just give them my assembled list of sites to visit to learn about security and privacy. Doesn't take; they get cleaned out again and change banks because the bank let it happen. Typical, blame others and always expect someone else to watch out for you. Suits me, flaming crashes get to be quite interesting a spontaneous human combustion of the tantrum variety get to be funny rather quickly.

Doug Glass

Carry on ...

... Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore.

Google gins search formula to favor its own services

Doug Glass

And ...

... there's no antitrust violations either.

Doug Glass

So? What's Your Point?

Ford says theirs is best and amazingly enough if you visit a Ford showroom all you see is Ford automobiles. What a travesty, soon all vendors will showcase only their products and want you to buy only from them. Just damn! Evil Google to be sure. There ought to be a law!! Oh sorry, didn't mean to offend the web kiddies.

Doug Glass


The web kiddies don't like your comments either.

Doug Glass

So ...

... file the suit.

Acer backpedals from 'phasing out netbooks' claim

Doug Glass



Lame Stuxnet worm 'full of errors', says security consultant

Doug Glass


It did what it was intended to do. Way too many people think killing a deer is an error too, but it looks just like success sitting on my plate next to the mashed potatoes and green beans,

Facebook suspends personal data-sharing feature

Doug Glass

Never delete ...

... unless you overwrite first.

Acer: tablets will replace netbooks

Doug Glass

Of Course ...

... netbooks will be phased out. So were typewriters and windup watches, corded phone sets, and any number of other products. But along the way, a lot of the "out-phasing" was a very bad idea that cost overconfident corporations a bundle. It'll be fun to watch. Especially for those of us who buy what we need as opposed to buying what we're told we can't live without.

Steve Jobs takes 'medical leave of absence' from Apple

Doug Glass


Regardless of your choices for computers, smart phones and etc., Steve Jobs HAS been a major, major force in the industry. Although I'm personally not an Apple fan (1st home computer was an Apple btw), I recognize his brilliance and business acumen. We need people like Steve Jobs for a whole host of reasons; I hope his influence continues far into the future.

Google plugins force-feed open codec to IE and Safari

Doug Glass

So? What's You Point?

Don't like it? Don't use it. Simple choice a person can make. We on this side of the pond call that freedom of choice. The only Evil Google product worth using is the search engine, and even then TrackMeNot is running full bore. Meh, BFD.

Microsoft sends Windows 7 SP1 to OEMs

Doug Glass

The key is ....

.., use of the word "reasonable". But then, it is just like a bunch of fruities and nutters to do exactly what's expected of them.

Doug Glass

"Dance and Sing"

And tinkle and spread dust.

Doug Glass

Button, button ...

...whose got the [hot] button.

Doug Glass

Yaeh Ain't it The Truth

I installed, and played with for a while, the latest Ubuntu and there were something like 200 or so patches, fixes and updates to install. Every Linux distribution I've installed immediately want me to install a whole butt load of updates.

Yeah, Linux is safer and more stable and every-other-frakkin'-thing you can think to say, but it has always required updates of some kind immediately after installation...lots of them I don't give a crap what they are for and don't give a crap what the Lunix Lummocks have to say, an update is and update is and update.

Google Apps contracts promise no 'scheduled downtime'

Doug Glass

Re: no 'scheduled downtime'

Yep, it'll crash and burn often enough to have time to do any maintenance that could have been scheduled.