* Posts by Michael Wojcik

12271 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Dec 2007

Arrest warrant issued for Do Kwon – the man blamed for 'crypto winter'

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: I am looking forward to the crypto ice-age....

Nice thought, but it won't happen. There will always be a new crop of true believers. And cryptocurrencies are ideal for that purpose, because they're easy to explain in a vague, non-technical, hand-waving fashion for the foolish (such as celebrity endorsers), but wildly complex underneath to please the nerds.

And because they're online and involve no physical or face-to-face interaction, they can take advantage of network effects and quickly balloon to huge sums. And that means there will always be some people who bail out at the right point and end up with a real profit, to encourage the losers to try again.

"I've been disappointed by get-rich-quick schemes before, but here's a scheme that will get me rick – and quickly!" (Homer Simpson, and from memory, so probably not verbatim)

White House to tech world: Promise you'll write secure code – or Feds won't use it

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Wonderful headline

Taken literally, it would ban all software. "Secure" in an absolute sense is meaningless. You can only be more or less secure, and only under some threat model.

NIST SSDF (SP 800-218) refers to "secure software", which is not a technically meaningful term, but fortunately the actual practices are better specified. They're broad, but they don't assume perfection. For example:

PW.1.1: Use forms of risk modeling – such as threat modeling, attack modeling, or attack surface mapping – to help assess the security risk for the software.

And then there are examples. SSDF is pretty similar to some SDLC programs already used by many software-development organizations. If you're already making a serious effort in this area, it's probably not a huge cost to harmonize what you're doing with SSDF.

My understanding is that FedRAMP is more complicated, but I've only skimmed the surface of that.

Google urges open source community to fuzz test code

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

In 2016?

"[In 2016], fuzzing was not widely used and was cumbersome for developers"

Oh, please. Not widely used, true; but "cumbersome"? Zalewski had released AFL three years prior to that. There was little excuse for not fuzzing any software compiled with GCC that took command-line or file inputs. Free and simple tools for tasks like network-protocol fuzzing took longer to arrive, but for a great many use cases fuzzing was readily available in 2016. Developers simply didn't want to do it.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Who claimed it was "the answer to every question"?

And fuzzing is language-independent, so that part of your claim makes no sense.

No longer prepared to svn commit: WebKit migrates to GitHub

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Moving from one tool they don't understand to another they don't understand

Git’s local record of commit messages, along with Git log’s ability to limit commit history to certain parts of the repository,

Both of which are available in Subversion.

mean large projects no longer require antiquated ChangeLog files be checked in with each commit

Just as in Subversion, if you understand how to use it.

What users may find frustrating with the move is that git hashes are not naturally ordered, so WebKit will be employing a system of "commit identifiers" to keep track of ancestors

And they're layering some half-assed manual process on top of git, because, again, they can't use it properly. Well, at least they're consistent.

Merge requests and insecure GitHub workflows may lead to supply-chain attacks

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

To be a little more clear

To be clear, the issue here is that the Firebase and Apache Camel repositories had poorly secured GitHub workflow pipelines

The issue here is that GitHub workflow pipelines are too complex – GitHub itself is far too complex – and consequently a great many projects are running with trivially insecure configurations.

Whack-a-mole is not going to fix the underlying problem, which is the software industry's appetite for ill-considered quick solutions.

How this Mars rover used its MOXIE to convert CO2 into precious oxygen

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Interesting

Elon wants to go, and we know he's not capable of keeping his mouth shut.

Musk tries to stall Twitter takeover trial following whistleblower claims

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Found some of the money

There is no standard definition of "monthly active users"

It's a minor point, but the metric under dispute1 is "mDAU", for "monetizable Daily Active Users", aka "addicts who might look at advertisements". Not "monthly" anything.

DAU is something Twitter can measure (well, they can measure distinct accounts each day, and refer to the average of that count as "daily active users", even if the term is not precisely correct). The "monetizable" part is going to be the result of some set of heuristics which are certainly going to be debatable. That gives Twitter quite a bit of latitude in determining their mDAU figure.

More importantly, though, it really doesn't matter, because the bar for finding Twitter in violation of the agreement is very high. Any number of actual damn lawyers have explained this, as any number of links posted in the comments sections of the various Reg stories on the topic can attest. See Masnick's or Stone's analysis, for example.

The Musk defenders need to come up with a new argument. The "but gosh wow Twitter liiiiiiied!" one is thoroughly trashed.

1Notionally, that is. I don't think anyone actually involved in the case, or any competent analyzers of it, believe this is a real point of contention.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Found some of the money

it'll be interesting to see how the US legal system will deal with this as it's über rich guy versus shareholders

The Delaware Court of Chancery is not impressed with rich guys. They deal with rich guys, and their armies of lawyers, all the time.

Googler says she was forced out after opposing $1.2bn cloud contract with Israel

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

if someone speaks publicly to damage their company's reputation, why aren't they just fired?

Well, the company might be run by adults, and not pissy little children. Unlikely, I know.

Snap to lay off one in five employees as losses mount

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: erm

Indeed. After reading the article I had to do multiple searches to figure out what the hell it was about, since "snap" is not a particularly useful search term.

I don't believe I've ever heard anyone I know personally mention using Snapchat, much less anything else from Snap's absurdly broad line of products. I'm not surprised someone has decided to slash that down.

I do hope they don't discontinue the line of delicious Snap Chocolate Biscuits, though. "They disappear in seconds!"

VMware confirms Carbon Black causes BSODs, boot loops on Windows

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Huh?

VMWare's Carbon Black is not "a product for virtual machine computing". It can be used on virtual machines, but equally so on physical ones. It's an endpoint security monitor and has nothing to do with virtualization.

The answer to your larger question, of course, is that someone in Marketing thought it was a cool name, with the added advantage that it claimed nothing about the product.

Amazon has repackaged surveillance capitalism as reality TV

Michael Wojcik Silver badge


Bentham's Panopticon: where the prisoners can't see one another, but all can be seen by the ever-watchful guard

This doesn't change the force of the argument, but this statement is a misinterpretation of Bentham. The point of the Panopticon is not that the guards are eternally and constantly vigilant; the point is that they don't have to be. Because the prisoners can't tell when they're being watched, they have to assume there's some reasonable probability at any given time they're being watched. So they police their own behavior in case they are being watched, and thus internalize the guarding function.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Sorry, but

That is the one thing Orwell got wrong with the Telescreens in 1984. It is not government watching - it is the salesman working out what to sell you next...

Yes, as useful as Nineteen Eighty-Four1 is as a symbol and touchstone, and while it really does work quite well as a novel, it turns out the oppressive surveillance state is in the minority and often short-lived (though North Korea is giving it a go).

The Foucauldian enjoy-your-submission capitalist state has been much more successful. Novels such as Brave New World and Fahrenheit 4512 describe more dangerous dystopias, where the majority of the populace is only to happy to participate.

1The novel's proper title. Orwell hated it when people wrote it with digits.

2Bradbury mentioned in interviews that he considered F 451's depiction of future entertainment – particularly the Walls – a more important feature than the book-burning.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Apathy is the problem

Anon simply pointed out the calling the owner a creep

OP never did that. He wrote that having the camera positioned such that it has a close view of the neighbor's house is "insidiously creepy".

Converting an adjective describing an action into a noun labeling a person is a common rhetorical move, elevating the interlocutor's claim of bad action into a stronger strawman claim of systemic wickedness. No one can simply commit the occasional sin; either they're reprobate sinners, or they must be completely innocent.

The owner of the Ring doorbell may have done something creepy without necessarily being "a creep". The creepy act may well be unintentional. That doesn't make it unproblematic.

Python tops programming love list – but if you want a job, learn SQL

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

I realize it was flame bait, but...

C# is a "flavor" of C in the same way Javascript is a "flavor" of Java: not at all.

Even the relationship between C++ and C is much more distant than many seem to think.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: "SQL coders"

Yeah, avoid those stored procedures. All the smart kids use string concatenation and interpolation to build SQL queries on the fly with tainted data.

PanWriter: Cross-platform writing tool runs on anything and outputs to anything

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: A markdown editor

Modal editors should have died when we got CRT terminals. If they had, nobody sane would miss them, any more than anyone today misses Morse code in favour of a QWERTY keyboard (or QWERTZ or AZERTY or Dvorak or whatever you prefer.)

Oh, what rubbish. The fact that you don't like modal interfaces doesn't mean they aren't fine for people who do like them. God, but I'm tired of assholes like Tesler who believe that everyone is the same as them and they know better than users. Do try to be better than that, please.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: I see.

"It's written in Electron, so it requires 130 TB of RAM..."

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Nah

There's LaTeX (probably LaTeX2e) itself, and then there are potentially many thousands of packages. Plus of course some TeX implementation and back ends. But it's the packages which are taking up most of the space.

So, sure, you might have had a pretty small LaTeX toolchain back in the day, and you could even put a reasonably small one together now. But what usually happens is people go with defaults and get zillions of class and macro packages, fonts, and so forth.

Honestly, the last time I installed LaTeX (when I got a new personal laptop around the beginning of this year) I didn't put much effort into trimming down the default installation, because Disk Is Cheap and it wasn't worth my time to figure out what I didn't want.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Heh heh...

True fans don't rant. We simply bask in our smug superiority.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Enter candidate for dead simplest text editor

You do if you don't want to keep taking your hands off the home row. Either you use the mouse (or whatever pointing device you have), or you memorize "accelerators", which are just "cryptic key combinations" dumbed down for people who don't want to learn things.

I wouldn't recommend vim to people who aren't already using it, to be honest. It's got a tremendous amount of historical baggage and tremendous complexity. (Same for emacs, particularly since I don't even like emacs.) But this refrain of "ooh modern UIs are so easy and fast!" that we've heard since Steve Jobs began parading the Mac around is nonsense. It's a bogus generalization and it's not supported by research.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Enter candidate for dead simplest text editor

Yeah, I use LaTeX for my personal (and, back in the day, academic) writing too. Generally I use LyX, though it's easy enough to load a LyX file – just LaTeX with some additional markup – into vim, say, if I want to do something that's not entirely convenient in LyX. And I used to do outlining with FreeMind and then use an XSLT stylesheet to convert the FreeMind XML format into LaTeX.

But what Liam's describing sounds like a use case where LaTeX is overkill. LaTeX produces nicely1 typeset documents, these days mostly in PDF now that the troff family has faded from prominence. Using LaTeX for a short document with minimal styling (italics, bold, and hyperlinks) where layout and typesetting really aren't much of a concern, and you may need a wide range out output formats – that's overcomplicated and not a great fit.

Indeed, if your output is real POSH HTML, you aren't going to be doing much layout, and no typesetting, because the UA will handle the final formatting. And that's as it should be, for HTML. So the greatest advantage of TeX is irrelevant in that case.

1Well, yes, there's some debate about the layouts produced by TeX and LaTeX. But better than Word does, certainly.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Enter candidate for dead simplest text editor

Actually, there's no reason why gvim shouldn't be able to render Markdown into a separate buffer, and you could use splitting to show that simultaneously and have it update in real time. Someone could just write a plug-in for that, if there's actually demand.

But among vim users (of which I am one) there may not be much demand for such a thing. Or someone may already have done it.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Enter candidate for dead simplest text editor

I don't mind when software actually takes advantage of new technology. But most of it simply regurgitates dubious design decisions of no real value.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Enter candidate for dead simplest text editor

I understood what you want from the article. It's not what I want, so after reading the piece I'm not rushing out to download PanWriter; but I also know my use cases and preferences aren't universal. And I don't mind taking a few minutes to hear about what someone else wants.

That said, if I were looking for something like this, I don't know that I'd be able to stomach an Electron app. Having to suffer with Teams is bad enough. But, again, preferences.

Japan reverses course on post-Fukushima nuclear ban

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Wind and solar

In these parts we have 100% daytime solar electrical generation on average, for the whole county.

And that works, because:

- We get a lot of sun. Semi-arid climate with at least several hours of clear skies most days.

- It's a rural residential and agricultural county. Very little manufacturing to consume lots of electricity.

- Population density is low, so overall load is low and there's plenty of space to find good sites for big photovoltaic and battery installations.

I haven't verified this personally, but I believe those conditions don't apply everywhere, so it would be a mistake to generalize this to "everyone can just use solar lol!".

But generalizing from Australia is probably a totally different argument and perfectly reasonable. Where isn't like Australia?

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Mountains of coal ash

Chemical toxicity of plutonium appears to be overrated, particularly by people who like to quote Ralph Nader. Plutonium is chemically toxic but not very bioavailable, apparently.

The ATSDR toxicity profile for plutonium (PDF) shows almost all adverse effects stem from various cancers or other radiation-induced pathology such as radiation pneumonia. Studies of plutonium-exposed workers at Sellafield did show elevated risk for cerebrovascular disease and other cardiovascular conditions, but mostly at elevated risk levels much less than those found for various cancers in other studies. (And the cardiovascular-disease effects weren't reproduced in an animal study, FWTW.)

Obviously, cancer is not an outcome anyone wants either, and plutonium is removed from the body very slowly, so it has plenty of time to do cumulative damage or accumulate if you continue to be exposed. It can be inhaled or ingested (according to the report, it's not significantly absorbed through the skin, though of course dermal burns and other damage can occur from sufficient skin exposure). So, yeah, you don't want to be exposed to significant amounts of plutonium. But the "plutonium is super toxic you guys!" line that the anti-nuclear types have been pushing since Nader doesn't appear to be supported by actual evidence.

FTC presses ahead in its war on 'free' Turbo Tax

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Yes, TurboTax's ever-changing tax-file format and lack of backward compatibility is an abomination. I have the last several years' versions installed Just In Case, even though I have all my paperwork as both PDF and paper.

This year, when I went to get TurboTax 2021 (reluctantly, but, hey, the returns have to be prepared somehow), it took hours to figure out how to buy and download the installable version. Intuit really, really, really wanted everyone to use the web version. Utter bastards.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Of course, after the last increase to the standard deduction, for many people itemization doesn't result in a larger deduction.

I miss itemizing, actually. It was a bit of fun watching the numbers change after I added each item, and a good reason to go through and do any filing and organizing of financial records that I'd been procrastinating on. But I recognize that it's not actually a good taxation mechanism.

Twitter savaged by former security boss Mudge in whistleblower complaint

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Well, yes

"Security and privacy have long been company-wide priorities at Twitter and will continue to be until we have eliminated them entirely."

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: During Mudge's employment, he uncovered extreme, egregious deficiencies

Its quite clear that what Musk wanted to buy wasn't exactly what Twitter was selling. Twitter is potentially a valuable resource but to be correctly valued the user base has to be accurately enumerated.

Oh, please. Musk got a bee in his bonnet and launched his bid essentially on a whim, then got buyer's remorse and is trying to back out. The "oh my god it's full of bots" excuse is just him trying to save face, just as the "they won't give us the information" is a transparent legal dodge (which likely won't succeed).

I doubt Musk had any well-formed idea of "what [he] wanted to buy". He's forever chasing squirrels.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: The timing raises questions

Exactly. Mudge's position at Twitter was essentially "identify our security issues and push projects to fix them". In a bit over a year he did a bunch of the former part; only insiders can say how much of the latter. Then Agrawal came in and said "shit, this is going to cost us some bonuses!" or "man, this guy will not say what I tell him to say!", and fired him.

There's little reason for executives to blow the whistle on issues in their own portfolios, while they're still in a position to try to get them fixed.

I don't see anything wrong with what Mudge is doing here.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Musk has about 44 billion reasons

What about Musk's purchase agreement for Twitter do you think this applies to?

Binance exec says scammers made a 'deep fake hologram' of him to fool victims

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: So in no way a hologram

Video killed the fake-money star.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Alas, it is both plausible as claimed, and plausibly a bogus excuse. The spectrum of fraud in cryptocurrency, DeFi, and related industries is wide. (As those who read Molly White's blog know.)

Universal Unix tool AWK gets Unicode support

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

I find my complex awk scripts are quite maintainable, but then I use advanced features like functions, comments, and sensible application of whitespace, which seem to be beyond many developers regardless of scripting language.

I mostly use awk because I have much of it memorized, whereas I use Python so rarely that I have to keep looking things up, and if I'm writing a script it's often to massage diagnostic data to help me diagnose a problem, so I don't feel inclined to spend a lot of time buffing my skills.

Also I don't find Python particularly attractive as a language, to be honest. I mean, it's better than Perl – but that's faint praise. Scoping-by-indentation is OK for blocks that fit on the page, but problematic if they go longer, so to create maintainable Python I want to do a lot of prefactoring into small abstractions, and that takes time I probably don't want to spend if I'm not writing product code.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: GIT- Aptly named

Try setting up a Subversion server yourself,

I have. More than one, in fact.

and if you manage that you can marvel at how hard it is to do just a simple merge.

Merges in Subversion are generally trivially easy – certainly since the introduction of merge tracking, and they weren't that difficult before that. Reintegration merges require a grand total of two commands if there are no conflicts, and resolving conflicts with Subversion is certainly no more difficult, and generally more straightforward, than with git. Cross-branch cherry-picked merges are rarely any more effort. I do dozens of Subversion merges of various sorts a month.

git merges, conversely, can be quite baffling for people who don't understand git's data model and arcane command set. Just look at the unending battles over whether and when rebasing is a good idea.

git does very well at what it was created for, namely truly distributed change control (of text files; it doesn't do well with non-text formats). When used with a single centralized repository, which is how probably the vast majority of its users use it, it's simply extra complexity and obscurity for little or no benefit.

W3C's planned transition to HTTPS stymied by legacy laggards

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: W3C spec churn and priorities

Remember HTML is now a whatwg spec rather than W3C.

For sufficiently small values of "spec". WHAT-WG's motto is "fuck standardization, man". The HTTP 5 "specification" is basically a communal dream journal of New Shiny.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Signing?

Signing is irrelevant, because the UAs in this case – XML parsers – don't know to check for a signature; so if they received a malicious schema or DTD document without a signature, they'd proceed to parse it.

And there would be no point in making XML parsers require signed schemas. (DTDs aren't XML, and AFAIK there's no specification for signing DTD documents, so they're out of the question anyway.) Many organizations create schemas for all sorts of purposes, and requiring signatures would have been a prohibitively expensive step,1 so schemas simply wouldn't have been used. People who wanted validation would have stuck with DTDs or an alternative XML schema mechanism (e.g. Schematron, which was a real thing).

Now, you can certainly argue that we'd be better off if XML Schema had required signing, and therefore had withered on the vine. But the XML Schema Working Group wouldn't see it that way, so there was never any incentive for them to consider requiring signatures.

Also, XML Schema predates XML Signature – XSD 1.0 in 2001, XML Signature Recommendation in 2002.

1I've worked extensively on a production code-signing system, and read a great deal of the academic and industry research on code signing. This would effectively be an application of code signing. Code signing is a big problem for a lot of organizations, and even more so for developers. Requiring signatures for schemas would have hugely increased the cost of using schemas.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Whats's the point?

The only reliable certificates for this are the Extended Validation (EV) or better certificates, typically represented in browsers by a full green bar in the certificate area.

2010 would like its myth back.

EV certificates were a CA scam. In practice the EV requirements have been shown to offer little additional security. Chrome stopped signaling the EV/OV/DV difference to users years ago, on the grounds that most users had no idea what it meant.

And considering the huge list of trusted CAs that most browsers ship, referring to any sort of server certificate as "reliable" is, well, laughable.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Whats's the point?

LE and other zero-cost CAs have certainly been used for typosquatting and other confusion attacks, but if you can get an LE-issued certificate for w3.org I'd be impressed. And since we're talking about URLs embedded in existing and automatically-generated documents, for the vast majority of cases, typosquatting isn't a viable attack in this situation.

Certainly PKIX is a horrible mess (albeit a somewhat less horrible mess following the broad adoption of Certificate Transparency), and X.509 itself is a horrible mess. And certainly the mere presence of a certificate which a typical browser will accept proves very little, though it does usually mean adequate protection against passive eavesdroppers for that connection. (Frankly, this was true before LE and the HTTPS Everywhere movement, because browsers ship with such a huge list of trusted CAs, many of them dubious or potentially subject to coercion.)

That doesn't mean that enforcing HTTPS for w3.org would have no benefit, however. On the other hand, it does come with a cost. The same is certainly true of HTTPS Everywhere, which provides some protection against, for example, script-injection via DNS hijacking when on untrusted networks (the classic browsing-in-a-café attack); but as you say penalizes many small sites which have no information that requires privacy.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Whats's the point?

Certainly fetching a schema or DTD by plaintext HTTP opens the client up to denial-of-service; just fail the request or serve a document that rejects valid inputs. Whether it's worth compromising HTTP (e.g. by DNS cache poisoning) to do that in the general case is dubious, but for specific targets it might well be worth some attacker's while.

Schemas are themselves XML documents, so if someone is using a validating parser that has external-entity support enabled, hijacking a request for a schema could be used to mount an XXE attack. That's just one example of a more-dangerous attack.

Broadly speaking, for a lot of applications a validating parser can be leveraged into an HTTPS-to-HTTP downgrade attack over multiple connections (to distinct entity servers). That's not as easy to chain as a downgrade over a single connection (or over a multiple-connection link to a single entity server), but it's still a vulnerability.

That said, I don't offhand recall any discussions of this being seen in the wild, at least not specifically against resources hosted at w3.org. But that doesn't prove anything either; I may have missed it, or it may not have been published, or attackers might not have been exploiting it before but could in the future.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: "production systems that depend on externally hosted W3C resources"

Because that's how the examples and tutorials did it, and indeed what they recommended, for schemas and DTDs and the like. And now we have vast corpora of documents and myriad interoperating business systems which use those references.

This article really boils down into "Not all UAs are browsers", a lesson that most developers haven't learned, and in many cases apparently can't understand.

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: "production systems that depend on externally hosted W3C resources"

a mainframe mentality where all code was documented and accounted for

I work with a lot of mainframe-using sites, and this is a hilarious fantasy. I don't know how many times I've heard that they don't know which version of the source built the binaries they're running; or what parts of their vast archive of source code they actually use; or even that they're sure, after investigating, that they've lost the source code, and could we recommend a decompiler?

Some mainframe shops are tight ships. Many are not.

And a great many exchange data with third parties, and a lot of that is XML, and they're in this same boat – except they're probably using IBM parsers which I believe support redirects and HTTPS (though I haven't bothered to confirm that).

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

One problem is a vast corpus of extant XML documents with embedded schemaLocation attributes that specify http-scheme URLs, particularly when you don't control those documents – for example, because a partner sends them to you for automatic processing.

For that matter, you might have a schema document stored locally which itself references http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.xsd as its own schema. The W3C still provides http-scheme URLs as the official ones for various schemas and DTDs in many places.

Updating all of those to refer to local copies instead could be quite a lot of work. And for signed XML documents, it's a non-starter.

Now, you could use the proxy-interception technique that others have discussed to serve those documents from a local server, which would be faster and safer than fetching them from the W3C. That seems like the most plausible solution to me. But it's not trivial for many organizations which don't already have expertise in that area.

NSO Group CEO steps down, 100 employees let go too

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Hypocrisy overload

Tu quoque.

Big Tech is building the metaverse of its own dreams. You don't want to go there

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

CompuServe didn't rule the world before Eternal September

anyone online in the CompuServe years knows what it was like when the internet became an option

The big dial-up walled-services providers – CompuServe, AOL, Prodigy, and no doubt some others I'm forgetting – weren't the only game in town even well before Internet access started becoming available to the masses. There were a great many independent BBSes, and they were widely used, even by relatively non-technical users.

Wikipedia cites a 1994 (note that's just after Eternal September) Infoworld article: "there were 60,000 BBSes serving 17 million users in the United States alone in 1994, a collective market much larger than major online services such as CompuServe".

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: E=World

Atari ST? That wasn't even the first Atari micro that had color and sound; the 400 and 800 came before it.

The Apple ][ (1977) was probably the first mainstream ("home") microcomputer with color and sound support, since the other two big 1977 micros – the Commodore PET 2001 and Tandy TRS-80 Model 1 didn't have them. The PET could do sound through an optional peripheral but its display was black & white only. The TRS-80 similarly had a monochrome monitor, and could only do sound by plugging appropriate equipment into the output jack on the cassette player.

The Commodore VIC-20 and Tandy Color Computer weren't released until 1980.

Of course, you paid for the Apple ]['s color and sound, particularly if you wanted high resolution (such as as it was).

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: E=World

their implementation of ideas, hardware & software is the reason why USB is ubiquitous, laptops all look like MacBook Air-wannabes and all personal computers use GUIs, amongst other things

Reason enough to dislike Apple, in my opinion.

Miniaturising laptop components to make laptops easy to carry: 1991 onwards with the PowerBook 100 series

I'm not convinced by this one in particular. (Well, I'm dubious about ADB being particularly interesting, and IEEE 1394 is a whopping great security hole.) IBM had the PC Convertible five years earlier, and the LX40 a year earlier; and they were by no means leaders in the PC-compatible laptop game. "Miniaturizing laptop components" is very vague phrasing; it's not like manufacturers at the time were routinely making them larger.