* Posts by I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

1355 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Dec 2007

Munich signs off on Open Source project

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Some windows Fanbois can't just hack.

Actually if you have only ever tried to open Open Office or Office Librte with Microsoftware you are not likely to appreciate that Open Office and Office Libre and the rest of them (I presume) have no such difficulties.

It is possible that AC and Chemist are just ignorant and stupid. Both unhappy circumstances but not as bad as being clever and knowledgeable and unreasonable.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

I liked the link in the article above.


FTFY. HTH. Are you a windows user?

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

"I would have thought that any project to roll out a new desktop environment would have pilots."

Maybe in Germany. In Britain we do things differently.

We get Paris Hilton to help.

Or Boris Johnson.

Some johnson or other anywaiiiittt...

Oh F*, the horse just fell off the perch again. Can't that fish peddle faster?

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: And then

"Good luck finding a replacement auditor that doesn't rely on Excel.....You will be hunting for a long time!"

In Munich?


And you couldn't get the document to opne as or save as in Office Libre or OOo?

Or get the sender to convert it to ...?

You would definitely be using the wrong sender. Pity it is likely to be a home computer user but luckily the only people sending you macros from those sources are going to be script kiddies.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

And of course there is nobody tunneling away for a tidy reward inside the wheels within wheels.

Get real. London has always been the home of elitist badgers and corrupt politicians. For goodness sake, the London banks caused all that trouble with the US credit companies in the first place. If they had't been so easily corrupted there wouldn't have been a financial crisis.

In Britain you can't see the moles for the rats.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: €30 million @Chemist 09:18

"You could save by cutting down the german administrative fervour. Has any comparative study been done on what savings that would bring?"

It worked well in Britain for the Romans.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Warehouse worker here.

I have experienced Windows server hell using PDAs in Warehouses along the UK's trunk route of the M6. What makes warehouses buy into Windows they are impossibly awful. The problem comes with new users as the turnover rate at basic pay jobs is high and seasonal. And the machines are constantly running on drained batteries the reboots that takes is nobody's business.

That can't be helped I imagine no matter what operating system is in use but I can't help thinking that a monopolist's one size fits all doesn't work for even quite large warehouses. Not even with the hardware designed for them by other monopolists or cadres.

How UK air traffic control system was caught asleep on the job

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Redundancy

Or is that GCHQ raid-ing?

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Wrong way

If you were to ever find yourself in that situation you should turn RIGHT! As the other sod heading for you should also be doing. (Them's the laws of the sky and the agreement between all airmen)

Sounds singularly UStanii.

Don't you / they / whoever, know that people naturally break left?*

It was always thus until the US forces made us change the direction of engine rotation in WW2.

Bloody stupid pondjumpers.

*If you don' believe me just look at the muddy tracks outside university entrances where our young lords and masters are being trained to lead us. Immature (usually males) always take a short cut to the left over once green and pleasant landscapes. (Some extremely stupid bright young things will do it too. (IKYN!))

'Don't hate on me for my job!' Googlers caught up in SF rent protest ruckus

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: San Francisco is a city of rich white people...

And you know that Google employs whites only?


I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

I've also lived where rich people have moved in to my neighbourhood and what's resulted is a lot of people living in the houses, no actual neighbourhood any more.

You are describing what the English did to Wales.

Antidote for poisonous Aussie Red-Back Spider venom DOESN'T WORK

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Second most feared??

"I alway know when it is time to spider-bomb mum's back shed"

In Britain you can tell of impending Tropical Storms by the presence of spiders. How do they know and what the hell use could they possibly make of such knowledge?

Delia and the Doctor: How to cook up a tune for a Time Lord

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

I can whistle that. How do I make money doing so?

Google shows off scanned-in Gettysburg Address drafts

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Being right doesn't make the OP wrong

“The only idea . . . ever manifested as to what is a government of consent, is this—that it is one to which everybody must consent, or be shot.”

It's a fair comment on modern politics. Nobody cares who the hell is locked up in the land of the free so long as they are kept out of sight. Lincoln was Churchillian in his use of canon fodder and couldn't kill Americans fast enough. Churchillian to in his constantly switching generals in the search for better butchers who would do what he wanted.

And just like Churchill, he had his hand on the writing of history. It's no good winning at any price if people wake up to what you did, obviously.

"all the South wanted to do was continue with slavery"

It's hard to imagine a willing populace so hell bent on keeping slavery when the sons were dying like flies. Were slaves worth that much?

And did every family have slaves they valued so much more than their own flesh and blood?

You can't touch this: It's HAMR time for WD

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: 3Tb drives. Nice.

Sort of like asking how will we ever back up 20GB of data 15 years ago.


Only the paranoid ever backed up 20GB of data 15 years ago.

Miss Teen US 'sextortion' hacker pleads guilty

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: faces a possible prison sentence

"He is due to be sentenced in March, when he faces a likely sentence of around

two-and-a-half years imprisonment, but could potentially serve 11 years,

according to a plea bargaining deal."

I don't think a slap on the wrist will help anyone. I was thinking a 10 year

stretch in the slammer. A Dickensian panopticon with perforated steel for

windows and very old sponge-rubber for a mattress and a pillow. And put him in with

someone whose body functions are unsalubrious.

Departing Ballmer shakes up Microsoft's top engineering boffins

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Not quite "he hasn't got it right so far" ...

How many years has it been since Longhorn and ME?

Why this company is still in business smacks of fiddling with the deckchairs on the Titanic whilst the crowd were shushing him because the orchestra was playing. Well...

the word fiddling figures in the treatment.

Three Men in a Tardis

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: notable mathematicians of Rome/Byzantium

That's Aye, Ayeaye and Ayeayeaye, aye?

(Was Bangor a Raman fort, aye?) ((Walks off whistling the original tune to the series. Aye aye, really!))

Bletchley Park vows to upload secret World War II code-cracking archives

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: The secrets of Bletchley Park

Because Winston Churchill was stupid.

Seeing what a shit he was to anyone that stood up to him in order to prevent his idiocy as far as possible, I have to wonder how much of it was stupidity though.

I wouldn't put it past him ordering it to hide it from his enemy, His Majesty's Opposition.

Snowden: Hey fellow NSA worker, mind if I copy your PASSWORD?

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Well, here I am at the end of the replies. I could read a lot more, it's been a blast. I only wish I could go back to the Burgess and McClean era and enjoy all that but things were very different then.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Polygraphs are pseudo scientific nonsence ..

They gave him the keys to kingdom after they stuck a wire in his arse. He ate all the shit that they gave him and passed out the top of the class.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Is it just me...

"We now have an individual who purposefully set out to gain access he was not entitled to. That adds 'breaking and entering' to the previous 'theft'."

Only his name was George Bush and he was too damned stupid to get involved personally. And anyway it wasn't theft. They willingly told him everything he wanted to hear when he didn't really torture them.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: You couldn't make this up!

"You have to wonder what his colleagues had done to him to warrant that kind of treatment."

Beside give him the keys to the kingdom, you mean?

How much can you decide to give when you decide to give all you can, your life included?

I'm reminded of the John Cleese/Ronnie Barker sketch from the Frost Report or TWTWTW:

Barker in pyjamas: "Come on, admit it. You're a burglar arn't you."

Cleese in striped vest and lone ranger mask after a long pause while he examines the options: "A bit."

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: The boss of GCHQ

Bernard Law Mongomery was a commited socialist as was nearly everyone under him and the other 2/3rds of HM armed forces were the same. It didn't last of course but Russia was paranoid about its publicity and had a seriously determined attitude about catching spies.

Even that fat drunk Churchill played into Stalin's hands time and again. Not with little things like all our used air-craft but really big stuff like Eastern Europe. What he wasn't giving to Russia he was letting the USA roll over. The idiot was a far bigger menace than any of the moles Russia had here from Klaus Fuchs on.

I don't doubt for a moment it only got more and more sordid. The absolute antithisis of every James Bond film.

The Reg explores technology in a remote aboriginal community

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Simple speed boost...

"I'm just down the road from Willowra, a bit less than 2000kms. And I too am an NBN satelitte customer (lucky me!)"

Yeah, mate, nip down the tucker shoppe in yer jeep and see if it really is a shed with 10 computers that look like yer can get at a car boot for 40 quid over here, cobbler. 3 million what? Wallabys? Sheilas?

The Raspberry Pi: Is it REALLY the saviour of British computing?

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects


"Secondhand computers have negligible value and can be bought for pocket change from secondhand shops." Take the bits from the ones in your garden shed and fit your Pi to them.

"Broadband is considered an essential service these days, and even poor families have it. So it seems fair to suggest that most households have a computer, even if it’s just for" downloading stuff for the Pi

If there’s a lack of budding programmers in this country, it isn’t because they don’t have access to a computer.

“Everyone can afford a Pi”

But that’s not the only cost, is it? You also need a a machbox, a ummm donnection to an old tv with HDMI input, a power supply, some SD cards, an old USB hub, a not too badly junked keyboard, a mouse that still works~ish, a bit of old network cable, and a fair amount of bedroom flood space. And as a bonus for budding geeks and little children everywhere: it's far messier, too.

Who else is leaving the nest?

Because this authoir has passed the sell by date.

Now, you, the adult geek, probably have most of those extras rattling around in a drawer in your Man Cave. But the Tim Berners-Lee of Tomorrow - who, at this moment, is reading comics and watching Almost Naked Animals - does not. Neither does the overworked IT department of your local school. They can’t just buy a lorry-load of Pis and hand them out - they’d have to find all the other bits too. After that, there’s a whole world of connectivity and support pain.

Google rivals GAGGED from exposing ad giant's EU search peace offering

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

The problem isn't getting good search results it is in getting unshaped results. If they carry on shaping my searches the way they do I may as well just look up stuff on my history and bookmarks and leave attempting to access the web alone.

I liked this quote though:

"Information is sought, in particular, from complainants in the ongoing proceedings and from all those who responded to the initial market test of Google's proposals search for Information, in particular, from complainants which the Commission launched in April."

Cameron on EU data protection rules rewrite: 'Hold it so we get it right'

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: The legislation has the word "protection" in it.

Not following this story at all well but he is all set to hand over the nations newspapers to the yanks. As if that will stop Snowden pining away in the dark in the colds of hell either that or some Russian Hilton honey pot, with armed guards from Spezna checking in his caviar and champagne. (Can't think what Spanish delicacies he might be getting sent.)

Meanwhile the FBI and who the hell all else are about top go down on one of ours. How come our lads aren't bright enough to make it to Russia or Bolivia or wherever?

Ahoy, scalliwags! FBI claims another haul of Silk Road booty - $26m of it

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Tax by the Stupid for the Stupid on those who know better. NT

OK so there was some text. so sue me.

Germany: We're willing to use 'instruments of TORTURE' on Amazon

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

I gree with Italians on this one...

"It seems incredible that a universal symbol such as the cross should be transformed into a hideous instrument of torture for political ends."

WTF are you talking about?

It was invented for precisely that. It was so effective the Romans didn't get a patent on it. It was so effective for doing that that it was invented centuries earlier.

It was such an effective weapon it should be brought back for hanging the ends of politicians on.

Baldness fix from foreskin follicles

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Why..?

But why would you want to grow hair on the end of your penis?

To disguise it from the stupid insert word here.

Laptops Snowden took to Hong Kong and Russia 'just a decoy'

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects


"What does quick and dirty OS have to do with it?"

It was a dirty job done as an emergency stop-gap measure. What was so difficult about it for you to work out?

Turkish TV presenter canned for flashing too much cleavage

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: ...Not really, there were 5 for the ITV one, 130 for the BBC one....

Angela Ripon was banned from dancing on the Morcambe and Wise show. She eventually appeared but was canned at about that time. So we are not a better type of creature.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: How do you make men stare at a pound of fatty tissue?

Got crab lice?


Feeling a little horse?

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: From observations

And likely to find his place covered in a German flag?

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Stables are places that are full of shit.

As is Israel but what the hell has any of that got to do with the story?

What got me was the intro to the show wasn't her choice of clothing alone but the collusion of the people in charge of the programme to show her off as explicitly as possible. If Turkey was in the EU she could sue for unfair dismissal. I hope she gets a job in a civilised country, doing what she does well.

NSA tactics no better than a CYBERCRIME GANG, says infosec'er

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Friendly Fire

"The NSA's Tailored Access Operations (TAO) unit, which runs Foxacid, has detailed rules of engagement and a well-thought-out procedure that allows relatively unskilled operators to act with subtlety and sophistication, Schneier adds."

This line made me think of that Kurdish squadron with the embedded BBC reporter that was bombed just after pointing out the Iraqi military target and telling us to hold our breath as we watched his film, early in the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Come friendly bombs from NSA

And cause our peace to go away

Your web's not fit where spiders graze

Suffer severed servers to surf your ways

Microsoft and Google too and bent your base

GCHQ and all the world belong US -you!

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

What a turn around that is


That a man flees to Russia from the USA in order to preserve his freedom to speak?

And in order to permit the average US citizen to take back the freedom of speech his government has stolen?


Hasn't it always been illegal to be a communist, an original inhabitant or a negro in the USA?

Or would it be OK if they were dumb communists, original inhabitants or negroes in the USA?

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Finding terrorists

"Even when they know about them in advance like the Boston marathon they stink at stopping them before they act."

"It is a bit hypocritical to attack a government agency for doing something it should not be doing, and then whine that something bad happened that could have been prevented if only they had been doing the thing that they should not be doing."

How on earth did you work that out?

By missing the point when you are pointing?

Scottish leader splurged £20k appealing disclosure of EU membership legal bungle

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Seeing as you are so clever...

Can you tell me if Britain is eligible for membership when it no longer exists?

I'd say: "please" but I don't want to be pleasant to an idiot.

Blighty's National Crime Agency nabs first crook ...for £750k cyberscam

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects


You stole my comment. Now I can't even use the Paris Hilton "stupid" icon.


NHS tears out its Oracle Spine in favour of open source

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Cheaper huh?

You have to admit that a socialist government making Bill Gates a saint or lord or whatever was obviously a stab in the back for society. One has to wonder what a Tory government is doing meddling with the finest thing ever to come out of socialism.

Kicking at the scumbags at the BumBoyClub perhaps?

But they have all gone to golden parachute land.

Can't be meaning to tackle those shitty stations at the Job Centre's next can they?

Moscow cops cuff suspect in Blackhole crimeware bust

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Yes but they could take one of his testicles and still have enough left over to make him a willing co-operator. Heaven knows when the Snow falls they will be well armed enough I am sure. (Good luck to them, I'm on Linux not an NSA special. (I must confess to being somewhat Googlified though.))

Techies with Asperger's? Yes, we are a little different...

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: And please note the name. It's a *spectrum* of behaviours

"Here's a tip: pick the sincerest, most charming person you can find."

Funny. You just described Tony Blair but ruled out Margarat Thatcher.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: meanwhile back in the real world...

No his mistake was asking off the record.

You should "officially":

Ask the person who is responsible for paying you, then after a refusal, ask the same person for a reference. (It is difficult to be straight when you have a tendency to avoid eye-contact.) Better still, find another situation and force yourself to TELL them that you want a reference. You might first ask unofficially how you stood for getting a reference. But I wouldn't bother, if I knew I was that good.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

"The day when all the NTs are able to understand the non-NTs is a very long way off."

Not that far. Consider what Hitler was doing to people who didn't fit and compare it to Britain's need to break his codes and who they used to do it and what happened next in IT. Frank Whittle was castigated for having a mental breakdown after years spent trying to deal with British Management. If he were at his peak in this day and age we would have had a TSR2 and now be successfully trying out our own superduper sonic craft.

People with gifts DO get recognised, just not in companies like Amazon where managers are chosen for their ability to defend themselves against the fodder.

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Thank you!

"My own particular "thing" is that I suffer periodically from depression. Unfortunately I have yet to discover the secret of how this can be a positive."

You might be a natural Thaumaturge.

Geo-phenomena are all the result of sound waves. Dry weather in certain regions leads to convergence of seismic waves giving Mag 7s or greater. Flooding OTOH leads to volcanic upheaval. As you may know this is already the subject of acoustic research after the work of Bernard Chouet.

Some stuff about it on here: http://my.opera.com/Weatherlawyer/blog/

Carefully analysing your diet for such days will help. It won't stop joint pain or leg cramps but may help mitigate such things. I'm guessing you suffer leg cramps on days when you are depressed or most confused. (Or maybe it is just related to days when I do ;~) An IT diet of Pot Noodle and caffeine is the worst thing for you.


It's all identical to a tenet of the film "Conspiracy Theory".

White House promises glitch fix for Obamacare website

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

How is that not treason?

Arab states suffering the same confusion would follow the Nebuchadnezzar mandate of stringing the bastards up. The Persian Empire that followed him would have fed them to lions. What is missing in democracy that we can't have justince from bastards like that?

(I'm speaking as a world citizen now. I am not Uessan. We in Britain have our own scandalous behaviours; eg: How come the Daily Mail is still in business after all the appeasment they got Britain into before WW2?)

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

Re: Can we get serious for a second? Take a Number

When the Smithsonian changed all it's immeasurable data to run on something that made my Linux box cough and splutter, they dropped all the archives. And ended up with something that didn't fit the W3C rules. (full of errors no idea what it is like now or was until the shutdown I mean.)

I wrote them a not very nice note and got a not very nice one back. I said that they had Googlified their database and made it useless to me (I am reasearching volcanoes) Did I in my ignorance hit their nail on the head?

Off to check out the way back machine. (Pity I neverthought of that sooner.)

BlackBerry ripped itself apart wooing CIOs AND iPhone fanbois - insiders

I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

@ Don Jefe

Absolutely right.

As I was reading the article what came to my mind besides numbing disbleief is what on earth were they not thinking.

Why a company at the top can't create subsidiary companies to concentrate on the (as it turned out much needed) new ideas and new tech. If companies didn't want cameras and other bells and whistles, what could be easier than continuing a popular model whilst forging ahead with modern tech?

"Incredible" doesn't cover it. A company like that belongs in the toilet with SCO and all the other losers.