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Google: I don't know why you say Allo, I say goodbye

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Laughing at all the idiot comments here. These morons are just programmed to hate Google, and listen to what suits that, ignores things that don't.

Idiot comments about how SMS and Messages must die, when actually this is all about RCS, and the universal successor to SMS..

Idiot comments about Google about to release 2 new chats, when it's been out for over a year.

We live in a world full of retards that don't understand how the internet is financed... Of course the idiot press don't help. When sites like 9to5Google spew bullshit stories on the world, and then the lazy bloggers just copy and paste that story en-masse without fact checking whatsoever (The Register were guilty of this, as were many many other sites)

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