Reply to post: Re: "What's next? Windows 11 will be based on 7 UI?"

It's official. Microsoft pushes Google over the Edge, shifts browser to Chromium engine

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "What's next? Windows 11 will be based on 7 UI?"

We have, or ought to have, a very clear and precise worldwide standard for HTML, agreed by all, and equally precise and unambiguous rules for how it is rendered...


Thanks for that. ;)

Yes we do. Sort of. Too bad it's a fucking hacked together piece of garbage. Have you read it recently? It's a fucking mess that's never going to get fixed. Like pretty much everything the W3C produces it's a way-over-the-top botch job designed by people who have no clue how to architect systems or understand even the most basic of things about how to engineer such things. HTML 1 was a bad joke and each successive version has built on earlier mistakes.

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