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Adobe Flash zero-day exploit... leveraging ActiveX… embedded in Office Doc... BINGO!

Nick Ryan Silver badge

ActiveX? Again. A ridiculously stupid idea from the outset... as in cobbling together one layer of dangerous instability on top of another layer of dangerous stupidity on top of another layer of dangerous stupidity?

Combine with Flash? Seriously? The most insecure mess since, erm, anything else that came out of Adobe. Or Microsoft. or possibly Sun.

What's the commonality in this mess? Largely unnecessary proprietary extensions in place of standards. It's not that standards based systems are invulnerable (far from it) but their legacy is much less. And they can be fixed. ActiveX can never be fixed - ban and block it. Flash almost certainly can never be fixed either. As for the other insecure stuff that comes out of Adobe, as in a document format (PDF reader) that suddenly "needs" Flash, JavaScript (homebrew abortion version of course) and local system access to all kinds of unnecessary resources... just no. No. never.

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