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Microsoft's .NET Core 3 is almost here, which means time to move on from .NET Framework

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

I have always disliked Venomous Studio, since I started using it (occasionally) for developing one product that requires it1 a decade ago. I've never much liked IDEs anyway - they're never as capable as a good shell (on Windows I use Cygwin bash) plus a wide range of the tools I prefer.

But VS2017 is particularly execrable. Crashes all the time. Microsoft keeps publishing huge updates for it (which of course mostly end up requiring a reboot - why? it's a fucking IDE) which fix some things and break others. Debugging is woeful, with all sorts of random failures.

And why, why, why can I not tell VS to start a process and attach the debugger without trying to rebuild every goddamned thing? Usually I launch the appropriate process(es) manually and then attach the VS debugger, to save time and aggravation, but sometimes you have to debug startup. A million options and they miss out on the useful ones - that is, the "stop doing things automatically, you stupid piece of shit" ones.

1Because there aren't any other decent debuggers for CLR code, as far as I know. That, and adding projects to solution files, is essentially all I use VS for.

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