Reply to post: Warning: Malware, rogue users can spy on some apps' HTTPS crypto

Warning: Malware, rogue users can spy on some apps' HTTPS crypto – by whipping them with a CAT o' nine TLS


Warning: Malware, rogue users can spy on some apps' HTTPS crypto

Its been a long day watching the children in parliament and I haven't read the paper in question, but

'The boffins tested OpenSSL, Amazon s2n, MbedTLS, Apple CoreTLS, Mozilla NSS, WolfSSL, GnuTLS, BearSSL and BoringSSL. And they were able to downgrade all except for the last two, BearSSL and BoringSSL.'

From a web server / app api / portal etc perspective, refusing to downgrade would protect the end user trying to connect.

Apache2 example :


SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1

SSLHonorCipherOrder On

Should throw an error to the end user's browser / app / etc and mitigate any leakage.

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