Reply to post: .Net core - sounds's supported for how long?

Microsoft's .NET Core 3 is almost here, which means time to move on from .NET Framework

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

.Net core - sounds's supported for how long?

I suspect the framework will be here for many moons to come. With a support lifecycle the same as the OS (as opposed to cores 2 or maybe 3 years) people won't jump ship - because they can't. With many applications\services in enterprise supported by leveraged teams (Pizza sized teams - we can only dream. Pizza slice if you are lucky) an enforced recompile,test, deploy for apps (that often don't need any change after 5+ years) isn't going to fly. It feels that for a long time Microsoft has forgotten that a large chunk of its market doesn't want constant new - it wants stable and supported. If it could do .core and provide the same lifecycle as framework that I could make the argument to move towards core but until then I can't.

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