Reply to post: Nvidia and the .1%

Like the Architect in the Matrix... but not: Nvidia trains neural network to generate cityscapes

steve 124

Nvidia and the .1%

The day I spend $2500 is the day I plug 240v bare wires to my balls and flip the switch.

I have LOTS of spare money (no kids don't ya know) and I LOVE gaming, however, Nvidia seems to have forgotten (maybe because of BC mining) that they are making toys for nerds, not AI researchers.

I have spend that much on my PC, which was equal to a $1500 PC the next year (and a $700 PC 2 years later) but one component? Please.

This exercise in seeing how much money they can extract for "the fastest" blah blah has got to stop. For $2500 I could (and yes this is blasphemy) but a P4 AND Xbox1 and still have a ton of money to load them up with leading title games.

Just lower the 10 series to what used to be normal pricing and let the suckers burn their houses down with these RTX cards.

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