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Yet another mega-leak: 100 million Quora accounts compromised by system invaders

Jamie Jones Silver badge

I deleted my Quora account after 2 of my posts had been deleted by them.

I did have some quite detailed responses to technical queries and other stuff posted there, but I also strayed into non-techincal stuff.

I read on a religious thread a man who said he was a devout Christian who was shocked when his son came out as gay, but after trying to understand, and get to know his sons partner, he realised he'd been a close-minded bigot, and now he gets on great with both of them, and his sons parter is like a son to him.

I woman resonded "I'm like you.... My daughter came out as lesbian. I was truly sickened. It's deplorable, But she's my daughter, so I have to get along with her, even though she sickens me and is an evil sinner to the lord" [ words to that affect ]

My reply contained a line, something like "No. You are not like him. He was put into a situation where he opened his mind, realised his bigotry and grew from it. You are just an evil and horrible person"

That post was flagged and deleted for "insulting a quora member" - never mind the fact she'd just told everyone her daughter discusts her, and she finds her abhorrent.

The second post was from someone who wrote a long fox-news style report about how muslims have taken over London.

I gave a long detailed reply, including links to facts etc. but my post was deleted because somewhere along the line I called him a bigotted moron.

So I deleted my account - be polite and civil etc.. yeah, i get that, but they are so over-pc, they end up protecting the real tossers. You can say something really horrible, but if someone calls you out on it, and they flag it, strike against you.

It's why quora mainly consists of:

1) Standard questions requiring a specific answer -- the sort of thing google can solve.

2) Moronic trolling posts from fake ID's that don't care if they are banned.

3) "Debate" that is so toned down, it's useless. No-one dare say anything that upsets anyone else - to the point where it totally stiffles discussion.

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