Reply to post: Re: Get me a babysitter

Giraffe hacks printers worldwide to promote God-awful YouTuber. Did we read that one right?


Re: Get me a babysitter

Circle Jerk communities like this don't take kindly to alternative points of view.

This is true, they don't. However, in defence of this specific "circle jerk" community, it's made up of generally successful people within the IT community, and given that all credible reports of the mean IQ of software industry types, its safe to assume the jerks in this circle are a shade smarter than average.

Given that you tube mostly plays to the cheap seats and ALL of its most popular videos and channels are aimed squarely at the back half of the bell curve, you might find it instructional to consider that these aforementioned jerks, are likely smarter than Felix.... just not as well known or rich. And certainly smarter, and richer than the great majority of his followers.

So, the real question is why someone would set up a brand new account here to rail against one specific article, fairly maligning one specific you tuber known for idiocy and decidedly low brow "entertainment"? I've avoided the word juvenille thus far, but I'm struggling to be honest.

I do give you credit, for attracting the most downvotes in the history of this particular "circle jerk", that I can recall seeing. Believe me, it's quite an achievment.

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