Reply to post: Re: Please let me know where you work...

Q: If Pesky Pepper had a peek at patient papers, at how many patient papers did Pesky Pepper peek? A: 231

Version 1.0 Silver badge

Re: Please let me know where you work...

You must have got the wrong records, it's 8 inches, flaccid.

I do occasionally handle confidential data and I keep it confidential, but I'm not going to take the "holier than thou" attitude and assume that everyone else does - your list shows your biases (some of which are not pretty) and an attitude that would concern me if I were in charge of you handling this type of data - you sound like the sort of person who would peek into records.

I'm not saying that it's right to leak information, but I think that we are all living in a fools world if we think that it doesn't happen - sometimes illegally but most of the legally.

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