Reply to post: Re: Is anyone using UPnP anyway?

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Re: Is anyone using UPnP anyway?

"The problem isn't the users, per se, in this case, the problem is the manufacturers putting out a device in a dangerous condition"

I absolutely agree that manufacturers of consumer networking gear are often irresponsible when it comes to default security. But users are on the hook as well. There is a strain of thought that says that consumer tech should be operable by people who don't know what they're doing. I think this is wrong -- networking is a complex topic, and its important that people who are installing, configuring, and maintaining it have some amount of knowledge about what they're doing.

To go with your car analogy, there aren't very many places in the world where you can legally drive a car without demonstrating a minimum level of competency. Cars are very complicated machines, and people operating them need to have knowledge of how they work in order to do so safely. They don't have to be experts in the sense that they can build or repair them, but they have to know enough to tell when something needs attention and how to safely recover from malfunctions.

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