Reply to post: Please let me know where you work...

Q: If Pesky Pepper had a peek at patient papers, at how many patient papers did Pesky Pepper peek? A: 231

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Please let me know where you work...

... I want to make sure you are nowhere near me or any of my family.

"essentially it sounds like she had a boring job and probably very low paid ... I wonder how many of us here would not have done the same thing in that situation?"

Most of us would not have done the same thing. I've seen my not-particularly inspiring salary eroded time and time again as the minimum wage goes up way quicker than mine and my colleagues (public sector pay freezes etc) but we wouldn't dream of doing this even if we had the time to spare.

This isn't like taking a peek inside your bag at work, it's confidential information for a reason - what would you do if you found out one of your co-workers only had a short time to live, or had a really embarrassing condition or something else they really, REALLY didn't want you to know about?

How would you feel if it was you who had the secret and someone found it out?

It's an easy step from finding something "interesting" in someone's file to just having to share it with one other person, and then you or they share it with someone else because it's just too damn interesting to keep to yourself, and before you know it the tiny little mushroom cloud is out and it's too damn late to put it back in that nice shiny uranium sphere.

I hope you never have to go through the agony of seeing someone you know have their life destroyed because someone else didn't understand the concept of "keep your f***ing nose out"...

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