Reply to post: Re: I am confused

US told to quit sharing data with human rights-violating surveillance regime. Which one, you ask? That'd be the UK

WolfFan Silver badge

Re: I am confused

British soldiers have never found themselves accused of torture

Oh, yes they have. See further 'Crawnpore Well' and results thereof, to start. Look up what the 'dirty pig' means, or what 'blowing off the muzzle of a gun' means. That was mostly Scots troops, mostly Highlanders at that. (Colin Campbell was the very last British field commander to personally lead an assault wave, sword in hand, in the second relief of Lucknow. With, of course, a boy piper playing "Cock o' the North".) 80 or so years later, see what happened after troops of the 14th Army, particularly Sikhs and the Nigerians and Kenyans in the African divisions, but including several Scots and English regiments, found out what the Japanese had been up to in Burma. (Lots of Japanese really, really, REALLY regretted, briefly, having used Sikh PoWs for bayonet practice. And others found that murdering Nigerian and Kenyan PoWs has serious, if brief, consequences.) If you can count Canadians, see what a certain Canadian unit from Normandy to the end of the war (hint: if you were SS, it was better to surrender to the Russkies than to the Canadians, all the Russkies would do would be to kill you, the Canadians were pissed and stayed pissed for a long time). Certain British units adopted the Canadian attitude after liberating Bergen-Belsen. Sensibly, no-one in higher authority lifted a finger to stop any of this; they'd probably have been shot. (Some American troops, on liberating another concentration camp, took one look and grabbed all the SS they could find and stuck them against the nearest wall and machine-gunned the lot. An officer tried to stop them; he was hit over the head with a rifle butt and would have been shot himself except that some of his troops defended him.)

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