Reply to post: Re: I am confused

US told to quit sharing data with human rights-violating surveillance regime. Which one, you ask? That'd be the UK

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I am confused

@Pascal Monett; Saying "the US criticizes" gives the impression that it was their government that said it, when in fact it was a grouping of independent US nonprofit organisations.

Bear in mind that these are the types the current authoritarian White House administration would most likely be opposed to.

If you *still* want to criticise them simply because they're "USAians" and their government is supposedly worse than "ours", I'd argue that providing the "divide" in "divide and conquer" benefits would-be authoritarians on *both* sides of the Atlantic by distracting from what they're doing and contributes to the normalisation of such attitudes worldwide, which ultimately drags down the baseline for everyone.

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