Reply to post: Re: Preventable

RIP Bill Godbout: Cali wildfire claims the life of master maverick of microcomputers

Anonymous Coward

Re: Preventable

In the past, the fires had a helping hand from various Californian Indian tribes living in those areas that would start fires to clear out the underbrush to make hunting easier. Stop doing that, which is what the forest service did not bothering to talk to anthropologists about what was done in the past that permanently altered the ecosystem. well... you get this situation.

I was never part of the Homebrew Computer Club scene. I merely observed from the sidelines as I was in my early years in the US Navy. Every month I'd grab every scrap I could in magazine articles and read about them, lusting in my heart to own my own. I really, really wanted to make the jump from IBM mainframes, which I'd had several years experience, to microcomputers. I could already see the future path. I wish I'd known him. What a terrible way to go.

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