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RIP Bill Godbout: Cali wildfire claims the life of master maverick of microcomputers

Harmless Drudge


I was in grad school in the US in the early 80s and got sucked in to the world of microcomputers in the heyday of CP/M. This is indeed a nostalgic read. I hadn't heard Bill Godbout's name in years. At the end of my student days I camped for a few weeks in the attic of a friend, a pipe-smoking professor with an electronic engineering background. I can still remember his enthusiasm for his S100 bus home-brew stuff in that attic and mentions of "Bill" as he pointed his pipe at things that warmed the cockles of his heart (8 inch floppy drives among others). (Works of both Bill Morrow and Bill Godbout represented in that attic).

The chromebook on which I'm writing this was hardly unimaginable then but I never wondered how long it would take; I was happy to, among other things, submit the first word processed dissertation in my dept., and, of course have fun. I just asked my Amazon Alexa who Bill Godbout was. She had no idea but had told me earlier in response to a morning greeting that it was Mickey Mouse's birthday. /eyerollemojigoeshere

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