Reply to post: Why buy this stuff in the first place?

Creepy or super creepy? That is the question Mozilla's throwing at IoT Christmas pressies

Slow Joe Crow

Why buy this stuff in the first place?

Starting with the connected water bottle, why on earth do people spend money on stuff just because it's "connected"? I don't need machinery to tell me when to drink, I don't need to monitor my pet's dish (and open a point of attack into my network) and the only thing I use Alexa for is the "Alexa play Despacito" meme, which doesn't require an actual Alexa. This is good because I don't want voice controlled crap eavesdropping on me.

As an aside my finest meme was when I walked into the kitchen wearing tracksuit pants and Adidas sandals, Slav squatted next to my teenaged daughter and said "Alexa Amazonova, to be hardbass playing".

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