Reply to post: Re: China and IP

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: China and IP

>The result is obvious.

The detail is interesting, in 1980 Shenzhen had a population of 30,000 farmers - now it has 20 million skilled and semi-skilled workers, Macau now has the fourth highest per-capita GDP, China is the USA's biggest creditor etc.

>I forget which Communist observed that capitalism would hand the communist world the tools to defeat it

That's not really the aim, they may not talk about it but they know Mao's vision starved 50 or 60 million. China is just slowly moving to social capitalism from the other direction. The upside of totalitarianism is the ability to enact and deliver plans (as with Shenzhen and other SEZ) which take a generation to bear fruit.

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