Reply to post: Re: Say what you like about Teslas

Oi, Elon: You Musk sort out your Autopilot! Tesla loyalists tell of code crashes, near-misses

Lee D Silver badge

Re: Say what you like about Teslas

Though I utterly agree, I do wonder why you continue to put your life at risk.

I used to be a cyclist. I stopped. There's no way I can justify being a tiny little unprotected, invisible thing sharing a road with 18-ton lorries, whether they look or not. People in cars get wiped out by such things every day, but at least they have a ton of steel around them designed to do nothing other than save their lives. On a bike, you don't even have that. Even putting a huge motor between my legs wouldn't improve that situation noticeably at all.

I'm not against cycling in any way - I actually think cyclists should be allowed to cycle on pavements if it's safe to do so. Motorbikes I think are fecking suicidal. Not only can you get hit, but you can go fast enough that it's instantaneous death, do not pass Go, do not collect £200.

But I cannot, for my own sake, justify being on a road in the modern era on anything approaching a two-wheeled vehicle. We laughed the Sinclair C5 off the road for safety reasons, why haven't we done the same for bikes?

Some 75% of road deaths are people on bikes. Literally, your life expectancy is lowered substantially being a regular user of one.

No matter what "should" be the case, why would any sensible person continue to partake in such a venture? I "should" be able to walk through the streets of London at 3am, counting ten thousand pounds out into my hand. I don't because that's just such an incredibly stupid thing to do, even if I simultaneously campaign for change in that regard.

Honestly... how do you justify, after several near misses / actual hits, continuing to use a bike? "Out of principle?"

I know I gave it up and wouldn't go back, and it's entirely unrelated to how well *I* can ride one / drive when I'm around one.

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