Reply to post: Re: Face-ID

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Gordon 10

Re: Face-ID

Addressing Andrews point. I very much doubt that Apples engineers and management view Face ID as a competitive advantage no matter what their Marketing says.

Face ID was blindingly obviously a decision made to launch the iPhoneX with workable tech at a given point in time. And guess what they were right. Workable in-display finger print readers are only now appearing on the challenger phones and they still lag in responsiveness to discrete fingerprint readers.

There is no way Apple could bin a flagship feature after one year so they were forced to double down for the XR/S/SMax

Presumably there will be a iPhone7/8 replacement next year at the £550 mark - whether it has face id will depend on 2 factors .

1. Whether the cost of the FaceID sensors can be scaled down to that price point.

2. Whether Marketing decide that fingerprints are for the plebs and face id for the 10% who can afford an X model.

Knowing Apple Im erring about 60/40 on the side of an 8 replacement with FaceID and fingerprints being consigned to the Reality distortion field of history (no fingerprints around here - nosirree). Although with most Mac laptops now coming with fingerprint scanners I could be wrong.

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