Reply to post: Re: How about we acknowledge that big phones aren't as usable

One UI to end gropes: Samsung facelift crowns your thumb the king

Barry Rueger

Re: How about we acknowledge that big phones aren't as usable

The problem is as people get older, they'll find bigger screens easier - if not essential - to use.

It's less about screen size and more about the size of the type and the contrast. And of course some kind of half-ways intelligent layout that doesn't bury content under pointless pop-ups and subscription nags.

Too much tech is so in love with the newest, coolest thing that they lose sight of basic functionality. Less is more. With respect to every phone maker deciding that they need to customize Android, there's also a lot to be said for maintaining a consistent interface across devices. I dread hardware upgrades because I know that functions that I need will disappear or be hidden, and I'll have to waste time learning a whole new workflow.

I challenge phone makers to offer a choice on first boot: the manufacturer's customized interface or straight Android.

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