Reply to post: Have IT your way if you wish, but that changes nothing in the surrounding circles imprisoning you.

Mything the point: The AI renaissance is simply expensive hardware and PR thrown at an old idea

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Have IT your way if you wish, but that changes nothing in the surrounding circles imprisoning you.

He had chosen to do this because he realised that the capabilities of all digital computer software is constrained by the binary on/off nature of the switches that make up the processing brain of every digital computer.

Hmmm? That realisation is rendered fake and invalid with the appearance and deployment of quantum bits in information for Advanced Intelligence?

And to not realise that practically everything is now easily changed remotely by and/or to a completely different state of mind, is a catastrophic systemic vulnerable which AIMachinery exploits freely and stealthily without malicious interference.

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