Reply to post: Re: Language/Accent?

Now Europe wants a four-million-quid AI-powered lie detector at border checkpoints

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: Language/Accent?

You bet me to it, Phil. Let's also not forget that it took 90 minutes for the baggage to get unloaded so you can drag it through customs and there are no trollies on your side of the barrier. You are still trying to get blood to circulate through your lower body after being crammed in a seat too small to contain anybody larger than a 6 year old malnourished child from Bangladesh. You need both a toilet (functional) and your blood sugar has falling through the floor. Sod the AI, the examiner has the most impenetrable regional accent you have ever come across. The news is showing that another boat load of "refugees" have been welcomed ashore by the navy and they've been given a warm blanket and a hot meal as you are standing in an over-airconditioned room dying of hunger.

I can easily visualize politicians believing that AI is the answer without every having defined what the problem is they are trying to solve. First define the problem and then train examiners properly. An AI isn't going to take into account that the flight the people came from just flew through major turbulence for the past 2 hours and drinks/meals couldn't be served and trips to the lav were limited and acrobatic, to say the least. It may not be able to adjust to people that are coming from many different parts of the world in random order.

What happens when accusations are made that the AI is using "racial profiling"?

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