Reply to post: Re: Hypocrite

'Privacy is a human right': Big cheese Sat-Nad lays out Microsoft's stall at Future Decoded

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Hypocrite

You do have to wonder. Does this bloke have not a jot of insight? Did it not occur to him, or his army of arse licking minions, PR dweebs and speech writers that promoting Slurp's defence of privacy might not back fire?

Maybe the joke's on us. Maybe Merkins do in fact understand irony, and here it was being deployed at a very impressive 0.9 Croft&Perry*

* the Croft&Perry is the SI unit of irony. A bit like the Coulomb, the base SI measure is normally far too large for practical use, so all credit to Nadella for hitting a 0.9 C&P

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