Reply to post: Re: Odd choice of industry ...

IBM struggles to sign up shipping carriers to blockchain supply chain platform – reports

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Odd choice of industry ...

Actually, a perfect industry. You have people on opposite sides of the globe shipping 40' metal boxes full of some very expensive stuff. You need an airtight chain-of-possession system to make sure the right people are sending and receiving. Done today by a thing called a bill-of-lading. But yeah, having worked in the IT arm of a (now defunct and bought out by CMA/CGM after being bought out by NOL) shipping company for close to two decades; really conservative old-line management doth abound.

It is also a shaky industry: huge capital costs, lots of competition, one 500# gorilla (Maersk), and if the global economy catches a cold, the liner business gets pneumonia. I bet they're all looking over their shoulders waiting for Trump's tariffs to tank trade; at which point they're sitting on a bunch of expensive ships without enough goods to fill them... queue the rate-cutting and BOOM... another 5 acquisitions and/or bankruptcies. Good luck to them what's still trying to make a living in that space.

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