Reply to post: Re: I would refuse to buy ANYTHING with built in Alexa

Buried in the hype, one little detail: Amazon's Alexa-on-a-chip could steal smart home market

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: I would refuse to buy ANYTHING with built in Alexa

> Extra zero on the cook time.

Some microwave ovens provide superb examples of very bad UI design. Some have you press five buttons just to reheat a cup of tea for twenty seconds (and the sequence isn't in an intuitive order, either), when others have a two-knob design (power, time) that works well. Tech publisher Felix Dennis said that one of the joys of being a millionaire (besides the island homes, cocaine and attractive staff) is that every home he owned had the exact same model of microwave oven - so he wouldn't have to learn how to use a new one.

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