Reply to post: Re: In the current environment, women are too much of a business risk..

'Men only' job ad posts land Facebook in boiling hot water with ACLU

jmch Silver badge

Re: In the current environment, women are too much of a business risk..


a number of your claims were already challenged/debunked above, but I do want to focus on this one...

"* Are the overwhelming majority of sexual harassment complainants"

I think it's far worse for a business to hire someone who sexually harasses other employees than hiring someone who might complain they're being sexually harassed. Yes, women are the overwhelming majority of sexual harassment complainants because of a small but significant minority of men behave like pigs.

Unfortunately many companies still find it OK to tolerate their male employees behaving like teenage frat brats with fantasies of living in a porn movie just as long as their star trader, coder or whatever is kept happy.

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