Reply to post: Re: when you start digging into it.

HTTPS crypto-shame: TV Licensing website pulled offline

An ominous cow heard

Re: when you start digging into it.

"Because TV Licensing _limited_ - the privately owned company which is responsible for actually collecting TV licence fees - is a wholly owned subsidiary of the BBC which then contracts operations out to Crapita and IBM.

That's not quite how it works, according to published information. Maybe your description is equivalent, maybe no one has challenged it for the last few years, but here's an extract from an official description:

" 'TV Licensing' is a trade mark of the BBC and is used under licence by companies contracted by the BBC to administer the collection of the television licence fee and enforcement of the television licensing system.

The BBC is a public authority in respect of its television licensing functions and retains overall responsibility.

Responsibilities of TV Licensing contracted companies

Capita Business Services Ltd Administration and enforcement of the TV Licence fee.

PayPoint Plc Over-the-counter payment services in the UK mainland and in Northern Ireland.


If there was an actual "TV Licensing Limited" I would expect to see evidence somewhere (ultimately, official records at Companies House. Have you got any?

The big-picture concept of contracting this stuff (collection AND enforcement) out to organisations like Crapita and friends still stinks. As it often does elsewhere. But sometimes details matter, as well as the big picture.

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