Reply to post: Re: redirecting HTTP to HTTPS

HTTPS crypto-shame: TV Licensing website pulled offline


Re: redirecting HTTP to HTTPS

Well, from my observation many of the university types do certainly think that once they completed their degree, that the learning is done and finished, and they can then start looking down their noses at us other self-educated types

My Computer Science and Engineering Degree taught zero practical skills ... instead I learned the scientific and theoretical knowledge that would prepare me for a lifetime of self-learning.

Also here is at least one "University Type" that respects anyone who has the skills necessary for the job no matter how they acquired them.

Regrettably I also worked with far too few people with skills and no degree and far too many with degrees with no skills, not to mention the 3rd year transfer students with 3.5+ GPA who literally could not complete a single lab assignment without cheating.

So instead of a downvote ... you get a beer.

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