Reply to post: Re: Forget the geeky stuff, sort out the user experience.

It may be poor man's Photoshop, but GIMP casts a Long Shadow with latest update

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: Forget the geeky stuff, sort out the user experience.

I second the comment about the name. For novice users it is bloody helpful if an application's name gives a clue to its function. For experienced users it is no problem, but for a novice who is already struggling to remember another dozen newly-learnt concepts, an abstract application name is just not helpful.

Compare to Photoshop, Paint, Paintshop, Corel Draw etc.

A lot of OSS shares this oversight. The name of a piece of software should help a user, not just be an opportunity for the developers to express a joke. If this attitude adopted, it can only help the *User* Interface development as well.

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