Reply to post: Re: "Industry site SexTechLaw"?

Now you can tell someone to literally go f--k themselves over the internet: Remote-control mock-cock patent dies


Re: "Industry site SexTechLaw"?

Not so niche when you look at the stats....

Worldwide turnover for sex toys is approxed at $20 billion for 2015, expected to rise to some $30 billion in 2020. And that's just the wiggly-buzzy stuff. Not even the rest of the mass-produced apparel used in the many, many fetishes that are so far documented. Note that the US is a major consumer of the stuff.

So yeah, if you can lock down a slice of the pie using the notoriously ...insane... US patent system, you're in the money. Not a chance of it in Europe, or most other places, but in the US.... ohboy...

So not so niche after all....

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