Reply to post: Re: Poor Mike

Atari accuses El Reg of professional trolling and making stuff up. Welp, here's the interview tape for you to decide...

Hans 1

Re: Poor Mike

Is there a difference?

Yes, marketing guyz dream up press releases and do PR, they basically come up with nice stories for sales guyz to tell. They are safe in the office, hardly ever see questions that need immediate responses, they need time to think of a way to squeeze as many buzzwords into a sentence as possible.

Sales guyz are usually the snake oil purveyors, with whom you can expect a minimum of product knowledge, they know what to say and know how to make something up when they are caught off guard.

Noting that with that piece of plastic, I could get it up and running a customized retropie in less than 40 minutes ... most time spent fitting extension cables for network, usb, hdmi, and power as well as fitting the pie firmly in the casing so it looks "professional".

Do also note that VCSAtari are on twatter but have not worked out how to tweet, yet ;-).

Icon: For poor Mike, with love and compassion!

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