Reply to post: Who can find the glm::rotate() function?

What's all the C Plus Fuss? Bjarne Stroustrup warns of dangerous future plans for his C++

Anonymous Coward

Who can find the glm::rotate() function?

> For example, I present to everyone the GLM challenge. Who can find where the glm::mat4 glm::rotate() function is actually implemented in 1 minute?:

Interesting .. I've also wondered why, for such a high level language, you need to help C++ keep track of its variables using the Namespace feature. For another example, it's perfectly obvious that :: is the scope resolution operator and does different things depending on the context. It would be like creating a human language that the key words could be overloaded with ever changing meaning <sarcasm>

Human brains don't work like this, C++ a high level computer language written for computers :]

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