Reply to post: the downvotes

Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04: Make yourself at GNOME. Cup of data-slurping dispute, anyone?

Anonymous Coward

the downvotes

I don't mind downvotes, but I'm honestly curious here -- why is this comment getting them? Can someone give me the counterargument?

Beats me. I'm not voting any of these comments; the reeeeeeeee is winning by a landslide.

"this exercise does comprehensively fingerprint the host machine"... 3-18

"The data collected is not PII"... 20-1

I'll submit another unpopular truth: It phones home even if you opt out. Can I get 50 downvotes for this?

While this is small potatoes compared to the very personal data collected by Facebook et al, what I'm looking for is ZERO TOLERANCE for tracking, profiling, and thoughtless analytics-driven decision making. Just a hunch: it actually WORSENS developers' decisions. There is no silver lining.

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